Arts And Science
Philosophy on the run: Vanderbilt professors host ‘Philosophy 15’ video podcast
Got 15 minutes? Rob Talisse and Scott Aikin say that's enough time to get philosophical with the help of their podcast, "Philosophy 15." Read MoreMay 1, 2017
Time Machine: Old technology finds new life in first-year student programming
When first-year students arrived last August at Stambaugh House, a residence hall on The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons, no doubt much of what they encountered was brand new. But a relic from the past awaited them in the Stambaugh lobby. Read MoreMay 1, 2017
University Courses program wraps up successful first year
Students participating in the first University Courses gave the initiative high marks, noting that the cross-campus curriculum created unique opportunities for students to tackle important subjects. Read MoreMay 1, 2017
Winner of Hamblet Award, top student art prize, named for 2017
Conor G. Bloomer, a senior from Watertown, Massachusetts, is this year's recipient of the Department of Art’s prestigious Margaret Stonewall Wooldridge Hamblet Award. The Senior Show installation is on display until May 12. Read MoreApr 28, 2017
Class of 2017: Marc Chen studies transportation’s role in improving communities
Marc Chen wants to use data to make cities work better for everyone. Chen, a math and economics major, believes there’s a wealth of untapped data out there waiting to be mined that could help public policymakers understand how their decisions affect the well-being of city residents. Read MoreApr 28, 2017
Lorrie Moore named 2017 Cullman Center fellow
Distinguished fiction writer and professor Lorrie Moore has been awarded a prestigious fellowship at the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at the New York Public Library. Read MoreApr 28, 2017
Michelitch named Carnegie fellow, receives $200,000 for research
Vanderbilt researcher Kristin Michelitch was named an Andrew Carnegie Fellow and will receive $200,000 for her research. Read MoreApr 27, 2017
Kudos: Read about faculty, staff, student and alumni awards, appointments and achievements
Read about the latest faculty, staff, student and alumni awards, appointments and achievements. Read MoreApr 26, 2017
Class of 2017: Lauren Pak seeks to resolve conflict and promote understanding
Lauren Pak’s passport is a map of injustices around the world. She has spent much of her undergraduate career learning about conflict resolution—not just through classroom lectures and reading, but also by doing hands-on, university-funded research on five continents. Read MoreApr 26, 2017
Gordon Logan receives APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions
The American Psychological Association has honored Centennial Professor of Psychology Gordon D. Logan with its most prestigious award for scientific achievement. Read MoreApr 25, 2017
Class of 2017: Zachary Bednarke thrives at the intersection of science and music
After hours of thinking about theoretical physics, senior Zachary Bednarke relaxes by playing his trumpet. While running through scales on the instrument, he is also, technically, still doing schoolwork. Read MoreApr 25, 2017
Class of 2017: Melissa De La Torre promotes human rights and a path to citizenship
The current discourse in this country about immigration policy and reform is much more than political rhetoric for College of Arts and Science senior Melissa De La Torre. Read MoreApr 24, 2017
Wisecaver named Vanderbilt ‘Postdoc of the Year’
Accomplished postdocs and faculty "Mentor of the Year" honored at annual Vanderbilt Postdoctoral Association and Shared Resources Symposium April 19. Read MoreApr 21, 2017
Students recognized for eye-catching data visualizations
Blake Quigley and Ben Shapiro received first-place awards in a student visualization competition that was held in conjunction with the "Places and Spaces: Mapping Science" exhibition on campus. Read MoreApr 20, 2017
The tale teeth tell about the legendary man-eating lions of Tsavo
Analysis of the microscopic wear on the teeth of three man-eating lions reveals that painful dental disease may have been what drove the cats to hunt humans instead of larger prey. Read MoreApr 19, 2017
Richard B. Johnston Jr., BA’57, MD’61 is Vanderbilt University Distinguished Alumnus
Richard B. Johnston Jr., BA’57, MD’61—a renowned immunologist and pediatrician—is the recipient Vanderbilt Distinguished Alumni Award. Read MoreApr 18, 2017
Vanderbilt English professor awarded 2017 Guggenheim Fellowship
Professor of English Mark Schoenfield, an expert on Romantic periodicals and culture, has been awarded a 2017 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship in English literature. Read MoreApr 18, 2017
New method for tapping vast plant pharmacopeia to make more effective drugs
Geneticists have developed an effective new method for identifying the genes that produce the chemicals plants use to protect themselves from predators, which are an important natural drug source. Read MoreApr 14, 2017
Teukolsky awarded NEH funding for Victorian ‘new media’ research
Rachel Teukolsky, an English professor whose research bridges Victorian literature and the visual arts, has received a Summer Stipends award from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Read MoreApr 13, 2017
Goldberg Lecture: Religious art and early global exploration
Jeffrey Collins will discuss the link between religious art and commerce for early global explorers when he delivers the Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Lecture in Art History April 13. Read MoreApr 11, 2017