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Open Enrollment ends at 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 31
Open Enrollment, the annual opportunity for benefits-eligible employees to choose their benefits and elect the coverage that fits their needs for the coming year, ends at 11:59 p.m. Oct. 31. These last days are the only remaining time to review your insurance and spending account coverage and… Read MoreOct 29, 2012
Know Your Numbers, Go for the Gold help offered Oct. 29, 31
Health Plus will host Know Your Numbers stations on Oct. 29 and 31 to help faculty and staff complete their Go for the Gold by the Oct. 31 deadline. At the stations, weight, blood pressure and body mass index will be… Read MoreOct 26, 2012
Vanderbilt No. 13 on Kiplinger list of “Best Value” private colleges
Vanderbilt rose six places to No. 13 on Kiplinger Personal Finance’s 2012-13 Best Value Private Universities ranking. Read MoreOct 26, 2012
Trick-or-treat with Greeks and student-athletes Oct. 31
Vanderbilt’s fraternities and sororities and the Student Athlete Advisory Council invite your family to trick-or-treat with the Greeks and student-athletes from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012. Come to Vanderbilt’s Greek area (Kensington Place and 24th Avenue South) for free candy, games, activities and photos. Parking will… Read MoreOct 25, 2012
This Halloween, slay energy vampires
Curious as to whether your electronics are vampires? Look for a glowing light that remains on even when you power off the device. A silent menace may be lurking around your Vanderbilt office or home. “Energy vampires,” electronic devices that slowly suck energy when they are turned off but… Read MoreOct 25, 2012
Those keeping same benefits for 2013 still need to enroll
Open Enrollment is your opportunity to elect the coverage that suits your needs for 2013. Like last year, this is an active enrollment, meaning all benefits-eligible employees need to enroll. Even if you plan to keep your same benefits, you still need to enroll to ensure you get the… Read MoreOct 24, 2012
Sandoz awarded Chancellor’s Cup
Senior Lecturer in Communication Studies M.L. Sandoz (center) was presented with the Chancellor's Cup by Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos and president of the Nashville Vanderbilt Chapter MaryNell Bryan. (Joe Howell/Vanderbilt) M.L. Sandoz, senior lecturer in communication studies and director of Vanderbilt’s debate team, received an unexpected visitor… Read MoreOct 24, 2012
Dayan inducted into American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Colin Dayan, the Robert Penn Warren Professor in the Humanities at Vanderbilt, signs the American Academy of Arts and Sciences’ Book of Members, a tradition that dates back to 1780. (image courtesy of AAAS) Colin Dayan, the Robert Penn Warren Professor in the Humanities at Vanderbilt, was… Read MoreOct 24, 2012
Greenhouse gas emissions down 12 percent since 2008
Vanderbilt releases updated report to mark Campus Sustainability Day (Vanderbilt University) Overall greenhouse gas emissions from Vanderbilt’s campus and medical center have decreased by 12 percent from an all-time high reached in 2008—and by 7 percent from 2005 to 2011—even though the institution has seen significant growth in square… Read MoreOct 24, 2012
Vanderbilt doubles on-campus electric vehicle charging capacity
The Smart Modal Area Recharge Terminal, or SMART station, can accommodate 10 vehicles and joins five other stations scattered across the campus and medical center, bringing the total number of EV charging bays to 19. Read MoreOct 23, 2012
Remember to enroll for 2013 benefits
All benefits-eligible employees need to enroll! Open Enrollment is happening now! It’s the one time each year to review your insurance and spending account coverage and make choices for the upcoming calendar year. The benefit elections you make begin Jan. 1, 2013 for the plan year and… Read MoreOct 19, 2012
A message from Chancellor Zeppos: Protection of Minors
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos (Vanderbilt University) Dear Vanderbilt Community, Vanderbilt’s mission centers on the principle of community. We believe that each member of our University community plays a valuable role in defining who we are and what we do. We are committed to nurturing and maintaining a positive, productive… Read MoreOct 19, 2012
Tickets available for homecoming game vs. UMass
(Vanderbilt University) There is still time to get tickets for Vanderbilt’s homecoming game vs UMass on Saturday, Oct. 27, which kicks off at 6 pm. CT. Come cheer for the Dores! Contact: Larry Leathers, (615) 343-6437 larry.leathers@vanderbilt.edu… Read MoreOct 18, 2012
Julia Murray to examine cult of Confucius in Goldberg Lecture
Julia K. Murray, professor of art history at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, will deliver a Goldberg Lecture in Art History on “The Cult of Confucius and the Shrine of His Robe and Cap” Nov. 8 in Vanderbilt University’s Cohen Hall. Read MoreOct 17, 2012
Role of religion in national politics focus of 2012 Cole Lectures
Anthea Butler, a noted scholar on religion and politics who is a regular contributor to national media programs, will deliver the 2012 Cole Lectures at Vanderbilt University Divinity School’s Benton Chapel. Read MoreOct 16, 2012
Vanderbilt experts discuss election dynamics, fallout at Federal Forum
John Geer (Daniel Dubois/Vanderbilt) Negative ads, excessive campaign spending, and the agenda of the “lame duck” Congress were topics of discussion at the Oct. 15 Federal Forum panel held at The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons at Vanderbilt multipurpose room. The event, hosted by Vanderbilt’s Office of Federal… Read MoreOct 16, 2012
VU Neuroscience Graduate Program recognized as best in the nation for 2012
Vanderbilt University’s Neuroscience Graduate Program has been named the 2012 “Program of the Year” by the Society for Neuroscience. Read MoreOct 15, 2012
Open Enrollment begins at 8 a.m. on Oct. 17
(iStockphoto) Open Enrollment for 2013 benefits is almost here! Once again, enrollment is active this year, which means all benefits-eligible employees need to make benefit elections from Oct. 17-31. Even if you already have the right coverage and don’t have any changes to make, you still need to enroll. Read MoreOct 15, 2012
Flulapalooza 2 set for Oct. 17-18
“Flulapalooza 2″ will be TWO days offering DOUBLE the options, with the same, super-fast setup as last year. Oct. 17, 2012, 6 a.m–1 p.m. Oct. 18, 2012, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. The tent will be set-up between Light Hall and VA. This event is for ALL Vanderbilt faculty, staff,… Read MoreOct 12, 2012
Ink, toner, mobile device recycling program launched
Photo provided by SEMO/Vanderbilt A new program is under way on campus to make it easy to recycle copier, fax, laser and ink jet toner cartridges, as well as old cell phones, iPods and mp3 players. It’s good for the earth and it also benefits some good causes that… Read MoreOct 12, 2012