Peabody College
Vanderbilt’s IRIS Center provides broad access to educational resources, support during pandemic
With schools across the country facing personnel shortages and COVID-19 continuing to affect education, people have turned to the IRIS Center at Vanderbilt Peabody College for free resources and support. In 2021, the center’s website hosted roughly 4 million visits from 223 countries. Read MoreApr 18, 2022
Deficient communication around how to access COVID-19 vaccinations could be worsening vaccine hesitancy
Vanderbilt University professor Carolyn Heinrich and colleagues conducted research to examine interactions between people inquiring about how to get a COVID-19 vaccine with state agencies and major vaccination sites. Their findings are newly published online in the journal "Social Science & Medicine." Read MoreApr 4, 2022
Panel: ‘Imagining a Digitally Equitable Future’ April 1
“Imagining a Digitally Equitable Future,” a free virtual panel focused on digital equity in Nashville, will be held on Friday, April 1, from noon to 1:30 p.m. CT. Read MoreMar 25, 2022
Expert panel to discuss importance of partnerships in education research and policy
The Nashville Partnership for Educational Equity Research and the Peabody Research Office will co-sponsor a panel discussion on research-practice partnerships Friday, April 1. The panel will be held virtually via Zoom from 11 a.m. to noon CT. Advance registration is encouraged. Read MoreMar 16, 2022
Initiative for Race Research and Justice to host ‘Was Whoopi Right? A Webinar Panel Discussion about Race and Jewishness’
The Initiative for Race Research and Justice at Vanderbilt Peabody College will host a virtual panel discussion to address actor Whoopi Goldberg’s recent comments about race, Jewishness and the Holocaust. The free event is scheduled for Thursday, March 24, at 6:30 p.m. CT. Registration is required. Read MoreMar 15, 2022
Peabody-led editorial team renewed at top education journal
Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development professor Ellen Goldring will serve for two more years as editor-in-chief of the flagship academic journal in education, the "American Educational Research Journal." Read MoreMar 14, 2022
How to ease your child’s anxiety about the war in Russia-Ukraine
Concerns about strife in a country far from home are adding worries to a generation already on edge from navigating changes in everyday life due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some ideas for how to help. Read MoreMar 11, 2022
Tennessee Education Research Alliance welcomes new executive director
The Tennessee Education Research Alliance, a research-practice partnership between the Tennessee Department of Education and Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development, has named Laura Booker as its new executive director. Booker, a senior lecturer in the Department of Leadership, Policy and Organizations, will succeed Erin O’Hara, who served as TERA’s founding executive director for the past five years. Read MoreMar 2, 2022
Vanderbilt researcher calls for dismantling racism in STEM fields in newly published commentary
Ebony Omotola McGee, professor of diversity and STEM education at Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development, calls for the dominant culture in STEM fields to step up to provide remedies for dismantling racism in her editorial, “Dismantle racism in science.” Read MoreMar 1, 2022
Ask an Expert: How can students catch up after falling behind during COVID-19?
Many students are using online options to catch up during COVID-19, but questions remain about how well these online credit recovery approaches are working. Carolyn Heinrich, Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Public Policy and Education, offers her perspective on why credit recovery is taking a new focus during the pandemic. Read MoreMar 1, 2022
I Am Vanderbilt: Alyssa Aloyo
Alyssa Aloyo, a program manager for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, works on strategic planning, program development and cultivating relationships with others across the university who are committed to equity, inclusion and belonging at Vanderbilt. Read MoreFeb 28, 2022
Peabody alumna Grimes appointed director of master’s program for independent school leaders
Carrie Grimes, EdD’20, has been named director of Vanderbilt Peabody College's innovative blended master’s degree program in independent school leadership. Read MoreFeb 23, 2022
Latest pre-K program findings renew questions about how to ensure student educational success
New research from Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development challenges conventional thinking about the benefits of state-sponsored pre-K instruction, even as experts note that its findings call for more nuanced discussion. Read MoreFeb 2, 2022
Research conversation to explore relationship between urban communities, schools, student outcomes Feb. 11
Vanderbilt Peabody College professor Maury Nation will discuss his research on the relationship between urban communities and schools and how urban social problems affect student outcomes during a virtual event on Friday, Feb. 11. The talk is open to all, but advance registration is requested. Read MoreJan 26, 2022
Book talk Jan. 24: ‘The Spirit of Our Work’
Cynthia Dillard, the newly appointed dean of the College of Education at Seattle University, will discuss her book, "The Spirit of Our Work: Black Women Teachers (Re)member," at a virtual event on Monday, Jan. 24. Dillard’s talk is sponsored by the Peabody Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Read MoreJan 23, 2022
Soldier-inspired innovation incubator team wins $500K first-place prize at xTechBOLT Competition
Applying insights from the emerging field of educational neuroscience, a transdisciplinary team from Vanderbilt University, Soterix Medical and the U.S. Army recently won the $500,000 first-place prize in the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command’s xTechBrain Operant Learning Technology (xTechBOLT) prize competition, which seeks to promote high-risk, high-reward research in learning and memory retention. Read MoreJan 21, 2022
Vanderbilt researchers make extensive brain imaging data set available for cross-disciplinary study
A new comprehensive data set featuring neural images from children ages 5, 7 and 9 has been made available for cross-disciplinary research purposes. Read MoreJan 19, 2022
School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt fosters unique research opportunities for promising teen scientists
The School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt is accepting applications from rising Metro Nashville Public Schools ninth graders until Feb. 11. SSMV offers high schoolers a four-year, interdisciplinary, research-centered learning experience at one of the nation’s most prestigious universities. Read MoreJan 12, 2022
Peabody researchers among top in country in new ‘Education Week’ rankings
"Education Week" has released the 2022 Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings, an annual list of education researchers who have demonstrated the greatest influence over educational policy and practice. Six researchers from Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of education and human development are among the 200 who made the rankings. Read MoreJan 5, 2022
Research: Classroom observation scores for Tennessee teachers vary by race and gender
New research by the Tennessee Education Research Alliance at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College reveals that gaps among race and gender remain even when comparing similarly qualified teachers who perform the same according to other metrics, such as their value-added to student achievement. Read MoreJan 3, 2022