Featured Myvu
Employee Celebration free screening of ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ Feb. 26
(DreamWorks Animation SKG) Bring the kids and enjoy the dazzling animated DreamWorks movie How To Train Your Dragon on Sunday, Feb. 26, at 2 p.m. This free event, sponsored by Employee Celebration, will take place in the second floor movie theater in the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital… Read MoreFeb 17, 2012
‘The Children’s Hour’ production continues through Feb. 24
Vanderbilt University Theatre's production of The Children's Hour premieres Feb. 17 at Neely Auditorium (Department of Theatre) The Children’s Hour, Lillian Hellman’s scathing indictment of a community that blindly accepts the lies and accusations of a young school girl, premieres at 8 p.m. Feb. 17 at Vanderbilt University’s… Read MoreFeb 16, 2012
It’s Severe Weather Awareness Week: Are you storm ready?
The National Weather Service tracked 113 tornadoes in Tennessee in 2011, a record number since 1916, when weather statistics for the state were first recorded. (Daniel Dubois/Vanderbilt) Severe weather at Vanderbilt – do you know what to do? The third week in February, Feb. 20-24, is Severe Weather Awareness… Read MoreFeb 16, 2012
Scholar-Sips wine tasting and silent auction to benefit scholarship fund
The Sixth Annual Scholar-Sips wine tasting and silent auction will be held Feb. 24 at the Student Life Center. (Image provided by Vanderbilt Woman's Club) The Vanderbilt Woman’s Club will present the Sixth Annual Scholar-Sips from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24, at Vanderbilt’s Student Life… Read MoreFeb 16, 2012
Portion of 21st Avenue South to be closed this weekend; other closure
Lane closures are planned Feb. 17-19 for 21st Avenue South between Edgehill Avenue and Medical Center Drive. (Vanderbilt University) Beginning at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17, through 6 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 19, the north- and southbound lanes of 21st Avenue South will be closed from Edgehill Avenue to Medical Center… Read MoreFeb 15, 2012
Test of AlertVU system scheduled for Feb. 22
Vanderbilt will conduct a test of the AlertVU emergency notification system Wednesday, Feb. 22, at 10 a.m. AlertVU rapidly sends messages to the delivery points a subscriber chooses – cell phone (voice or text), land line phone or email account – in the event of an emergency… Read MoreFeb 15, 2012
Vanderbilt philosophy department launches new lecture series
Vanderbilt University Centennial Professor of Philosophy John Lachs is the lead-off speaker Feb. 23 for a new series of talks that aims to make philosophy accessible and relevant for the public. Read MoreFeb 14, 2012
Day on the Hill brings focus to education, health care issues
Clockwise from left: C. Wright Pinson, deputy vice chancellor for health affairs and CEO of the Vanderbilt Health System; Jeff Balser, vice chancellor for health affairs and dean of the School of Medicine; David Mills, Vanderbilt's assistant director for state policy and legislative affairs; and Beth Fortune, vice chancellor… Read MoreFeb 14, 2012
Terrill finishes third in ‘Jeopardy!’ College Championship
Zack Terrill (image courtesy of Jeopardy!) Vanderbilt senior Zack Terrill will collect $25,000 for finishing third in the Jeopardy! College Championship. The annual tournament wrapped up Feb. 14. Terrill was in first place going into Final Jeopardy! on the second night of the two-night finals. The category… Read MoreFeb 14, 2012
Love, chocolate good for the heart, cardiologist says
Being involved in a healthy, loving relationship is good for the heart, says Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute cardiologist Julie Damp. Giving your loved one a box of dark chocolates and a bottle of red wine won’t hurt either. Studies suggest they are good for the heart, too. Read MoreFeb 14, 2012
Chancellor assembles Committee on Social Media and the Internet
As part of the administration’s ongoing efforts to incorporate new technologies, especially social media, into the execution of the university’s mission, Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos has organized the Committee on Social Media and the Internet. Vanderbilt faculty, researchers, physicians, students and staff comprise the year-long task force and are… Read MoreFeb 10, 2012
Galloway represents Vanderbilt at the White House
Galloway was among about 40 engineering deans representing a broad spectrum of U.S. engineering programs that do well in retention. Read MoreFeb 9, 2012
Feature film ‘Deadline’ has Vanderbilt ties on both sides of the camera
Click arrow above to listen to an InterVU with Deadline music composer Dave Perkins. (poster image courtesy of Film House) A locally produced feature film premiering Feb. 15 has several Vanderbilt connections. Deadline, based on the novel Grievances by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Mark Ethridge, features several… Read MoreFeb 9, 2012
Vote in House Organ’s Pets of Vanderbilt contest
As always, hundred and hundreds of pictures were submitted by Vanderbilt staff and faculty for House Organ’s annual Pets of Vanderbilt feature, a Medical Center tradition. Finalists in the Dogs, Cats, and Group or Duo categories are published below, and be sure to click in the blue… Read MoreFeb 9, 2012
Black migration focus of Vanderbilt-Fisk symposium
(Image courtesy of the Museum of the African Diaspora, San Francisco) A range of issues relative to the challenges, possibilities and tensions that have emerged from the migration and settlement of black people in North America, the Caribbean and Europe will be discussed at a symposium co-hosted by Vanderbilt… Read MoreFeb 9, 2012
Memorial Gym to host ESPN’s ‘College GameDay’
(Vanderbilt University) ESPN’s College GameDay will be on campus this Saturday, Feb. 11, prior to the Vanderbilt men’s home basketball game against Kentucky at 8 p.m. CT. The national broadcast will air from 9 to 11 a.m. CT on Saturday from inside Memorial Gym. The first hour will air… Read MoreFeb 9, 2012
Listen: Jane Austen dances attract large crowd to Alumni Hall
Novelist Jane Austen loved to dance and so does the Vanderbilt community, judging by the large turnout for “An Evening of Jane Austen Dances,” taught by Susan Kevra, senior lecturer in French and American Studies Feb 2 in the Alumni Hall Ballroom. Read MoreFeb 8, 2012
Sculpture from fine arts collection to be featured at Guggenheim
"Maz" by John Chamberlain, 1960. (Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery) A sculpture from the Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery collection will be included in upcoming Guggenheim exhibitions in New York and Spain. John Chamberlain’s 1960 work “Maz” will be featured as part of John Chamberlain: Choices, a… Read MoreFeb 8, 2012
Terrill to appear in ‘Jeopardy!’ semifinals
Zack Terrill (image courtesy of Jeopardy!) College of Arts and Science senior Zack Terrill will return Friday to the semifinals of the Jeopardy! College Championship. The episode will air at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10, on WUXP-TV, Comcast/Xfinity Channel 14. Terrill placed second in last… Read MoreFeb 8, 2012
Alumnus competing on NBC’s ‘The Voice’
Chris Mann, a Blair School of Music alumnus (Class of ’04), is a contestant on the new season of The Voice on NBC. On Feb. 5’s special post-Superbowl premiere, he performed a blind audition of “Because We Believe” in Italian and was invited to… Read MoreFeb 7, 2012