Office Of The Provost
Christiansen named vice provost for university enrollment affairs
Douglas L. Christiansen has been reappointed dean of admissions and financial aid and named to the newly designated position of vice provost for university enrollment affairs. Read MoreOct 6, 2014
Chancellor charges university leaders to act on Academic Strategic Plan
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos has charged university leadership to move forward with the next phase of Vanderbilt’s strategic planning process. Read MoreOct 2, 2014
Warren and Moore colleges host Celebration of Living and Learning Oct. 5
From 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 5, Warren and Moore colleges will celebrate their present and future as a living and learning community within the larger Vanderbilt and Nashville communities. Read MoreOct 2, 2014
Search launched for dean of The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons
The Office of the Provost is launching a search for the new dean of The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons at Vanderbilt. Read MoreOct 2, 2014
New faculty: Miahky celebrates continuum from teacher to student
More than most professions, music celebrates the line of succession from teacher to student. Stephen Miahky understands the importance of this time-honored approach. Read MoreSep 30, 2014
New faculty: Disney explores role of neurotransmitters in attention
When Anita Disney was growing up in Adelaide, Australia, friends and family assumed she would follow her biologist father into science. But she wasn't hooked until she took a biological psychology course in college. Read MoreSep 30, 2014
New University Faculty 2014-15
View a complete list of new university faculty for the 2014-15 academic year. Read MoreSep 30, 2014
Academic Strategic Plan Charts Vanderbilt’s Course
Vanderbilt’s Academic Strategic Plan, which will guide university investments in faculty recruitment, capital planning, academic programs and philanthropic priorities during the next decade, was unveiled by Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos Aug. 21 at the Fall Faculty Assembly. Read MoreSep 26, 2014
SEC Symposium focused on obesity prevention
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos, Provost Susan Wente and several Vanderbilt experts joined colleagues from across the Southeast to discuss obesity at the second annual Southeastern Conference Symposium Sept. 21-23. Read MoreSep 25, 2014
Hall stepping down as vice provost for research and dean of Graduate School
Dennis G. Hall, professor of physics and of electrical engineering, will step down as vice provost for research and dean of the Graduate School Dec. 31, 2014. Read MoreSep 22, 2014
New Graduate Education Study Group to begin work Oct. 1
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Susan Wente has appointed a new Graduate Education Study Group and charged it with laying the course for the future of graduate education at Vanderbilt. Read MoreSep 22, 2014
Work of Arts and Science dean search committee underway
The work of the search committee appointed by Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Susan Wente to identify the next dean of the College and Arts and Science is underway. Read MoreSep 22, 2014
New program launched to support faculty at critical career stage
The provost's office has launched the Chancellor Faculty Fellows program to support and invest in outstanding junior faculty. Read MoreSep 15, 2014
New program launched to support faculty at critical career stage
The Office of the Provost is launching a new program: the Chancellor Faculty Fellows. The program reflects the university’s commitment to investing in outstanding junior faculty who have recently received tenure. This critical stage in the careers of faculty will be advanced with this timely support. Read MoreSep 15, 2014
Wcislo stepping down as dean of The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons
Francis Wcislo, the dean who launched The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons at Vanderbilt University in 2006, has announced plans to step down from that role at the end of his current contract, June 30, 2015. Read MoreSep 11, 2014
Vanderbilt rises to No. 16 in ‘U.S. News’ ranking of national universities
Vanderbilt University scored its best position ever in "U.S. News & World Report’s" ranking of national universities, finishing No. 16 after five years at No. 17. Read MoreSep 9, 2014
Cyrus named vice provost for learning and residential affairs
Cynthia J. Cyrus has been promoted to the position of vice provost for learning and residential affairs at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreSep 8, 2014
Celebration honors nine new faculty chair holders
A Sept. 3 celebration at the Student Life Center honored nine new faculty chair holders and recognized the support of generous donors. Read MoreSep 5, 2014
Geer named vice provost for academic and strategic affairs
Noted political scientist John Geer has been named vice provost of academic and strategic affairs at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreSep 1, 2014
Listen: Earley’s new stories bring the extraordinary to aging characters
Tony Earley describes his new short story collection, "Mr. Tall," as "more grown up" than some of his previous writings. Read MoreAug 22, 2014