Law School
Services held for international law scholar Hal Maier
International law scholar Harold G. "Hal" Maier has died at 77. He spent his entire academic career at Vanderbilt Law School. Read MoreAug 26, 2014
New Vanderbilt joint program to produce lawyers with master’s degree in finance
Vanderbilt Law School and Owen Graduate School of Management are collaborating on an exciting new program Read MoreJul 11, 2014
Should the government be legally liable for failing to act?
Christopher Serkin of Vanderbilt Law School has the "startling" opinion that government entities should be held legally responsible if they fail to make laws protecting the rights of property owners. Read MoreJun 23, 2014
Insider trading laws are becoming anachronistic, law professor says
Insider trading may be too engrained in the financial system in transactions such as credit default swaps to make banning it feasible, says a Vanderbilt law professor. Read MoreJan 8, 2014
Kenneth W. Mack is MLK speaker for Vanderbilt Law School
Author and Harvard University professor Kenneth W. Mack will deliver the 2014 Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture on Jan. 23 at Vanderbilt Law School. Read MoreJan 6, 2014
Patents should not have to be ‘useful’ to be approved: Vanderbilt professor
New inventions should not have to be useful to merit a patent, says Vanderbilt professor Sean B. Seymore. Read MoreNov 19, 2013
Vanderbilt study: Hiring practices preventing change in law school faculties
Law school faculties are not changing with the times, and a Vanderbilt Law School professor says it may be time to look at hiring practices. Read MoreNov 12, 2013
Sociologist John Skrentny to speak on race in the workplace
A sociologist from California will speak Oct. 25 at the law school about race in the workplace. Read MoreOct 17, 2013
Vanderbilt law professor Sitaraman wins Palmer Prize
The prestigious Palmer Prize was awarded by IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law to Vanderbilt Law School's Ganesh Sitaraman. Read MoreOct 10, 2013
VUCast: Vandy’s closeup in hit show Nashville
Vandy’s supporting role in hit show Nashville Who is that with actor Alan Alda? And the sound of music for the Mighty Sky All this and more in VUCast, Vanderbilt’s online newscast. Watch now. [vucastblurb]… Read MoreOct 2, 2013
Joining the Legal Peace Corps
Skadden Fellowships kick-start careers in the public interest Terry Maroney’s enthusiasm for the Skadden Foundation Fellowship is rooted in her own experience. After earning her law degree at NYU and clerking on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Maroney spent two years in New York working at the Urban Justice… Read MoreAug 12, 2013
Dick Aldrich Jr. ’75 is a citizen of the world, but he found a home when he came to Vanderbilt Law School
Richard S. (Dick) Aldrich Jr. ’75 is a citizen of the world, but he found a home when he came to Vanderbilt Law School. The renowned international capital markets lawyer was born in New York, raised in New York, Rhode Island and Brazil, and then majored in Latin at Brown. Read MoreAug 5, 2013
Vanderbilt planning for the future
An executive committee has been named and will meet regularly this summer to develop a framework of ideas to guide a university-wide academic strategic planning process that will set the course for Vanderbilt’s future. Read MoreJul 5, 2013
American Judicature Society and Vanderbilt Law School announce affiliation
The American Judicature Society will relocate to Nashville as part of its new affiliation with Vanderbilt Law School. The agreement begins July 1 and will result in joint educational programming, publications and new research. Read MoreJul 2, 2013
Vanderbilt legal, education experts: Not the end of affirmative action
Law and education experts from Vanderbilt comment on the long-awaited Supreme Court affirmative action decision. Read MoreJun 26, 2013
Immigration debate heats up: Vanderbilt experts available
Congress is taking up the debate over comprehensive immigration reform yet again. Vanderbilt has a diverse array of experts researching various aspects of the immigration debate. Read MoreJun 12, 2013
Cal Turner Fellows laid groundwork on Nashville housing fund
A group of Cal Turner Fellows who brought renewed attention through a two-year research project to Nashville's dire need for more affordable housing help lay the foundation for Mayor Karl Dean’s recent announcement on a housing trust fund. Read MoreJun 10, 2013
Copyright Act needs updating, Vanderbilt law professor testifies before Congress
Daniel Gervais of Vanderbilt Law School told Congress that the copyright system of the United States requires “a comprehensive review and modernization" during testimony May 16. Read MoreMay 16, 2013
Medical students help reunite family
Medical students at the free, student-run Shade Tree Clinic may have saved a patient’s life, but not using traditional medicine. The man had become distraught and even suicidal when his wife and son became stranded in Mexico without a visa, and were told they might not be able to return… Read MoreMay 16, 2013
VUCast: Students help save a man; why women with elite educations opt out of full-time work; new Dores say yes!
This week on VUCast: Watch how students help save a man and his family. Why women with elite educations opt out of full-time work See how new Dores celebrate getting their “fat… Read MoreApr 18, 2013