Office Of The Provost
Nine faculty receive 2020 Research Scholar and Discovery grants
Research Scholar Grants are one of Vanderbilt’s primary investments to advance faculty research, scholarship and creative expression, while Discovery Grants support new ideas and cutting-edge scholarship that possess high potential for future external support. Read MoreJun 29, 2020
Six interdisciplinary programs awarded TIPs funding for 2020
Six cross-disciplinary programs have been awarded funding for 2020 by Vanderbilt’s Trans-Institutional Programs initiative, a hallmark of the university’s Academic Strategic Plan. Read MoreJun 29, 2020
Provost’s office increasing support for graduate education
The Office of the Provost will increase its focus on graduate education to ensure graduate students have the resources they need to be successful as Mark T. Wallace, dean of the Graduate School, prepares to step down from his leadership role to return to the faculty full time beginning Sept. 1, 2020. Read MoreJun 24, 2020
Future Partners: Owen School supporters commit more than $13 million toward Management Hall renovation and expansion
A group of prominent Vanderbilt University alumni and supporters has committed more than $13 million toward an extensive renovation and expansion of Management Hall at Owen Graduate School of Management. Read MoreJun 23, 2020
10 faculty members named as 2020 Chancellor Faculty Fellows
Ten outstanding faculty members from across the university have been selected for the 2020 cohort of Chancellor Faculty Fellows. This group is composed of highly accomplished, recently tenured faculty from a wide variety of disciplines and areas of expertise. Read MoreJun 19, 2020
Adaptive Teaching at Vanderbilt: Investing in new classroom technology to support faculty this fall
Vanderbilt University is making substantial investments in classroom technology to support faculty as the fall semester approaches. The strategy includes upgrading classroom technology to support livestreaming and recording in classrooms, building new video recording studios, and training faculty in both new and existing technology available in the classroom. Read MoreJun 19, 2020
Wente announces Beasley’s expanded role focused on undergraduate education
Vanessa Beasley’s role as vice provost for academic affairs is expanding with oversight of four additional areas integral to the undergraduate education experience. Read MoreJun 19, 2020
Vanderbilt University partners with ACADIA Pharmaceuticals to develop novel treatments for central nervous system disorders
Vanderbilt University’s Warren Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery has entered into an exclusive worldwide licensing and collaboration agreement with San Diego-based ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. to develop treatments for disorders like Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia. Read MoreJun 16, 2020
A message for faculty on the Vanderbilt Return to Campus Plan
Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente details the university’s plans for the 2020-21 academic year in a message to Vanderbilt faculty. Read MoreJun 16, 2020
Our plan for the fall semester
Incoming Chancellor Daniel Diermeier and Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente detail the university’s plans for the 2020-21 academic year in a message to the Vanderbilt community. Read MoreJun 16, 2020
Wente launches working group focused on pandemic-related child care needs of Vanderbilt community
A new working group launched by Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente will focus on the Vanderbilt community’s child care needs with the closing of schools and facilities impacted by COVID-19. Read MoreJun 15, 2020
Luce Foundation grant bolsters Divinity School’s relief efforts after tornado, COVID-19
A rapid response grant by the Henry Luce Foundation will continue the intensive humanitarian efforts of Vanderbilt Divinity School after tornadoes wreaked havoc across Tennessee, followed by COVID-19. Read MoreJun 10, 2020
Dawn Turton appointed chief of staff for Incoming Chancellor Daniel Diermeier
Dawn Turton, associate provost for academic planning and operations, has been named chief of staff in the Office of the Chancellor, effective June 8, Incoming Chancellor Daniel Diermeier has announced. Read MoreJun 3, 2020
Robinson named vice provost for academic advancement, executive director of Provost’s Office for Inclusive Excellence
Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente today announced the appointment of William H. Robinson as Vanderbilt’s vice provost for academic advancement and executive director of the Provost’s Office for Inclusive Excellence. Read MoreJun 3, 2020
Faculty can learn ‘Finance Fundamentals’ in new series presented by Finance and Faculty Affairs
The Division of Finance, in partnership with the Office of Faculty Affairs, has launched a new faculty educational initiative called “Finance Fundamentals” to offer learning opportunities for academic faculty leadership, including detailed information specific to the tools and resources most relevant to faculty. Read MoreJun 3, 2020
The Open Door: Leading through research
In this month’s edition of the "Open Dore" newsletter, Vice Provost for Research Padma Raghavan discusses how the research community has continued to innovate during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it's leading the way as Vanderbilt ramps up its Return to Campus Plan. Read MoreMay 22, 2020
No quarantine on information at the Heard Libraries
The Heard Libraries not only have continued to provide resources during the COVID-19 crisis, they have expanded the possibilities for teaching and research. Read MoreMay 22, 2020
Class of 2020 Commencement celebration scheduled for May 1-2, 2021
Vanderbilt University will hold the Class of 2020’s on-campus Commencement ceremony and related events on May 1 and 2, 2021. The dates were selected as the best option after evaluating input from a student committee, campus partners and various vendors that will contribute to events throughout the weekend. Read MoreMay 22, 2020
ACCRE contributes 240,000 compute core hours to COVID-19 research
ACCRE, Vanderbilt’s Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education, has contributed over 240,000 compute core hours to research on COVID-19 through its involvement in the Open Science Grid, a consortium of more than 100 universities and research labs that work together on complex computing jobs. Read MoreMay 18, 2020
Wente, Kopstain discuss Return to Campus Plan at virtual town hall
More than 2,700 members of the university community attended a virtual town hall to learn more about Vanderbilt’s four-phased Return to Campus Plan. Read MoreMay 15, 2020