
Common Ground

Amy-Jill Levine explores the shared heritage of Christianity and Judaism Amy-Jill Levine (Daniel Dubois/Vanderbilt) Amy-Jill Levine was always fascinated by Christianity. She recalls singing… Read More

Editor’s Note

Kissam will be a construction zone for two years starting May 14. (John Russell/Vanderbilt) For a short time, there was a rumor… Read More

Looking Back

L-r: Carl Seyfert, Board of Trust Chairman W.L. Hemingway, Arthur J. Dyer and Chancellor Harvie Branscomb on the observatory grounds circa 1952. Image courtesy… Read More


Leonard Folgarait, professor of history of art, delivered the keynote address on Mexican photography at the Art History Graduate Student Symposium held at Duke University. Read More

Lindsey Huddleston, What’s Your Story?

Lindsey Huddleston (John Russell/Vanderbilt) Sometimes a gust of wind topples a vase and shatters it. Sometimes the wedding officiant is late. Sometimes… Read More

Vanderbilt researchers help reveal complex role of genes in autism

Mutations in hundreds of genes involved in wiring the brain may contribute to the development of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Read More

Study reveals effects of different teaching styles on learning new words

A new study on novel word learning uncovered clues on reading and plasticity in the brain that could determine interventions for children who struggle with reading. Read More

Lamar Alexander’s early swearing-in focus of Vanderbilt forum

A panel discussion with U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander about his early swearing-in as Tennessee’s 45th governor will take place from 6 to 7 p.m. April 9 in the Central Library's Community Room. Read More

There’s still time to take library survey, win prizes

Students enjoy using the renovated Parkes Armistead Reading Room at Vanderbilt's Central Library. (Vanderbilt University) It’s not too late to take the library’s service… Read More

Vanderbilt offers on-campus dental services

(iStockphotos) Did you know that Vanderbilt offers dental services, with a clinic conveniently located on campus at the Village at Vanderbilt? Vanderbilt Dental offers… Read More

‘An Evening with Friends’ raises funds for Children’s Hospital April 13

(Vanderbilt University) The Friends of Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt invite you for an evening out to raise money for… Read More

Canadian educators visit Next Steps at Vanderbilt program

Next Steps at Vanderbilt Director Tammy Day (center) with Joan Pynn (left) and Karen Antle of the College of the North Atlantic. (Photo by… Read More

Dhol-and-brass ensemble Red Baraat performs at Student Life Center April 13

Red Baraat (image courtesy of the artists) Led by drummer Sunny Jain, Red Baraat will perform at 8 p.m. Friday, April 13,… Read More

Cruciferous vegetables may improve breast cancer survival

A study by Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center and Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention investigators reveals that breast cancer survivors who eat more cruciferous vegetables may have improved survival. Read More

Kopstain to take on finance duties at Vanderbilt

Eric C. Kopstain joins the Vanderbilt financial team in May, announced Brett Sweet, vice chancellor and chief financial officer. Read More

Relevance of medieval water practices to today’s designs focus of talk

James Wescoat, the Aga Khan Professor of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will address “Water and Work in the Mughal Landscape” at 4:10 p.m. in Cohen Hall, Room 203. Read More

New York Times: Study says DNA’s power to predict illness is limited

Vanderbilt University is already doing genetic analyses of patients to help in developing a shortlist of effective drugs, says Dr. William Schaffner, chairman of the department of preventive medicine at its medical school. Read More

Yunus challenges students to seek social change, not money

Nobel Peace Prize recipient Muhammad Yunus greets students during his campus visit April 2. (Joe Howell/Vanderbilt) Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus challenged Vanderbilt… Read More

Shade Grown will celebrate the environment through poetry, song and performance

To celebrate Earth Day, the Sustainability and Environmental Management Office (SEMO) in partnership with Vanderbilt Dining Services and the Vanderbilt Institute for Coffee Studies,… Read More

Higher-spending hospitals have fewer deaths for emergency patients

Higher-spending hospitals have better outcomes for their emergency patients, including fewer deaths, according to a Vanderbilt study released as a working paper through the National Bureau of Economic Research. Read More