Society And Culture
Vanderbilt awarded $1 million grant on public theology and racial justice
A $1 million grant from The Henry Luce Foundation will establish the Public Theology and Racial Justice Collaborative at Vanderbilt Divinity School, to be directed by Dean Emilie M. Townes. Read MoreDec 12, 2016
Renamed Arts and Science department deepens cross-disciplinary focus
Faculty and students will explore cultural history, literature, film, political culture and other interdisciplinary areas in the newly named Department of German, Russian and East European Studies. Read MoreDec 6, 2016
Unique premed program provides tools to understand social contexts for health
Seniors who completed the program were as likely as traditional pre-med students to be accepted into medical school. Read MoreNov 30, 2016
White supremacist activity spikes when Trump talks anti-immigration: Vanderbilt researcher
Internet posts by white supremacists websites have spiked in concert with the presidential campaign. Read MoreOct 26, 2016
Expert: Trump’s refusal to commit to honor vote has dangerous precedent
There is historical precedent for Donald Trump's refusal to confirm he will accept the results of the presidential election. It happened in 1860 and resulted in the Civil War. Read MoreOct 20, 2016
New faculty: Joerg Rieger examines theology in a social context
Joerg Rieger, a new Distinguished Professor of Theology and the Cal Turner Chancellor's Chair of Wesleyan Studies, defines justice as the search for the right relationships. “Religion can play an important role in changing our relationships for the better,” he said. Read MoreOct 10, 2016
New faculty: Jose Sibaja brings performance experience, trumpet fundamentals to Blair
Jose Sibaja is a versatile performer in demand for his ability to teach and play trumpet in a variety of styles—classical, Latin, jazz and pop. “I like quality music, and quality music comes in a lot of different flavors,” he said. Read MoreOct 5, 2016
Vanderbilt excavation begins to shed more light on the lives of early Peruvians
Findings from archaeologist Tom Dillehay's dig at Huaca Prieta and Paredones include the world's earliest known use of indigo dye. Read MoreOct 4, 2016
Social venture founded by Anthropology’s Ted Fischer wins $15,000 prize
Mani+, a pediatric malnutrition therapy, is the result of years of interdisciplinary research by Vanderbilt anthropology, business, nursing, biological sciences and education students and professors. Read MoreAug 23, 2016
Judaeo-Arabic culture focus of cross-disciplinary conference
Renowned experts across disciplines will speak on Judaeo-Arabic history and culture at an international conference at Vanderbilt University Aug. 15-18. Read MoreAug 9, 2016
Curb Public Scholar aims to reduce subtle bias in social interactions
A Divinity School student has been awarded a Curb Public Scholarship to develop a game-based tool for reducing bias in group interactions. Read MoreJul 20, 2016
Antidepressants: A treatment for bad marriages?
Psychiatrists usually treat marriage troubles by prescribing drugs meant for depression, a new study from Vanderbilt University shows. Read MoreJul 7, 2016
Patriotism among themes of Ziegler’s ‘Flag Exchange’ installation
The Tang Teaching Museum is featuring Mel Ziegler's multiyear project "Flag Exchange," with 50 weathered American flags and the colorful stories behind them, through Jan. 1, 2017. Read MoreJul 7, 2016
‘Leaning in’ hurts poor women when childcare is scarce
For women with low-wage jobs, a lack of childcare can be more harmful to their mental health than unemployment. Read MoreJun 22, 2016
English professor researches ‘tools’ of colorblind rhetoric
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded a postdoctoral fellowship to Assistant Professor of English Marzia Milazzo for her research on colorblindness as a global attempt to obscure the reality of racial inequality. Read MoreJun 16, 2016
Incarceration’s hidden wounds revealed
There’s a stark and troubling way that incarceration may diminish the ability of a former inmate to empathize with a loved one behind bars, but existing sociological theories fail to capture it. Read MoreJun 6, 2016
In the Americas, one in four say violence is OK when chores aren’t done
A new study from Vanderbilt's LAPOP researchers shows that a high percentage of men in the Americas approve of or 'understand' a man striking his wife if she neglects household chores Read MoreMay 26, 2016
Curb Public Scholars develop evidence-based public policies
The "People's Guide to Nashville," an album of children's music with prosocial messaging, and the inaugural Accessibility Map-a-Thon at Vanderbilt are among projects created and implemented by the 2015-16 Curb Center Public Scholars. Read MoreMay 25, 2016
Anthropology celebrates year of big wins for graduate students
Five Ph.D. students affiliated with the Department of Anthropology have landed significant grants this year, continuing a long trend of successes for the small department. Read MoreMay 25, 2016
Vanderbilt Libraries to host ‘Cultural Heritage at Scale’ symposium
Scholars, students and other interested individuals are invited to a free Vanderbilt Libraries symposium on the challenges and opportunities for those who build national-scale digital cultural preservation projects. Read MoreMay 25, 2016