New committee advances research through limited submission opportunities
Twenty faculty members have been appointed to the new Limited Submission Opportunities Plus review committee to help bring innovative research to the attention of external sponsors. Read MoreAug 16, 2018
NSF I-Corps program gives boost to commercializing prosthetic ankle
The seven-week program can be arduous, but teams save much time later by avoiding missteps thanks to their extensive research and the mentoring they receive. Read MoreJul 6, 2018
White House honors Vanderbilt faculty for STEM mentorship
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy honored two Vanderbilt researchers for STEM mentorship. Read MoreJul 5, 2018
Oak Ridge and Vanderbilt come together to explore cellular processes
Vanderbilt University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory are combining their expertise in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computation to address pressing problems in biology. Read MoreJul 5, 2018
Working group releases recommendations to advance research and scholarship through technology
The Research IT Special Working Group released its report this week, listing scalable data storage and processing, custom computing solutions, and expanded training and access as key priorities. Read MoreJul 5, 2018
Oak Ridge and Vanderbilt come together to explore cellular processes
Vanderbilt and Oak Ridge National Laboratory are combining their expertise in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computation to tackle some of the most pressing problems in biology. Read MoreJul 3, 2018
‘Smart’ prosthetic ankle takes fear out of rough terrain, stairs
The device is from the lab of Professor Michael Goldfarb, perhaps best known for working on a bionic leg with shark attack victim Craig Hutto and later developing the Indego exoskeleton. Read MoreJun 25, 2018
Vanderbilt Center for Science Outreach Research Symposium July 11
High school students who completed their research projects through programs of the Center for Science Outreach will present their research at a symposium and poster session July 11. Read MoreJun 22, 2018
Peter Cummings to teach molecular simulations to grad students in Beijing
In a one-week intensive course in June, engineering’s associate dean for research will teach molecular simulations to 44 graduate students in Beijing. Read MoreJun 20, 2018
19 faculty awarded Research Scholar Grants
The provost's office has awarded 19 Research Scholar Grants to fund faculty projects focused on innovative scholarship and creative expression in the humanities. Read MoreJun 13, 2018
14 faculty proposals garner funding through Discovery Grants
The provost's office has awarded 14 faculty proposals have been with Discovery Grants, one of Vanderbilt’s main investments promote discovery and raise the university's scholarly profile. Read MoreJun 13, 2018
Seven interdisciplinary programs land TIPs awards for 2018
Vanderbilt University’s transformational Trans-Institutional Programs initiative heads into a fourth year with grants awarded to seven interdisciplinary projects that involve more than 60 faculty members. Read MoreMay 24, 2018
Ancora inaugural request for proposals announced
The Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Deerfield Management announce the inaugural request for proposals for Ancora Innovation, LLC, with a due date of June 4. An RFP information session is scheduled from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Friday, April 27, at Sarratt Student Center, Room 325. Read MoreApr 20, 2018
Export control office provides faculty, staff with expertise
Export controls can be complex, but the Vanderbilt Export Compliance office is ready to help. Read MoreMar 20, 2018
Celebration honors 11 new endowed chair holders
Eleven Vanderbilt University faculty members named to endowed chairs were recognized for their outstanding scholarship and research during a celebration at the Student Life Center Nov. 29. Read MoreDec 5, 2017
New program provides support to faculty for grant proposals and funding opportunities
The new Leveraged Proposal Organization and Development program — L-POD — supports faculty as they pursue grants and funding opportunities to bolster the university's competitiveness in research funding. Read MoreNov 3, 2017
Neuroscientist Suzana Herculano-Houzel discusses the formation of remarkable brains—and minds—on ‘The Zeppos Report’
The latest episode of the podcast features Associate Professor of Psychology and Biological Sciences Suzana Herculano-Houzel and the groundbreaking research featured in her book, "The Human Advantage." Read MoreOct 16, 2017
‘Diversify Sponsorship of Your Research’ workshop set for Oct. 9
The Office of the Provost, as part of the Provost's Initiative to Enhance Research and Scholarship (PIERS), is providing a campuswide educational workshop Oct. 9 to support the diversification of faculty research portfolios. Read MoreSep 14, 2017
Revised, enhanced limited submissions process launched
The Office of the Provost has revamped the internal process for limited submission opportunities to increase transparency and bolster the competitiveness of submissions. Read MoreSep 7, 2017
Vanderbilt now home to extraordinary gaming collection
Vanderbilt has acquired the George Clulow and U.S. Playing Card Co. Gaming Collection—one of the world's premiere collections of books about card games, games of chance, playing cards and chess. Read MoreAug 25, 2017