Arts And Science
“From Romantic Poetry to the Writings of the Beat Generation” Robert Barsky, 4.1.2015
Watch video of “From Romantic Poetry to the Writings of the Beat Generation” by Professor Robert Barsky on April 1st, 2015 during the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute’s Spring term. Read MoreApr 1, 2015
Stassun wins Branscomb Award at Spring Faculty Assembly
Five faculty awards were handed out March 31 during Spring Faculty Assembly, including the Harvie Branscomb Distinguished Professor Award. Read MoreMar 31, 2015
Uruguayans skeptical as government takes control of marijuana market
Nearly 60 percent of Uruguayans disapprove of their governments move to take over the marijuana market, according to a LAPOP survey. Read MoreMar 31, 2015
Vanderbilt Theatre to perform plays by Tennessee Williams
Vanderbilt University Theatre presents five short plays by esteemed American playwright Tennessee Williams April 2-5 at Neely Auditorium. Read MoreMar 31, 2015
Kudos: Read about faculty, staff and student awards, honors and achievements
Read about the latest faculty, staff and student awards, honors and achievements. Read MoreMar 30, 2015
‘Is natural always better?’ topic of April 1 (Lunch)Box talk
Why do we strive for things that are natural? And is natural always better?" Read MoreMar 27, 2015
Beasley named dean of The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons
Vanessa Beasley, an expert in race, gender and diversity in U.S. political rhetoric, has been named the next dean of The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons at Vanderbilt University, effective July 1. Read MoreMar 26, 2015
Vanderbilt and Pittsburgh to lead new center to identify toxic chemicals
EPA is establishing a new center at Vanderbilt University and the University of Pittsburgh to develop an alternative approach for toxicity testing to help evaluate the safety of the 80,000-plus chemicals in general commerce. Read MoreMar 25, 2015
Nearly half of Brazilians support coup if corruption is high: LAPOP
A survey in Brazil by Vanderbilt's LAPOP project shows that the public there is open to a military coup in times of high government corruption. Read MoreMar 25, 2015
Public lecture on social media and science communication March 26
This year's Forman lecturer, Chad Orzel, will talk about social media for communicating science. Read MoreMar 24, 2015
This Easter weekend, hunt for fossils, not colored eggs
Vanderbilt students will give visitors a glimpse of Tennessee’s ancient past April 4 by guiding fossil hunts, identifying fossils and giving presentations and guided tours. Read MoreMar 24, 2015
NYU Administrator to Lead College of Arts and Science
Lauren A. Benton, a distinguished administrator and influential scholar in international legal history, has been named dean of the College of Arts and Science, effective July 1. Benton is Silver Professor of History and affiliate professor of law at New York University, where she currently is dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Science. Read MoreMar 23, 2015
What a Great University Does
In 2014, Lester “Ruff” Fant, BA’63, and his wife, Susan, made a significant commitment to the College of Arts and Science to establish, among other things, an endowed Lester G. “Ruff” Fant III Dean’s Fund and the James Thornton Fant Chair in Sustainability Studies. Read MoreMar 23, 2015
Oscar Touster, professor of molecular biology and biochemistry, emeritus, dies
Oscar Touster, professor of molecular biology and biochemistry, emeritus, and the first chair of the Department of Molecular Biology in Vanderbilt’s College of Arts and Science and Graduate School, has died. He was 93. Read MoreMar 16, 2015
Callie House Research Center launched with inaugural lecture
A celebratory event to launch the Callie House Research Center, housed within African American and Diaspora Studies, featured a lecture by author, historian and public servant Mary Frances Berry. Read MoreMar 16, 2015
Huerta to speak on ’empowering youth with compassion’ March 26
"Empowering youth with compassion and mindful teaching" will take place in the Black Cultural Center auditorium at 5:30 p.m. Read MoreMar 13, 2015
Tensions between religion and secular society explored in new class
A professor of Hebrew Bible and Jewish studies has created a cross-disciplinary course on secularism with the help of 29 faculty across eight schools. Read MoreMar 13, 2015
Weintraub receives 2015 Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award
The American Association of Physics Teachers has given its 2015 Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award to Vanderbilt’s David A. Weintraub, professor of astronomy. The award recognizes educators who have made notable and creative contributions to the teaching of physics. Read MoreMar 13, 2015
Kudos: Read about faculty and staff awards, appointments and achievements
Read about the latest faculty and staff awards, appointments and achievements. Read MoreMar 12, 2015
Noted prison reform experts to share insights at Turner conference
"Re-Visioning Justice in America," an April 17-19 public conference on prison reform sponsored by Vanderbilt Divinity School's Cal Turner Program, will feature keynote talks by Michelle Alexander, Bryan Stevenson and Howard Zehr. Read MoreMar 11, 2015