Arts And Science
Civil rights focus of new John L. Seigenthaler Chair at Vanderbilt
Honoring and building upon the contributions of the late John L. Seigenthaler to the civil rights movement is the goal of a new endowed chair being established at Vanderbilt University through a gift from the James Stephen Turner Family Foundation. Read MoreAug 27, 2015
History of Art scholar organizes meeting in Greece on ancient water use
Associate Professor of History of Art Betsey Robinson led a conference focused on lessons learned from water practices in the ancient Mediterranean. Read MoreAug 17, 2015
Eight Vanderbilt researchers named ‘Inspiring Women in STEM’
The award honors highly accomplished women working in science, technology, engineering or mathematics who have made a positive impact on the trajectories of other women thinking about or newly embarking on STEM careers. Read MoreAug 17, 2015
Vanderbilt Student-Designed App Unites Coffee Community
You may like your coffee in the morning, but chances are you don’t savor it as much as Sam Reilly, an intern at The Vanderbilt Institute for Coffee Studies who is marketing his new app for lovers of a good cup of joe. Reilly prefers “coffee that is sourced from… Read MoreAug 11, 2015
Courses on Vietnam, Woody Allen films part of fall MLAS curriculum
An open house for Vanderbilt's master’s degree program for working adults is set for Aug. 11 on campus. Read MoreAug 5, 2015
TIP SHEET: Mental health and society expert can comment on Holmes sentence
Jonathan Metzl of Vanderbilt University can comment on the sentencing of Colorado theater shooter James Holmes. Read MoreAug 3, 2015
Sloop named associate provost for digital learning
In his new role, John M. Sloop will focus on the development and implementation of school-based educational technology initiatives and the university’s overall exploration of digital learning. Read MoreAug 3, 2015
Milky Way filled with wandering stars
A new map of the Milky Way has discovered that 30 percent of the galaxy's stars are wanderers, making major shifts in their orbits during their lifetimes. Vanderbilt post-doc Jonathan Bird played a major role in the study. Read MoreJul 31, 2015
When being an immigrant makes it more–not less–likely to have a job
Among U.S. job-seekers who identify as black, those born in the Caribbean and Africa are more likely to be working than those born here--but a college degree nearly erases that difference. Read MoreJul 28, 2015
Vanderbilt hosts symposium and exhibition on traditional Chinese architecture
An exhibition from a traditional Chinese architecture photography competition is on display through July 31 at Cohen, Sarratt and Buttrick in conjunction with an international symposium organized by Professor Tracy Miller. Read MoreJul 24, 2015
Stassun appointed to A&S administrative role
Keivan Stassun, professor of astronomy, has been named senior associate dean for graduate education and research for the College of Arts and Science, Dean Lauren Benton announced. Read MoreJul 20, 2015
Vanderbilt astronomer jazzed by Pluto flyby
Astronomer David Weintraub, who is an expert on Pluto, reacts to the new images of the distant world and its twin, Charon, coming back from the New Horizons spacecraft. Read MoreJul 17, 2015
Vanderbilt researcher: It’s time for civil service reform
An extensive new survey of federal executives led by Vanderbilt's David E. Lewis has resulted in suggestions on how the civil service system can be improved. Read MoreJul 16, 2015
VU Inside: The Latin American Public Opinion Project
The AmericasBarometer survey is the only scientifically rigorous comparative survey that covers all of North, Central, and South America, as well as a significant number of countries in the Caribbean. Read MoreJul 9, 2015
A little jolt helps the brain get back on track
Applying mild electrical stimulation to an area of the brain associated with cognitive control helps people with schizophrenia to recognize errors and adjust their behavior to avoid them. Read MoreJul 8, 2015
Vanderbilt Student Media Hall of Fame 2015 class named
The Vanderbilt Student Media Hall of Fame will induct 2015 class members Roy Neel, Eric Etheridge, Georgia Stitt and Amy Chowdhry during Vanderbilt Reunion at the John Seigenthaler Center. Read MoreJul 8, 2015
New model of cosmic stickiness favors “Big Rip” demise of universe
A Vanderbilt team of scientists have developed a new formulation for cosmic viscosity which strongly favors the "Big Rip" end of the universe. Read MoreJun 30, 2015
Hillyer receives parasitology medal
Vanderbilt biologist Julián Hillyer is this year's recipient of the H.B. Ward Medal given by the American Society of Parasitologists. Read MoreJun 29, 2015
TIPSHEET: Focus on Confederate symbols is misguided, says Vanderbilt professor
Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain can comment on the public use of the Confederate flag in light of the Charleston, South Carolina, shootings. Read MoreJun 29, 2015
Creating bacterial ‘fight clubs’ to discover new drugs
Chemists Brian Bachmann and John McLean have shown that creating bacterial "fight clubs" is an effective way to discover natural biomolecules with the properties required for new drugs. Read MoreJun 29, 2015