Another way to detect lymphedema
Early detection of lymphedema, which occurs in 20% of patients following breast cancer treatment, may improve therapeutic options for patients. Read MoreOct 22, 2019
Completing DNA synthesis
James Dewar and colleagues have identified a role for the enzyme topoisomerase II in reducing replication errors during the final stage of DNA synthesis. Read MoreOct 21, 2019
Microscopic spines connect worm neurons
Worm neurons have microscopic “spines” — where nerve-to-nerve communication happens — that share features with mammalian neurons, supporting the use of worms to study spine genetics and biology. Read MoreOct 17, 2019
Less inflammation = better healing
Immune cells that produce an anti-inflammatory factor are enriched in fat tissue around the heart and may be good targets to improve heart attack outcomes. Read MoreOct 17, 2019
Study finds men have higher mortality rate after breast cancer diagnosis
A new study shows men with breast cancer are more likely to die than their female counterparts, across all stages of disease. Read MoreOct 17, 2019
Smart City project gives Nashville data-based planning tools
Vanderbilt researchers have discovered a vortex—and this one has nothing to do with icy, polar weather. Working with the Nashville Fire Department and Davidson County Information Technology Services, a team of Vanderbilt computer scientists and engineers analyzed more than three years of NFD incident data. The team looked at location, time and type of incidents... Read MoreOct 17, 2019
$2.3 million NIH grant allows collaborators focus on advancing liver cancer surgical care
A multi-year collective effort between engineers, surgeons and scientists has resulted in a $2.3 million, four-year grant awarded by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering of the National Institutes of Health to improve laparoscopic liver surgery and liver cancer ablation therapy. Read MoreOct 10, 2019
Nobel laureate Südhof reviews his landmark signaling research
The human brain consists of perhaps as many as 1,000 trillion synapses, which transmit signals from one nerve cell to another with amazing speed, precision and plasticity. Read MoreOct 10, 2019
Transportation engineers put sophisticated eyes on campus mobility and air quality
The first of what could be two dozen sophisticated sensor arrays—called the MoveVU Digital Gateway—has started collecting air quality and mobility data on Vanderbilt's campus as part of a large-scale, $9 million project backed by federal, state and university funding. Read MoreOct 9, 2019
A new regulator of B cell development
New findings establish a role for the pro-inflammatory molecule IL-33 in the early development of antibody-producing B cells. Read MoreOct 8, 2019
AI maps routes to heart disease
Machine learning on unlabeled electronic health record data has shed light on the emergence of cardiovascular disease. Read MoreOct 7, 2019
Study: personalized decision support affects intensive care
For patients in pediatric intensive care who are at high risk for acute kidney injury (AKI), giving clinicians automated decision support during the electronic order entry process increased the rate of blood testing for AKI by 9%. Read MoreOct 3, 2019
A step toward gastric cancer
New research findings provide insight into the detrimental events that develop in response to H. pylori infection. Read MoreOct 3, 2019
Team discovers one more piece to the autism puzzle
Vanderbilt investigators have linked genetic mutations in a single receptor to epilepsy, autism and intellectual disability. Read MoreOct 3, 2019
A catalog of DNA replication proteins
Vanderbilt scientists have identified 593 proteins that are enriched at sites of DNA duplication and chromatin packaging of newly synthesized DNA. Read MoreOct 3, 2019
Research team sorts out drug screen false positive results
Vanderbilt investigators have identified 13 previously unknown drug compounds that cause false positive screenings for amphetamines, buprenorphine (an opioid), cannabinoids and methadone. Read MoreOct 2, 2019
Pua lands NIH Director’s New Innovator Award
Heather Pua, MD, PhD, one of 60 investigators to receive the 2019 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, will explore a novel type of cell signaling by RNAs in allergic airway inflammation. Read MoreOct 1, 2019
Study shines light on architecture of kidney disease
A study of 280,000 U.S. veterans, including 56,000 African Americans, has identified in greater detail than ever before the genetic architecture of kidney function and chronic kidney disease (CKD), according to researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and their colleagues. Read MoreSep 25, 2019
Wilson awarded Komen breast cancer research grant
An engineering professor has received financial support from Susan G. Komen for breast cancer research. His project is among 60 grants totaling $26 million awarded to researchers nationwide. Those initiatives are focused on improving outcomes for metastatic breast cancer, reducing disparities in survivorship and developing new, more effective treatments. John T. Wilson, assistant professor of... Read MoreSep 25, 2019
Diabetes drug study explores cardiovascular risks for patients with kidney disease
An observational study using medical record information from nearly 50,000 U.S. military veterans sheds new light on which drugs are best for patients with Type 2 diabetes and one of its common complications, kidney disease. Read MoreSep 25, 2019