Colin Dayan
Vanderbilt University honors emeritus and emerita faculty, one emeritus dean
Vanderbilt University honored 27 retiring faculty members and one dean for their years of service by bestowing upon them the title of emerita or emeritus faculty during Vanderbilt’s Commencement ceremony on May 10 at GEODIS Park. Read MoreMay 10, 2024
Recent Books, Summer 2019
Everybody’s Doin’ It: Sex, Music, and Dance in New York, 1840-1917 (2019, W.W. Norton) by Dale Cockrell, professor of musicology, emeritus Everybody’s Doin’ It is the eye-opening story of popular music’s 70-year rise in the brothels, dance halls and dives of New York City. It traces the birth of popular… Read MoreAug 23, 2019
Dayan’s ‘Legal Sorcery’ to be screened at international art blowout
The influence of Haitian vodou rituals on Colin Dayan's research on marginalized populations and the law is depicted in a performance monologue that she recorded for an international art exhibition. Read MoreAug 14, 2017
Kudos: Read about faculty and staff awards, appointments and achievements
Read about the latest faculty and staff awards, appointments and achievements. Read MoreMar 1, 2017
Kudos: Colin Dayan in conversation with writer Philip Hoare during London book tour
Colin Dayan's new book "Dogs at the Edge of Life" was featured at the London Review Bookshop, where she recently held a conversation with award-winning writer Philip Hoare. Read MoreMar 17, 2016
Professor offers unsettling look at humanity with study of people and their dogs
Stories of relationships between dogs and people and actions surrounding those relationships are relayed by Colin Dayan in a new book calling for greater empathy and engagement across class and racial lines. Read MoreJan 7, 2016
Dayan to discuss new book at Barnes & Noble Jan. 16
Colin Dayan, Robert Penn Warren Professor of the Humanities and professor of law at Vanderbilt University, will appear at Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt at 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 16, for a very special in-store discussion of her latest book, "With Dogs at the Edge of Life." Read MoreJan 6, 2016
Three Vanderbilt professors awarded Guggenheim Fellowships
Three Vanderbilt University professors are among 175 scholars, artists and scientists named the 2013 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellows. Read MoreApr 15, 2013
Dayan inducted into American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Colin Dayan, the Robert Penn Warren Professor in the Humanities at Vanderbilt, signs the American Academy of Arts and Sciences’ Book of Members, a tradition that dates back to 1780. (image courtesy of AAAS) Colin Dayan, the Robert Penn Warren Professor in the Humanities at Vanderbilt, was… Read MoreOct 24, 2012
A message from Chancellor Zeppos on the state of the university
Dear Vanderbilt community, Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos (Vanderbilt) The beginning of a new academic year provides a university community with the opportunity to both reflect on the previous year and look forward, focusing intently on the future. We do so with a great sense of optimism and enthusiasm. While… Read MoreAug 29, 2012
Faculty honored at 2012 Fall Assembly
Jeffrey Balser and Richard McCarty surprised Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos with his 25-year recognition award. (John Russell/Vanderbilt University) To see a slide show of photos, visit Vanderbilt’s Flickr page. Earl Sutherland Prize for Achievement in Research was presented to Peter Buerhaus,… Read MoreAug 23, 2012
Colin Dayan named to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Colin Dayan, the Robert Penn Warren Professor in the Humanities at Vanderbilt University, has been named to a distinguished class of leaders from academia, business, public affairs, humanities and the arts, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences announced April 17. Read MoreApr 18, 2012
Caudill (Vanderbilt) Devin Bender, a support specialist in the emergency department; Melinda Caudill, a medical technologist in the Virology Laboratory; and Katie Gentry, a child life specialist, each have received the Credo Award, given to staff and faculty who exemplify Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s standards for service and all-around… Read MoreJan 1, 2012
Book by Dayan named to top 25 list
Colin Dayan (photo courtesy of Colin Dayan) A book by a Vanderbilt professor about the legal methods used to deprive people of their personhood was named one of the top 25 academic books of the year by Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. The Law… Read MoreDec 14, 2011
Stripped Away
There are any number of circumstances in which people can effectively lose some or most of their basic rights, says Colin Dayan, the Robert Penn Warren Professor in the Humanities. In her new research, Dayan argues that the law has been refined so that it can be used to deny the very rights it’s presumably there to protect. Read MoreJun 2, 2011
Vanderbilt looks at slavery at March 25 symposium
Scholars from Duke, UC-Berkeley and Columbia will look at slavery and its afterlives during a daylong symposium at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreFeb 23, 2011