Arts And Science
Joseph Glatthaar: Why the Confederacy Lost: The Experiences of Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia
Watch video of the talk, “Why the Confederacy Lost: The Experiences of Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia.” Joseph Glatthaar, the Stephenson Distinguished Professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, spoke Feb. 8, 2011, as part of a College of Arts and Science-sponsored series… Read MoreFeb 16, 2011
America’s readiness for a woman president focus of Vanderbilt political panel
Washington Post’s Anne Kornblut will share insights from book Washington Post political reporter Anne Kornblut will be at Vanderbilt University’s First Amendment Center on Feb. 24 for a panel discussion of her book examining America’s readiness for a woman president. The forum “Is America Ready to Elect a Woman… Read MoreFeb 16, 2011
Revolution in the Middle East subject of Vanderbilt forum
Panelists for the forum “Revolution in the Middle East!” are Katherine Blue Carroll, assistant professor of political science; Richard McGregor, associate professor of Islamic Studies; Beverly Moran, professor of law; and Thomas Schwartz, professor of history. Cherie Fathy, a junior in the College of Arts and Science, will serve as moderator. Read MoreFeb 15, 2011
Writer Adam Hochschild to speak at Vanderbilt University Feb. 24 about the impact of storytelling in historical and scholarly writing
Adam Hochschild (Photo courtesy of Media Sparks) Writer and journalist Adam Hochschild will give a lecture titled “’Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch . . .’: What Scholars Can Learn from Novelists – and Journalists – about Storytelling,” on Thursday, Feb. 24, at 7 p.m. in Room 114 Furman Hall… Read MoreFeb 11, 2011
Economy, including jobs, Tennesseans’ No. 1 priority in inaugural Vanderbilt Poll
The top three priorities for Tennessee’s elected officials should be the economy, education and health care, according to a new poll launched by Vanderbilt University. Read MoreFeb 6, 2011
The Servant of Two Masters premieres Feb. 18 at Vanderbilt
Carlo Goldoni's Servant of Two Masters premieres Feb. 18 at Neely Auditorium. (Vanderbilt University Department of Theatre) The 18th-century farce The Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni premieres at Neely Auditorium at Vanderbilt University on Feb. 18. The central character, the servant, is constantly hungry. When an opportunity… Read MoreFeb 1, 2011
Stanley Harrold: “Abolitionism and the Coming of the Civil War”
Stanley Harrold, a Civil War historian at South Carolina State University, spoke Jan. 27, 2011, on “Abolitionism and the Coming of the Civil War.” Harrold has done extensive research on the complex dynamics leading to the Civil War. His most recent book, “Border War,” was published November 2010 by the… Read MoreJan 31, 2011
Schizophrenics better at some memory tasks
(iStock Photo) Individuals with schizophrenia are better at some cognitive tasks than average people, new research from Vanderbilt University indicates. The findings open the door for potential new therapies for these individuals. Katy Thakkar and Sohee Park (Mary Donaldson/Vanderbilt University) “We found a pocket of spared or enhanced ability in… Read MoreJan 28, 2011
Kids who think Dad works too much more likely to bully
Do your children think you work too much and don’t spend enough time with them? If so, their perception could lead to bullying behavior, according to research by Vanderbilt University sociologist Andre Christie-Mizell. “Our behavior is driven by our perception of our world, so if children feel they… Read MoreJan 27, 2011
Documentary on rock ‘n’ roll pioneer Sam Phillips to be screened at Vanderbilt Feb. 9
A documentary about seminal American musical figure Sam Phillips will be screened Feb. 9 at Vanderbilt University, with writer Peter Guralnick speaking after the presentation. The free showing of Sam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock ‘n’ Roll, part of the International Lens series at Vanderbilt, is 7 p.m. Read MoreJan 26, 2011
Democracy remains strong in face of economic crisis
Mitchell Seligson, Centennial Professor of Political Science (Vanderbilt University/Steve Green) Despite one of the worst worldwide economic crises in the past half-century, support for democracy among those in Latin America and the Caribbean has not been eroded, according to the results of the latest AmericasBarometer survey. The… Read MoreJan 24, 2011
State of the Union: Vanderbilt experts available for analysis
Vanderbilt experts are available to comment on the State of the Union address. Read MoreJan 24, 2011
Free performance of “Women of Will” at Vanderbilt Feb. 3
Tina Packer and Nigel Gore bring Women of Will to Ingram Hall Feb. 3 (Photo courtesy of Shakespeare & Company) Women of Will will be performed at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 3, at the Ingram Hall, Blair School of Music, on the Vanderbilt campus. The performance… Read MoreJan 20, 2011
Public lecture series at Vanderbilt features renowned Civil War scholars
U.S. Civil War scholars from across the nation will speak at Vanderbilt University this spring on a variety of themes, including the war’s impact on Nashville, during a series of public lectures. Read MoreJan 20, 2011
Vanderbilt professor wins award for book about tours of Israel
Shaul Kelner, Assistant Prof. of Sociology and Jewish Studies. (Vanderbilt University / Steve Green) The Association for Jewish Studies has recognized a book by Vanderbilt professor Shaul Kelner as outstanding scholarship in the field of Jewish Studies. Kelner, assistant professor of sociology and Jewish studies, was presented the 2010… Read MoreJan 19, 2011
Mason, Jarman among authors appearing at Vanderbilt this spring
Novelists Bobbie Ann Mason and Tom Perrotta and poets Mark Jarman, Ciaran Carson and Frank Bidart are among the writers who will read from their work during the spring semester at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreJan 18, 2011
New director selected for Vanderbilt’s Center for Medicine, Health and Society
Dr. Jonathan M. Metzl Vanderbilt University’s innovative center that links the study of medicine to other disciplines will be headed by Dr. Jonathan M. Metzl, an expert in American culture, psychiatry and medical humanities. Metzl, currently director of the Program in Culture, Health and Medicine at the University of… Read MoreJan 12, 2011
Renowned Vanderbilt anthropologist holder of new Rebecca Webb Wilson chair
Tom D. Dillehay, internationally recognized for ground-breaking and highly interdisciplinary scientific research, has been named the Rebecca Webb Wilson University Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Religion and Culture at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreJan 10, 2011
Lighting upgrade at Vanderbilt University’s Buttrick Hall saves 34 metric tons of GHG emissions
A recent upgrade to the lighting in Buttrick Hall, a classroom building on Vanderbilt University’s campus, saves both money and the environment. The Plant Operations crew replaced 150 50-watt MR-16 halogen light bulbs with 6-watt light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs. The new LED lights will save 57,000 kilowatt hours per year… Read MoreDec 23, 2010
Get to know the Vanderbilt deans: Dean of the College of Arts and Science Carolyn Dever
The Hustler staff sat down with Carolyn Dever to learn more about her role as dean of the College of Arts and Science. Vanderbilt Hustler: Why did you choose this profession? Carolyn Dever: Because of a commitment to the excellence of the university and a desire to serve. Read MoreSep 30, 2010