Arts And Science
Black femininity in Western art topic of Goldberg Lecture
A Northwestern University professor who studies the articulation of blackness in the American visual arts will speak March 14 at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreMar 7, 2013
Christian Science Monitor: Latin America’s second-largest economy lags in digital accessibility
Barely 17 percent have Internet access at home, according to the latest figures of the Americas Barometer, a survey by Vanderbilt University’s Latin American Public Opinion Project. Although the digital divide – the gap between those who can afford access and those who can’t – has narrowed in recent years, progress has been slow and Mexico still finds itself well below its peers. Read MoreMar 6, 2013
CSI: Milky Way
Two astronomers from Vanderbilt and Georgia Tech, sharing a car after a snowstorm canceled their flights home from a conference, put together everything they had learned at the conference during that snowy drive and worked out that a collision between two black holes could explain most of what is known of a violent episode in the Milky Way's past. Read MoreMar 6, 2013
Listen: Join philosophical conversation at Vanderbilt Berry Lectures
Thought-provoking questions about the morality of war, treatment of others and obligations toward the dead will be explored during the 2013 Berry Lectures in Public Philosophy at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreMar 4, 2013
Vanderbilt ‘Harry Potter’ class goes to Oxford over spring break
Two Vanderbilt professors are teaching a psychology class, Harry Potter: Child Development and Children's Literature, in Oxford, England, over spring break. Read MoreMar 1, 2013
Dever reappointed dean of College of Arts and Science
Carolyn Dever has accepted a second five-year term as dean of the College of Arts and Science, announced Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost Richard McCarty. Read MoreFeb 28, 2013
Your Universe Today podcast: Supermassive Black Holes (Part 3)
Kelly Holley-Bockelmann, assistant professor of astronomy and physics, wraps up this three-part podcast series with an interview about her specialty, supermassive black holes. Read MoreFeb 27, 2013
Kudos: Read about faculty, staff, student and alumni awards, appointments and achievements
Read about faculty, staff, student and alumni awards, appointments and achievements. Read MoreFeb 26, 2013
Public lecture traces symmetry from Greeks to present day
University of Maryland physics professor Sylvester "Jim" Gates will give a free public lecture that traces the important role that the concept of symmetry has played in physics from the time of the ancient Greeks through present-day efforts to create a physical “theory of everything.” Read MoreFeb 25, 2013
Share your stories of retiring Associate Dean Fräncille Bergquist
After more than 35 years of helping undergraduates in the College of Arts and Science, Associate Dean M. Fräncille Bergquist has announced she will retire at the end of the current academic year. Colleagues, friends, students, alumni and parents are encouraged to submit stories, photos or congratulations for the dean. Read MoreFeb 22, 2013
Justice, God and sex topics of Religious Life programming this spring
The Office of Religious Life at Vanderbilt has a wide variety of events going on this spring to feed the soul, challenge the mind and revive the spirit. Read MoreFeb 21, 2013
Vanderbilt psychologist wins Sloan research fellowship
Alexander Maier, an assistant professor of psychology at Vanderbilt University, has won a two-year, $50,000 research fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation aimed at encouraging promising young scholars. Read MoreFeb 14, 2013
Vanderbilt researchers, students part of inaugural SEC symposium on renewable energy
Two Vanderbilt professors were among the energy experts at the inaugural SEC Symposium, and Vanderbilt’s Aerospace Club represented the university in the SEC showcase. Read MoreFeb 13, 2013
Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry among spring Vanderbilt Visiting Writers
Tracy K. Smith, winner of the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for her collection "Life on Mars," will read from her work Feb. 14 at Vanderbilt University’s Sarratt Cinema. Read MoreFeb 11, 2013
Lloyd to speak on Nashville music and neighborhoods Feb. 19
Nashville is the birthplace of country music, a major music industry center and home to a flourishing independent music scene. At a talk Feb. 19, Vanderbilt University sociologist Richard Lloyd will look at three key Nashville districts – Lower Broadway, Music Row and East Nashville –… Read MoreFeb 8, 2013
Evidence moles can smell in stereo
Neuroscientist Kenneth Catania has resolved a long-standing scientific debate by showing that the common mole can smell in stereo. Read MoreFeb 5, 2013
Sign up for Vanderbilt’s Osher Lifelong Learning spring term
Important Supreme Court decisions, the Nashville Ballet, and a “behind-the-scenes” look at special law enforcement agents are among the varied topics offered by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Vanderbilt this spring. Read MoreFeb 5, 2013
Peter Guralnick to speak at Solomon Burke film screening
A documentary about soul singer Solomon Burke will be screened at the Country Music Hall of Fame Saturday, Feb. 9, with remarks by Peter Guralnick, a Vanderbilt University writer-in-residence. Read MoreFeb 4, 2013
VUCast: Boy Wonder-He’s been inventing gadgets to clean the air since he was a kid. Meet the “boy wonder”.
This week on VUCast: Meet the Vanderbilt student inventor who might just save the environment; Vanderbilt's Television News Archive is a national video treasure; and Vanderbilt wins Emmy gold. Read MoreFeb 4, 2013
Professor Profile – Jonathan Gilligan
Professor Jonathan Gilligan conducts climate research, teaches students and writes plays. Learn more about this unusual Vanderbilt professor. InsideVandy video by Harrison Dreves. Read MoreFeb 1, 2013