Fighting bureaucracy by improving it
Everybody hates being caught up in bureaucracy. Ed Rubin at Vanderbilt Law School says things could work a lot better. Read MoreAug 26, 2014
Trends indicate Asian Americans should be turning Republican – but they’re not
It's a puzzler that political scientists want to understand and strategists want to exploit: Asian Americans lean decidedly to the Democratic Party, despite many factors that indicate they should be a natural fit for the Republicans. Read MoreJun 11, 2014
Education a rising priority for Tennessee voters: Vanderbilt Poll
A poll of the opinions of Tennessee voters found that public school teachers are underpaid and achievement tests taken by students shouldn’t determine how any raises are distributed. Read MoreFeb 6, 2014
Waning political tolerance in some Latin American nations points to weakened democratic culture
Support for political tolerance remains strong in many Latin American and Caribbean nations, but in others a move in the opposite direction “represents alarming news,” concludes a study by Vanderbilt University’s Latin American Public Opinion Project. Read MoreJan 22, 2014
Tennessee voters want Medicaid expansion, but many still don’t like ACA, Vanderbilt Poll shows
The latest Vanderbilt Poll results are in, with registered voters in Tennessee giving their opinions on Medicaid expansion and other issues. Read MoreDec 11, 2013
‘Morning Joe’ team will discuss future of Republican Party at Vanderbilt University event
Joe Scarborough and his "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski will share a nuanced examination of the unexpected rise and what Scarborough describes as the "self-inflicted fall" of the Republican Party during a Dec. 2 Chancellor’s Lecture Series event at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreNov 11, 2013
Live Science: Conservatives and liberals equally smug, study finds
New research by postdoctoral fellow Kaitlin Toner suggests liberals and conservatives are about equally convinced of the correctness of their views, but extremists are more likely than moderates to feel their views are superior. Read MoreOct 9, 2013
Alumnus, Arkansas legislator returns Oct. 28 to speak at Vanderbilt Law School
Arkansas lawmaker Darrin Williams will speak at the law school Oct. 28. Read MoreOct 8, 2013
Perspectives on Election 2012
Authors Dan Balz, Lynn Vavreck and John Sides discuss the 2012 presidential election with David Lauter of the Los Angeles Times and John Seignethaler of the First Amendment Center. The “Perspectives on Election 2012” event was held Sept. 24, 2013, at the First Amendment Center on the Vanderbilt campus.To learn… Read MoreOct 8, 2013
Politics of Health Conference is Oct. 3-4 at Vanderbilt
The Politics of Health Conference Oct. 3-4 at Vanderbilt is a free event that will speak to the scale, urgency and intimacy of health as a critical American economic and political issue. Read MoreSep 9, 2013
Hear social psychologist Jonathan Haidt speak on politics and religion Sept. 9 and 10
The Chaplain’s Speaker Series will host Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at the NYU-Stern School of Business, for two lectures Sept. 9 and 10. Read MoreSep 9, 2013
Tennessee statesman James Sasser donates papers to Vanderbilt
James R. Sasser, a former three-term U.S. senator from Tennessee and ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, and his wife, Mary Sasser, have donated their papers to Vanderbilt University’s Special Collections. Read MoreJul 1, 2013
Study of affluent Americans shows where their politics differ
A study on the political habits of the wealthiest Americans found that they are active in politics, urgently concerned with cutting the national deficit and look favorably on cutting social programs. Read MoreMar 25, 2013
VUCast: Pawn Stars
This Week on VUCast, Vanderbilt’s online newscast: Why one Vandy professor says pawn shops are a better economic move than you realize. Which gives a bigger political punch to undecided voters—the debates or negative ads? Go behind closed “Dores” to see what game day is really like. Read MoreOct 26, 2012
Role of religion in national politics focus of 2012 Cole Lectures
Anthea Butler, a noted scholar on religion and politics who is a regular contributor to national media programs, will deliver the 2012 Cole Lectures at Vanderbilt University Divinity School’s Benton Chapel. Read MoreOct 16, 2012
Biology, race and politics explored in upcoming Chancellor’s Lecture
Is race a biological category written in our genes? Or are genomic scientists and biomedical researchers mistakenly using race to explain away health disparities among different population groups? Dorothy Roberts, the Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, will explore this issue in an upcoming Chancellor’s Lecture at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreOct 10, 2012
Reaction to recent positive Obama ad indicates negative strategy would be better
Nearly a third of American voters finds a new ‘positive’ ad by President Obama contrasting his approach to the economy with that of Mitt Romney to be 'disgusting.' Read MoreJul 30, 2012
Vanderbilt and YouGov team up to survey reactions to campaign ads
Voter reaction to campaign advertisements by the presidential candidates will be evaluated this fall through a partnership between Vanderbilt University and YouGov, a prominent research firm. Read MoreJul 23, 2012
Study sees eligibility confusion ahead for Affordable Care Act applicants
A Vanderbilt expert on health policy and economics says that many people who get subsidized private health insurance under the Affordable Care Act in 2014 could face confusing changes in eligibility and cost sharing, and some will be required to pay the government back after the first year of participation. Read MoreJun 8, 2012
Physics post-doc headed to Capitol Hill as congressional fellow
Post-doctoral researcher Andrew Steigerwald has been selected by the Materials Research Society and the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society as their 2012-2013 Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow. Read MoreMay 18, 2012