Division Of Administration
Temporary VUMC shuttle stops created at Kensington and 25th avenues
Temporary VUMC shuttle stops will be added at Kensington and 25th avenues to accommodate the expanding construction for Vandy United renovations in the Athletics Neighborhood. Read MoreMar 15, 2023
Earn rewards through Vanderbilt’s new wellness program; receive higher points for completed actions
Virgin Pulse is Vanderbilt’s new wellness program that is available to all benefits-eligible employees. It includes an expanded incentive program that encourages daily participant engagement to build healthy habits. Participants will also receive higher points for completed actions through the rest of the year. Read MoreMar 14, 2023
South Drive entrance at Village at Vanderbilt to close March 16
The South Drive entrance to the Village at Vanderbilt garage will be closed on Thursday, March 16, from 9 a.m. to noon for work to replace the HVAC systems. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to avoid the area and use the Capers Avenue access point into the Village at Vanderbilt garage. Read MoreMar 13, 2023
WeGo service changes go into effect April 2
WeGo Public Transit has announced service changes to various bus routes for spring 2023. The changes will take effect on Sunday, April 2. Read MoreMar 13, 2023
Vanderbilt attends campus climate change conference co-hosted by the White House
As a leader in sustainability practices in higher education, Vanderbilt University was invited to participate in Campus and Community-Scale Climate Change Solutions, a two-day workshop in Washington, D.C., co-hosted by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the University of Washington. Vice Chancellor for Administration Eric Kopstain attended on behalf of Vanderbilt, which was the only institution in Tennessee to be invited. Read MoreMar 10, 2023
Sidewalk closure on 21st Avenue in front of School of Nursing begins March 11
The west sidewalk on 21st Avenue between Scarritt Place and Edgehill Avenue, in front of the School of Nursing, will be closed from Saturday, March 11, to Sunday, March 19, for underground cable work. The sidewalk will be closed daily from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Read MoreMar 8, 2023
HR Employee Learning and Engagement: ‘The Importance of Employee Engagement’ March 23
Join HR Employee Learning and Engagement on Thursday, March 23, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. for “Engaged, Not Engaged or Actively Disengaged? The Importance of Employee Engagement.” Read MoreMar 8, 2023
Kirkland Hall fencing to be expanded beginning March 8
Beginning Wednesday, March 8, the construction fencing around Kirkland Hall will expand to fully enclose Kirkland Circle between Warren and Moore Colleges and E. Bronson Ingram College. The fence line also will expand slightly to the south, closing the sidewalk immediately adjacent to the existing fence line. Read MoreMar 6, 2023
Crane work at Village at Vanderbilt will be on Saturdays beginning March 4
Beginning Saturday, March 4, there will be work at The Village at Vanderbilt to replace the roof on the fourth floor. The work will be from 6:30 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. The South Drive entrance to the upper packing deck will be closed, but vehicles can still pull into the parking area from 21st Avenue and Capers Avenue. Read MoreMar 3, 2023
Lot 104, 24th Avenue sidewalk will be closed March 6–13
Parking Lot 104 and the west sidewalk on 24th Avenue will be closed from Monday, March 6, to Monday, March 13, for construction related to Vanderbilt University’s Central Utilities Initiative project. This is the first of three phases of work that will occur in this area. Read MoreFeb 28, 2023
Tree replacement policy will guide sustainability of Vanderbilt’s green canopy
Campus planners have developed an official tree replacement policy to ensure that Vanderbilt’s tree canopy is preserved whenever building projects are initiated or trees die naturally. Read MoreFeb 28, 2023
Celebrate International Women’s Day with #IamRemarkable workshop
#IamRemarkable is a worldwide initiative that strives to empower everyone, particularly women and underrepresented groups, to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond. HR Employee Learning and Engagement will conduct two upcoming workshops on March 6 and March 22. Read MoreFeb 23, 2023
Severe weather at Vanderbilt: Do you know what to do?
Tennessee Severe Weather Awareness Week is Feb. 19–25, and the National Weather Service in Nashville uses each day of the week to bring attention to severe weather safety topics. Read MoreFeb 22, 2023
Report 2022 contributions to outside retirement plans by April 1
If you contribute to a non-Vanderbilt University retirement plan through an outside business in which you are at least a 50 percent owner, you need to report your 2022 contributions to Human Resources by April 1. Read MoreFeb 21, 2023
Medical Center Drive will close to nonemergency traffic on Feb. 25
Incoming traffic from 21st Avenue onto Medical Center Drive will be limited to emergency vehicles only on Saturday, Feb. 25, from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. by the installation of a crane for work at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Medical Center Drive will be closed in both directions. Read MoreFeb 21, 2023
Faculty, staff invited to learn about inner workings of campus at Facilities University
The Vanderbilt University Facilities Department will host several sessions of Facilities University, a series of classes to educate faculty and staff about the inner workings of the department. Read MoreFeb 20, 2023
HR Employee Learning and Engagement: ‘CliftonStrengths for Leaders’ March 7
Human Resources Employee Learning and Engagement will present “CliftonStrengths for Leaders” on Tuesday, March 7, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. This session will provide insights and actions for you to build a strengths-based approach to leadership and employee engagement. Read MoreFeb 20, 2023
NEW DEADLINE: Submit sustainability-related photos to citywide contest on environmental success and opportunity by Feb. 28
Nashville Mayor John Cooper’s Sustainability Advisory Committee is seeking photographs that represent Nashville’s environmental successes and opportunities. Photos may include a range of environmental issues, impacts or solutions. Read MoreFeb 17, 2023
HR Employee Learning and Engagement: ‘Say Yes to Leadership’ March 2
Join HR Employee Learning and Engagement on March 2nd from 3:00-4:30 p.m. for: Say “Yes” to Leadership! This session will help explore ways that supervisors and managers can build an environment that encourages leadership. Read MoreFeb 17, 2023
Vanderbilt Staff Mentorship Program continues to foster connections across campus after successful fall start
After a successful launch in the fall, the Vanderbilt Staff Mentorship Program will continue this spring with the goal of helping more employees connect and learn from each other. Read MoreFeb 15, 2023