Arts And Science
Revered Latin American poet, priest and activist Ernesto Cardenal to speak at Vanderbilt Oct. 6
Cardenal, an acclaimed Nicaraguan poet, revolutionary and liberation theologian, will deliver a public talk on “Politics, Poetry and the First Latin American Pope” at the John Seigenthaler Center. Read MoreOct 1, 2015
Expert: History is repeating itself with current immigration issues
Paul Kramer explains why history is repeating itself in the battle over immigration. Kramer has written about immigration and border issues for the New Yorker and Slate, and been featured on National Public Radio. He has spent the last decade studying U.S. immigration history, and he’s working on a book about the forces that push people into leaving their home countries and immigrating, including the United States’ influence. Read MoreSep 30, 2015
Classical stories come to life in VUT production ‘Metamorphoses’
"Metamorphoses," an adaptation of Greek stories whose production features a large pool of water on the Neely Auditorium stage, will lead off the 2015-16 Vanderbilt University Theatre season. Read MoreSep 30, 2015
Scientific literature overstates psychotherapy’s effectiveness in treating depression
New analysis shows that the scientific literature paints an overly rosy picture of the efficacy of psychotherapy for depression comparable to the bias previously found in reports of treatments with antidepressant drugs. Read MoreSep 30, 2015
Digital partnership expands student language opportunities at Vanderbilt and across country
A partnership among Vanderbilt, Duke and the University of Virginia is using digital learning to share uncommon languages. Read MoreSep 29, 2015
VUCast: A student creates a new way to share your love of coffee!
In the latest VUCast: Learn how a Vanderbilt student is making coffee drinking more social; hear from undergrads about their amazing research opportunities; see who made the best of #vandygram. Watch now! Read MoreSep 28, 2015
U.S.-Cuban relations topic of Williamson County Library talk
The history of U.S.-Cuban relations will be the focus of Frank Robinson's talk at the Williamson County Public Library Sept. 25. Read MoreSep 22, 2015
Metzl assumes post in gun violence prevention organization
Jonathan Metzl of the Center Medicine, Health and Society has signed up with The Safe Tennessee Project as director of research. Read MoreSep 21, 2015
Does knowing high-status people help or hurt?
How depressed you are may have something to do with who you know—and where you come from. Read MoreSep 21, 2015
Vanderbilt MFA student wins top poetry prize
Tiana Clark, a first-year poetry student in Vanderbilt’s MFA Program in Creative Writing, has won first place and $10,000 in a leading poetry journal’s annual competition. Read MoreSep 21, 2015
Protecting Syrian and Iraqi culture topic of Vanderbilt lecture and exhibit
Efforts to stop the massive cultural destruction in Syria and Iraq will be discussed Sept. 22 during the Goldberg Lecture, with an accompanying exhibit in Cohen Memorial Hall. Read MoreSep 16, 2015
Julian Wuerth wins Kant Society book prize
The North American Kant Society has honored Julian Wuerth of Vanderbilt for his book on philosopher Immanuel Kant. Read MoreSep 16, 2015
How your brain decides blame and punishment—and how it can be changed
New work by researchers at Vanderbilt University and Harvard University confirms that a specific area of the brain, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, is crucial to punishment decisions. Read MoreSep 16, 2015
Open borders – not giant wall – is best solution for immigration issue
Calling the notion of an immense wall between Mexico and the United States “nonsense,” a Vanderbilt professor in his new book makes the case for open borders between the two countries. Read MoreSep 16, 2015
Holley-Bockelmann named director of Fisk-Vanderbilt Master’s-to-Ph.D. Bridge Program
Kelly Holley-Bockelmann, associate professor of physics and astronomy, has been named director of the Fisk-Vanderbilt Master’s-to-Ph.D. Bridge Program, College of Arts and Science Dean Lauren Benton announced. Read MoreSep 14, 2015
Listen: Vanderbilt Portal to Mexico City bridges cultures with video technology
A custom-designed gold shipping container at The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons will become the "Vanderbilt Portal to Mexico City" Sept. 18 through Oct. 12 for the Nashville community to engage across cultures with one-on-one conversations. Read MoreSep 11, 2015
Nine professors honored at endowed chair holder celebration
The extraordinary achievements of nine Vanderbilt endowed chair holders were lauded at a Sept. 8 celebration during which generous donors were thanked. Read MoreSep 9, 2015
A VU Inside: Professor explores caves for clues to climate change
Jessica Oster is a member of a small group of earth scientists pioneering the use of mineral cave deposits in stalagmites, collectively known as speleothems, as proxies for the prehistoric climate. Read MoreSep 3, 2015
Evidence that Earth’s first mass extinction was caused by critters, not catastrophe
The Earth's first mass extinction event 540 million years ago was caused not by a meteorite impact or volcanic super-eruption, but by the rise of early animals that dramatically changed to prehistoric environment. Read MoreSep 2, 2015
Enroll now in Vanderbilt Osher Lifelong Learning fall classes
The Osher Lifelong Learning classes at Vanderbilt this fall draw from professors' research in areas that include earth science, Hebrew Bible, music history, urban planning and more. Read MoreSep 1, 2015