Arts And Science
A Vanderbilt student produces amazing music from a student-run studio
Arts and science student Branden Sanders had a vision when he came to Vanderbilt—to make recording great music more accessible and affordable. Now this Curb Scholar is making that dream a sweet-sounding reality. [vucastblurb]… Read MoreApr 11, 2013
How one Vanderbilt student saves girls from violence
When Vanderbilt senior Dallas Jessup was just 14-years old…she launched a video crusade to teach girls how to protect themselves from sexual assault. Now this overachiever is ready to change the world even more. [vucastblurb]… Read MoreApr 11, 2013
Kudos: Read about faculty, staff and alumni awards, appointments and achievements
Read about faculty, staff and alumni awards, appointments and achievements. Read MoreApr 10, 2013
Young North Korean leader’s actions may not be grounded in political reality
Rising tensions in the Korean peninsula have Japan, South Korea and the United States on full alert for a possible missile launch from North Korea. James Auer “A major worry now is North Korea’s young leader, who may not understand the constraints of reality that his grandfather and father… Read MoreApr 10, 2013
The accordion: the Rodney Dangerfield of instruments
Helena Simonett, associate director of the Center for Latin American Studies and adjunct assistant professor at the Blair School of Music, both at Vanderbilt University, believes that the saga of the “the little man’s piano” can tell us something aboutAmerica, especially in terms of class. Read MoreApr 5, 2013
Environmental wunderkind and Vanderbilt student Param Jaggi to be featured on CNN’s ‘The Next List’
Param Jaggi, the Vanderbilt sophomore honored multiple times over for creating cost-effective inventions to clean the air and rescue the environment, will be profiled in a one-hour special on CNN this weekend. Read MoreApr 4, 2013
Vanderbilt Theatre production receives dose of medical realism
Vanderbilt University Theatre’s production of "W;t" will provide an increased empathy and understanding into issues surrounding a devastating illness, thanks in part to a Vanderbilt surgeon’s production consultation. Read MoreApr 4, 2013
Dillehay, Barz and three others win awards at Faculty Assembly
Five Vanderbilt faculty were recognized with awards at the Spring Faculty Assembly, including an ethnomusicologist who fights the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa and a champion for minority students in gifted education programs. Read MoreApr 3, 2013
Expert: North Korea’s saber-rattling intended as distraction to nation’s real problems
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is either leading his country’s military or being led by that military into a rhetorical battle with the United States, South Korea and Japan that he and his generals cannot win, according to James Auer, director of Vanderbilt’s Center for U.S.-Japan Studies and Cooperation. Read MoreApr 2, 2013
Department of Art Senior Show 2013
Senior Show 2013 will be on display to the public from Friday, April 12 until Friday, May 10, in Space 204, the second floor gallery in the E. Bronson Ingram Studio Art Center, 25th and Garland, on the Vanderbilt campus. Read MoreMar 29, 2013
Study aimed at keeping executive expertise in government
Losing experienced employees from federal service jobs can have serious consequences, and there's a good way to lessen the chances of that happening, a new study shows. Read MoreMar 29, 2013
Vanderbilt University Keegan Fellowship winner to explore wildlife conservation projects around the world
Vanderbilt University has awarded graduating senior Emma Steigerwald the 2013 Michael B. Keegan Traveling Fellowship. Emma Steigerwald (Vanderbilt) The goal of the fellowship is to develop future leaders through world travel and experiential learning. Graduating seniors awarded the fellowship have the opportunity to pursue an idea or an issue, about… Read MoreMar 27, 2013
W. James Booth: “Can the Dead Be Harmed?”
W. James Booth, professor of political science and philosophy, examines our obligations toward the dead. Read MoreMar 27, 2013
Five in history department recognized
Faculty in the Department of History have received a variety of prestigious research awards and fellowships in recent months. Read MoreMar 25, 2013
Lisa Guenther: “Is Solitary Confinement a Living Death Penalty?”
There is good reason to think that long-term solitary confinement has debilitating psychological effects which render people unable to engage socially, says Lisa Guenther, associate professor of philosophy. Read MoreMar 22, 2013
Douglas Hall, noted astronomer and former director of Dyer Observatory, dies
Douglas S. Hall, professor of physics and astronomy, emeritus, died March 16 after a brief illness. Hall was a distinguished astronomer and scientist credited with several significant discoveries. Read MoreMar 20, 2013
Vanderbilt research: Support for double majors could pay major dividends
Double major students may be the innovative thinkers society needs to tackle the complex problems of the 21st century, Vanderbilt sociologists Richard Pitt and Steven Tepper argue in a new report. Read MoreMar 18, 2013
Excellence in undergraduate writing to be celebrated March 24
Vanderbilt will host its fifth annual Undergraduate Writing Symposium on March 24. The event is a forum for excellence in undergraduate writing of all kinds. Read MoreMar 15, 2013
Public support for democracy endures in Venezuela
The collapse of the party system and high levels of crime and corruption in Venezuela have not dimmed public support for democracy in that country, according to a survey by the Latin American Public Opinion Project at Vanderbilt. Read MoreMar 12, 2013
Vanderbilt’s Peabody No. 1 education school for fifth consecutive year
Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development was named the top graduate school of education in the country for the fifth consecutive year by U.S. News and World Report. Read MoreMar 12, 2013