Ideas In Action
Study shows that repeated statements are more often judged to be true, regardless of a person’s age or prior knowledge
Researchers from Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development ask two questions in a recent study related to the illusory-truth effect: Do adults learn during childhood to associate repetition as a cue for truth, and can their prior knowledge protect them from the effect? Read MoreOct 6, 2020
IRIS Center supports parents and children learning remotely with new module
A new self-paced learning unit or module available from Vanderbilt Peabody College IRIS Center, “Parents: Supporting Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” offers suggestions and strategies to cover a wide range of circumstances and student needs for grades PreK–12 as parents search for ways to help meet their children’s learning needs at home. Read MoreOct 6, 2020
Vanderbilt’s Humphreys receives Brain and Behavior Research Foundation Young Investigator Grant
Kathryn Humphreys, assistant professor of psychology and human development at Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development, was awarded a Young Investigator Grant from the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation in an announcement made September 21. Read MoreOct 6, 2020
Ideas in Action – The Conversation
Peabody researchers regularly contribute to The Conversation, an independent, not-for-profit media outlet that uses content sourced from academics and researchers. The research-based stories are often republished by large media outlets. Read MoreOct 5, 2020
Ideas in Action – Thought Leaders
Peabody faculty members frequently contribute ideas to public discourse about education and human development. Here is a selection of recent faculty appearances in popular media. Read MoreOct 5, 2020
Ideas in Action – Additional Faculty Honors
Listing of additional faculty honors from the Fall 2020 Peabody Reflector Read MoreOct 5, 2020
Recent books by Peabody faculty
Books on specific strategies and practices for using digital tools to reduce inequities in educational opportunities and improve student outcomes and the core ingredients of leadership have been recently published by Vanderbilt faculty. Read MoreOct 2, 2020
How to spot misinformation—and what to do about it: Expert advice from psychology professor Lisa Fazio
Lisa Fazio, assistant professor of psychology and human development at Peabody College, shares a few tips on how to avoid knowledge neglect and spreading misinformation. Read MoreSep 22, 2020
Ask an Expert: What are warning signs of COVID-19 stress in young adults?
Autumn Kujawa, assistant professor of psychology and human development, discusses the warning signs of COVID-19 related stress in young adults. Read MoreAug 7, 2020
Academic acceleration has no negative long-term effects on the psychological well-being of gifted youth
A new longitudinal study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology from Vanderbilt’s Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth finds that there are no negative effects on the long-term well-being of gifted youth from academic acceleration such as skipping grades, graduating early, or a combination of advanced educational placement methods. Read MoreAug 3, 2020
Supervision of principals should focus on instructional leadership, according to Vanderbilt research supported by the Wallace Foundation
Research on the evolving role of principal supervisors from Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of education and human development was included in two of three reports released July 21 by the Wallace Foundation, a national philanthropy that seeks to improve learning for marginalized children. Read MoreJul 28, 2020
Early empirical study on COVID-19 related depression and anxiety gives reason for optimism
Assistant Professor of Psychology and Human Development Autumn Kujawa, who studies the development of mood and anxiety disorders, has conducted one of the first longitudinal studies on mental health outcomes from COVID-19 and finds there is high potential for recovery when the pandemic situation improves. Read MoreJul 22, 2020
Leyva awarded NAEd/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
Luis A. Leyva, assistant professor of mathematics education at Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development, has been awarded a National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship for his research “Queer of Color: Counter-stories from Engineering, Computing, and Mathematical Science Majors.” Read MoreJul 9, 2020
Enhanced e-book helps close the word gap in children from families of low socio-economic status
New research from Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development asks whether the use of an enhanced electronic book can train parents in reading methods that facilitate parent-child conversations, which are known to spur preschool vocabulary development and the language processing skills necessary to close the word gap. Read MoreJun 29, 2020
Ask an Expert: How to maintain sobriety during a pandemic
Addiction thrives in isolation, so sheltering in place and social distancing during COVID-19 can be challenging for people in recovery as well as for those who are susceptible to substance misuse, says Andrew Finch, an addiction expert and Vanderbilt Peabody College professor. Read MoreJun 10, 2020
Tennessee teachers identify technological supports for remote learning as primary need during COVID-19 school closures
More than three-quarters of teachers in the recent Tennessee Educator Survey selected technological supports for remote learning as the most helpful supports needed to promote educational access during COVID-19 school closures. Read MoreJun 9, 2020
Independent Focus: Independent School Leadership master’s program drives innovation, boosts careers
The Independent School Leadership master’s program, launched six years ago, includes instruction from Peabody faculty and industry experts to advance independent school leaders and their schools. Read MoreMay 28, 2020
To Bridge the Gap: Peabody’s Department of Special Education applies best-in-class academic research to solve real-world challenges
In recent years a cadre of energetic, productive faculty members have joined Peabody's special education department, building on the legacy of high-caliber research and teaching that began in the 1950s with Lloyd Dunn and developmental psychologists Nicholas Hobbs and Susan Gray. Read MoreMay 28, 2020
Ask an Expert: What do people with disabilities face during the pandemic?
Anjali Forber-Pratt, assistant professor at Vanderbilt Peabody College, partnered with the American Psychological Association to compile resources to help people with disabilities navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Read MoreMay 20, 2020
Parent depression linked to reduced empathy, putting kids at risk for adverse outcomes
Depression in parents can lead to reduced empathy toward their children, which puts the children at risk for long-term negative impacts. Read MoreMay 18, 2020