Office Of The Provost
Fellowship program established by bestselling author James Patterson to bring distinguished visiting scholars to Vanderbilt
Philanthropic support from bestselling author and Vanderbilt University alumnus James Patterson, MA’70, has established new fellowships that will bring distinguished visiting scholars to the university. The Patterson Fellowships will allow visiting scholars to stay for up to a week at Vanderbilt’s Residential Colleges, where they will discuss their work and interact regularly with students. Read MoreOct 28, 2019
Wente appoints new Sports and Society Committee, launches 2nd round of micro-grant funding
Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente announced today new appointments for the 2019-20 Sports and Society Committee, which will provide oversight to the Sports and Society Initiative. In addition, the committee will review applications for Sports and Society Micro-Grant funds, the second round for which launches today. Read MoreOct 25, 2019
Students invited to Oct. 29 open house for Nichols Humanitarian funding
Students are invited to attend an Oct. 29 open house for the Nichols Humanitarian Fund, which can be used to support Immersion Vanderbilt experiences. The application window for awards through the fund is Nov. 4 through Dec. 16. Read MoreOct 25, 2019
Open Mind: Committed to showing our work
Transparency keeps everyone informed so we can engage in meaningful debate and give input on actions, and it builds trust and teamwork by setting clear and consistent processes, writes Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente in this week's column. Read MoreOct 21, 2019
VU Press’ Betsy Phillips to lead new Nashville-related book series
Vanderbilt University Press announces the launch of "Truths, Lies, and Histories of Nashville," the press’s first local-interest book series. Read MoreOct 18, 2019
The Open Dore: Recruiting an intellectually curious group of students
In this month’s edition of "The Open Dore" newsletter, Doug Christiansen, vice provost for university enrollment affairs and dean of admissions and financial aid, offers an insider’s look at how Vanderbilt recruits an exceptional group of students each year. Read MoreOct 18, 2019
Blair School’s Ryan Middagh awarded 2019 Chancellor’s Cup
Blair School of Music Senior Lecturer Ryan Middagh was awarded the 2019 Chancellor’s Cup by Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente in a surprise presentation during a Blair Big Band rehearsal on Oct. 15. Read MoreOct 16, 2019
Stevenson Library launches Gear2Go technology-lending service
Gear2Go, a new technology-lending service available to Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff, is now available at the Stevenson Science and Engineering Library. Read MoreOct 16, 2019
Vanderbilt climate surveys on sexual assault and misconduct show informed and engaged campus community, challenges remaining
Vanderbilt University released on Tuesday the findings of two surveys conducted earlier this year assessing student, postdoctoral fellow and faculty experiences with sexual assault and sexual misconduct. Read MoreOct 15, 2019
Vanderbilt faculty and postdocs report few experiences with sexual harassment in survey, but concerns persist
Vanderbilt University has released the results of its first-ever sexual harassment survey of Vanderbilt University-employed faculty and postdoctoral fellows. Read MoreOct 15, 2019
Wente and Macara named American Society for Cell Biology Fellows
Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente and Louise B. McGavock Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology Ian Macara have been elected 2019 fellows of the American Society for Cell Biology. Read MoreOct 10, 2019
University Courses proposals due Nov. 22
The Vanderbilt Center for Teaching, the new home of the University Courses program, invites applications from faculty members for innovative, interdisciplinary, team-taught courses that engage students in deep learning. Proposals are due Friday, Nov. 22. Read MoreOct 9, 2019
Faculty invited to submit Global Research and Engagement Micro-Grant proposals
The Office of the Provost invites faculty to submit proposals for the Global Research and Engagement Micro-Grant Program, which helps faculty pursue international research, scholarship and creative expression projects or pursue strategic, time-sensitive opportunities for global research and engagement. Read MoreOct 7, 2019
TIPs pre-proposals for university funding due Nov. 4
The Office of the Provost is issuing the sixth annual call for proposals for Trans-Institutional Programs, an internal faculty funding program that is a key initiative of the Academic Strategic Plan. Read MoreOct 7, 2019
Sustainability efforts must address social inequalities first, environmental justice scholar says
Robert Bullard, an award-winning author and distinguished professor of urban planning and environmental policy at Texas Southern University, described the economic and racial disparities inherent in environmental issues before a packed audience in Wyatt Rotunda Oct. 1. Read MoreOct 7, 2019
Open Mind: Trust and optimism go hand in hand
Trust is critical to our work together as a university community, and we can develop it by building connectedness across our different experiences, opinions and disciplines, writes Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente in this week's column. Read MoreOct 7, 2019
Wente launches new University Arts Council
Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente has established a new University Arts Council to advocate for the arts and related scholarship at Vanderbilt. Read MoreOct 4, 2019
Bass Military Scholars honored, first John S. Beasley II Scholarship recipient announced at campus reception
The inaugural cohort of the Bass Military Scholars Program, comprising seven U.S. military veterans who are pursuing professional degrees across several of Vanderbilt University’s schools, were honored at a reception in Alumni Hall on Sept. 19. Read MoreOct 3, 2019
Project Safe Center marks five years of education, advocacy and impact
The Project Safe Center for Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response marked its fifth anniversary earlier this month with a reception attended by students, faculty, staff and senior university leaders. Read MoreSep 30, 2019
COACHE faculty survey results in more than 70 action items in two years
Vanderbilt’s schools and colleges have implemented significant initiatives in the past two years to develop faculty, foster inclusion and create new resources for teaching and research. An update published to the COACHE website highlights the more than 70 policy changes and new or expanded programs that have been developed in response to the 2016 Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education, or COACHE, faculty job satisfaction survey. Read MoreSep 30, 2019