Arts And Science
“Extremely little” telescope discovers pair of odd planets
A small telescope with a lens no more powerful than a high-end digital camera has discovered the existence of two very unusual exoplanets. Read MoreJun 13, 2012
Super-eruptions may have surprisingly short fuses
Super-eruptions are potentially civilization-ending events and new research suggests that they may have surprisingly short fuses. Read MoreMay 30, 2012
Vanderbilt Alumni Association elects new members
Seven new members have been elected to the Vanderbilt University Alumni Association Board of Directors. Read MoreMay 29, 2012
Founding Director Bill Ivey to step down from Vanderbilt’s Curb Center; Jay Clayton named successor
Carolyn Dever announces Bill Ivey will step down as director of the Curb Center for Art, Enterprise and Public policy after 10 years. Jay Clayton will succeed him. Read MoreMay 25, 2012
Hothouse for Scientists: Undergraduates with a passion for scientific inquiry work alongside seasoned researchers as equal players
Experience, so they say, is the best teacher. But when it comes to cutting-edge laboratory-based research, hands-on work often is the exclusive purview of graduate students and faculty. So how does an undergraduate student interested in research go about obtaining the experience and exposure that can help launch a career?… Read MoreMay 24, 2012
Romney has firm lead in Tennessee presidential race: Vanderbilt poll
The latest Vanderbilt poll shows Republican Mitt Romney firmly in position to win the state of Tennessee in the presidential election in November. Read MoreMay 21, 2012
Tenn. legislature should focus on economy: Vanderbilt Poll
The latest Vanderbilt Poll shows that there is a divide between the priorities of state lawmakers and the citizens they serve. Read MoreMay 20, 2012
Watch: How media coverage of campaign advertising influences election results
How the media covers campaign advertising can influence election results. Associate professor and co-director of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Josh Clinton explains his research on the 2004 “swift boat” ads and how media coverage impacted the election. Read MoreMay 18, 2012
Physics post-doc headed to Capitol Hill as congressional fellow
Post-doctoral researcher Andrew Steigerwald has been selected by the Materials Research Society and the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society as their 2012-2013 Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow. Read MoreMay 18, 2012
Fermilab Today: The consistency of quark soup
Four Vanderbilt researchers collaborated with scientists from the University of Illinois-Chicago, University of Kansas and MIT to describe the consistency of an unusual fluid produced when atoms of lead are smashed in the Large Hadron Collider. Read MoreMay 16, 2012
Listen: Vanderbilt environment shapes Randall’s novel
Vanderbilt University Writer-in-Residence Alice Randall credits the school’s creative and interdisciplinary approaches to obesity-related diseases like diabetes with providing “fertile ground” for her new novel, Ada’s Rules (Bloomsbury USA). Read MoreMay 15, 2012
Vanderbilt honors top graduates during Commencement
Top scholars from Vanderbilt University’s undergraduate and professional schools are being honored with Founder’s Medals during Commencement on Friday, May 11. Read MoreMay 11, 2012
Quantum dots brighten the future of lighting
Vanderbilt researchers have boosted the efficiency of a novel source of white light called quantum dots more than tenfold, making them of potential interest for commercial applications. Read MoreMay 8, 2012
Ten Fulbright honorees named at Vanderbilt
Nine Vanderbilt University students and graduates have been offered scholarships through Fulbright-sponsored programs for research, teaching and study abroad in 2012-13. Read MoreMay 7, 2012
New York Times op-ed: Black women and fat
"My goal is to be the last fat black woman in my family," writes Alice Randall, writer in residence at Vanderbilt and author of "Ada's Rules." Read MoreMay 7, 2012
Two Vanderbilt professors elected to National Academy of Sciences
Vanderbilt's Larry Bartels and Randolph Blake were elected to the National Academy of Sciences, which advises the government on science and technology. Read MoreMay 2, 2012
Dopamine impacts your willingness to work
A new brain imaging study that has found an individual’s willingness to work hard to earn money is strongly influenced by the chemistry in three specific areas of the brain. Read MoreMay 1, 2012
End of the Beginning
The Ingram Commons’ first class graduates First-year students and faculty heads of house gathered at The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons in August 2008 for their first-ever class photo. The taking of a class photo each year has become an Ingram Commons tradition. (John Russell/Vanderbilt) On a bright spring day… Read MoreMay 1, 2012
A Way With Words
Senior Nate Marshall’s passion for poetry helped him find his voice – and his calling Nate Marshall is all about the words. He started writing poetry in grammar school, and in the eighth grade, when a poem he wrote got him detention, Marshall realized two things: His words could have… Read MoreMay 1, 2012
Rogue stars ejected from the galaxy found in intergalactic space
Astronomers have identified nearly 700 rogue stars that appear to have been ejected from the Milky Way galaxy. Read MoreApr 30, 2012