Education And Psychology
Online instruction blended with face-to-face time is best strategy for students recovering from COVID-19 setbacks
Students are most likely to benefit from online credit recovery when it blends online instruction with face-to-face time, rather than being conducted fully online, according to research published by Vanderbilt professor Carolyn J. Heinrich. Read MoreJun 2, 2022
Vanderbilt psychologists win access to neuroscience observatory to conduct ‘quantum leap’ experiments on predictive coding in the brain
A team comprising Assistant Professor of Psychology André Bastos, Associate Professor of Psychology and Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Alexander Maier and Ph.D. candidate Jacob A. Westerberg is among three international research teams that have won the opportunity to pursue their exploration of brain function at the Allen Brain Observatory. Read MoreJun 2, 2022
Q&A: Vanderbilt expert discusses new research on how the brain affects the way we perceive film
The integration of cinema and science is at the foundation of Vanderbilt University professor Daniel Levin’s research. Levin teaches Film and Psychology in addition to other classes that examine how cognitive science and the arts collide. Read MoreMay 27, 2022
Cal Turner Program for Moral Leadership aims to train next generation to implement change
Leaders at the forefront of systemic change make a difference by thinking about how to shift old patterns that have kept people marginalized. Thirteen students nominated by deans across Vanderbilt this year got the chance to engage in such big-picture thinking as participants in the Cal Turner Program for Moral Leadership’s interprofessional student fellowship. Read MoreMay 11, 2022
Next Steps at Vanderbilt graduates to join their peers at Commencement
For the first time, graduates from Vanderbilt’s Next Steps program for students with developmental disabilities will walk in the full campus Commencement ceremony. Read MoreMay 6, 2022
Lipscomb University president named Peabody College Distinguished Alumna
Candice McQueen, who assumed the presidency of Nashville’s Lipscomb University last year, will be honored by Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of education and human development with the 2022 Distinguished Alumna Award during Commencement ceremonies on May 13. Read MoreMay 6, 2022
Moms who research moms: Spotlighting VU research on motherhood
They say motherhood is the toughest job you’ll ever love. That’s true for this group of Vanderbilt researchers, who’ve built successful careers around researching various aspects of parenthood while raising their own children. Read MoreMay 5, 2022
Class of 2022: Megan Jordan works at the intersection of art and social justice
Art, research, social justice, and community are the cornerstones that support the life and work of sociology Ph.D. candidate Megan Jordan, MA’19. Read MoreMay 3, 2022
Leyva named 2022 LGBTQ+ Educator of the Year by Out to Innovate
Luis A. Leyva, assistant professor of mathematics education at Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development, has been recognized by Out to Innovate as the 2022 LGBTQ+ Educator of the Year. Read MoreMay 3, 2022
Milner to assume presidency, scholars to present research at AERA meeting in San Diego
Vanderbilt professor H. Richard Milner IV will become president of the American Educational Research Association this month when the organization meets in San Diego. Milner, Vanderbilt’s first elected president of AERA, is a researcher, scholar and leader of urban education and teacher education. Read MoreApr 22, 2022
Vanderbilt’s IRIS Center provides broad access to educational resources, support during pandemic
With schools across the country facing personnel shortages and COVID-19 continuing to affect education, people have turned to the IRIS Center at Vanderbilt Peabody College for free resources and support. In 2021, the center’s website hosted roughly 4 million visits from 223 countries. Read MoreApr 18, 2022
McBride Murry to speak at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services panel on impact of pandemic-era policies
Velma McBride Murry will join panelists April 25–26 at a virtual event sponsored by the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation in the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Read MoreApr 14, 2022
Peabody researchers explore research-practice partnerships to address inequities in education
A 6-month-old partnership between Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of education and human development and Metro Nashville Public Schools featured prominently in a recent panel discussion on how to effectively manage research-practice partnerships, which are increasingly important to long-term efforts to strengthen educational practice. Read MoreApr 12, 2022
Class of 2022: Allie Robinson inspires new connections, discoveries in her elementary classroom
Class of 2022: Master of education graduate student Allie Robinson believes that fostering a passion for learning in young students begins with empowering them to have a voice of their own. Read MoreApr 12, 2022
Q&A: Vanderbilt expert discusses inclusive workplaces for people on the autism spectrum
In 2022, neurodiversity in the workplace is an issue capturing attention, as conversations on how to create more inclusive spaces for all continue among business leaders. Tim Vogus, deputy director of Vanderbilt's Frist Center for Autism and Innovation, focuses on research related to improving the workplace for people on the autism spectrum. Read MoreApr 6, 2022
Deficient communication around how to access COVID-19 vaccinations could be worsening vaccine hesitancy
Vanderbilt University professor Carolyn Heinrich and colleagues conducted research to examine interactions between people inquiring about how to get a COVID-19 vaccine with state agencies and major vaccination sites. Their findings are newly published online in the journal "Social Science & Medicine." Read MoreApr 4, 2022
How to ease your child’s anxiety about the war in Russia-Ukraine
Concerns about strife in a country far from home are adding worries to a generation already on edge from navigating changes in everyday life due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some ideas for how to help. Read MoreMar 11, 2022
Tennessee Education Research Alliance welcomes new executive director
The Tennessee Education Research Alliance, a research-practice partnership between the Tennessee Department of Education and Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development, has named Laura Booker as its new executive director. Booker, a senior lecturer in the Department of Leadership, Policy and Organizations, will succeed Erin O’Hara, who served as TERA’s founding executive director for the past five years. Read MoreMar 2, 2022
Vanderbilt researcher calls for dismantling racism in STEM fields in newly published commentary
Ebony Omotola McGee, professor of diversity and STEM education at Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development, calls for the dominant culture in STEM fields to step up to provide remedies for dismantling racism in her editorial, “Dismantle racism in science.” Read MoreMar 1, 2022
Ask an Expert: How can students catch up after falling behind during COVID-19?
Many students are using online options to catch up during COVID-19, but questions remain about how well these online credit recovery approaches are working. Carolyn Heinrich, Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Public Policy and Education, offers her perspective on why credit recovery is taking a new focus during the pandemic. Read MoreMar 1, 2022