Julian Wuerth of Vanderbilt University was named the winner of the 2015 North American Kant Society Book Prize.
Wuerth, associate professor of philosophy and director of graduate studies for the Department of Philosophy, won the award Sept. 15 for Kant on Mind, Action and Ethics (Oxford University Press). Only “senior” scholars are eligible, defined as age 40 or over regardless of tenure status, or tenured regardless of age.
“I’m very honored to have won the 2015 North American Kant Society Book Prize, especially because it’s an award given by other Kant scholars,” Wuerth said. “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Vanderbilt University for its generous support of my research over the years, which helped make my book possible.”
In Kant on Mind, Action and Ethics, Wuerth offers new conclusions about Immanuel Kant’s epistemology, metaphysics, theory of action and ethics that are grounded in new evidence drawn from across a broad range of sources from Kant’s philosophical corpus.