Featured Myvu
Solar charging stations for personal electronics installed on campus
Members of the Vanderbilt community can now enjoy the outdoors and charge their personal electronics at the same time thanks to four solar-powered charging stations that have been installed on campus. Read MoreMay 7, 2012
Observe National Employee Health and Fitness Day May 16
Vanderbilt employees compete in a walking relay. (Image courtesy of Health Plus) National Employee Health and Fitness Day, dedicated to increasing awareness of the many options for being physically active at work, is Wednesday, May 16. Activities planned for the Vanderbilt campus include something for everyone:… Read MoreMay 7, 2012
Subscribe to ‘VUToday’ and find out who’s in the news
(iStock Photo) VUToday is a daily report of Vanderbilt’s presence in the local and national news media, plus the latest press releases, athletics, research and higher education news. VUToday is a must-read for subscribers, who include faculty, administration, staff, alumni, community members, students and even parents… Read MoreMay 4, 2012
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program seeking friendship families
Vanderbilt’s Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is seeking friendship families for international fellows during the 2012-13 academic year. The Humphrey program brings accomplished mid-career leaders from developing nations and emerging democracies to the United States for an academic year to study, gain professional experience and foster cultural… Read MoreMay 3, 2012
Blair alumnus Chris Mann reaches finals on ‘The Voice’
Image courtesy of NBC. Chris Mann, a Blair School of Music alumnus, advanced to the finals on the NBC reality show The Voice May 2 after eight contestants were whittled down to four. Mann, a Wichita, Kan., native, put his degree in vocal performance to good… Read MoreMay 3, 2012
Consider alternate parking plans for Commencement, May 11
The Office of Traffic and Parking asks all University Central faculty and staff only to make available parking spaces for guests attending Vanderbilt’s Commencement on Friday, May 11. Make note of these requests to alleviate parking congestion on Commencement day: Zone 3 parkers… Read MoreMay 2, 2012
Two Vanderbilt professors elected to National Academy of Sciences
Vanderbilt's Larry Bartels and Randolph Blake were elected to the National Academy of Sciences, which advises the government on science and technology. Read MoreMay 2, 2012
Next My Health Chat to explore ‘Discoveries in Neuroscience’ May 16
Reid Thompson talks with Lola Chambless in the neurosurgery OR. (Anne Rayner/VUMC) The May program for My Health Chat will be the fascinating field of neuroscience. Panelists will be Reid Thompson, chair of neurosurgery and director of the Vanderbilt Brain Tumor Center, and Jeff Conn,… Read MoreMay 1, 2012
Free ‘Symphony on the Lawn’ concert May 22
(Vanderbilt University/Daniel Dubois) Vanderbilt’s annual “Symphony Concert on the Lawn” – a special performance for the Vanderbilt community presented by Employee Celebration and the Nashville Symphony Orchestra – is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 22, on The Commons Center Lawn. All faculty, staff, their… Read MoreMay 1, 2012
Endowed campus beautification fund allows major art acquisition
Sculptor Mark di Suvero's "Tumbleweed," before it was transported and installed on Vanderbilt's campus. (Image provided) Vanderbilt University has acquired a signature piece of art created by renowned American sculptor Mark di Suvero. The piece, Tumbleweed, was installed April 30 on the lawn between the… Read MoreApr 30, 2012
Student initiative trades side items for meals to feed hungry in Middle Tennessee
Will McCollum (left) and Mac Muir (Joe Howell/Vanderbilt) Two first-year students have teamed with Vanderbilt Dining for an innovative initiative to combat hunger in the Nashville community. Mac Muir and Will McCollum, who both reside in Hank Ingram House at The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons,… Read MoreApr 30, 2012
Mayor’s Field Day seeking volunteers
Fun, family-friendly activities planned at LP Field on May 5 Mayor Karl Dean is bringing a free citywide Field Day to Nashville as his newest health challenge event, and the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt is a proud supporter of the event. Mayor’s Field… Read MoreApr 27, 2012
Farmers’ Market kicks off May 3
The Vanderbilt Farmer's Market will be open Thursdays, 3-6 p.m. all summer long. (Daniel Dubois/Vanderbilt) The 2012 Vanderbilt Farmers’ Market kicks off May 3 at Medical Center Plaza. It will be open every Thursday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. all summer long. Stop by… Read MoreApr 27, 2012
Vanderbilt digital archive recovers lost Civil Rights voices
Digitized versions of the original reel-to-reel recordings that author Robert Penn Warren conducted with Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and other key leaders in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement are now searchable through the Who Speaks for the Negro website housed at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreApr 27, 2012
More options for Vanderbilt Health Plan members
Dear Colleagues, Traci Nordberg (Vanderbilt University) As Middle Tennessee’s largest private employer, our faculty and staff work and live throughout the region. To bring an added level of convenience to health care services for members of the Vanderbilt Health Plan, additional choices will be offered through our affiliated providers,… Read MoreApr 26, 2012
Changes to parking permit fee for 2012-13 academic year
(Vanderbilt University) The price of regular parking permits for University Central faculty, staff and students will increase an additional $5 per month for the 2012-13 academic year, to a total of $32 per month. This monthly increase is necessary to cover the continued rising costs of maintaining parking lots… Read MoreApr 26, 2012
Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff share discoveries at USA Science & Engineering Festival
A group of Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff will share their research and passion for science and technology with middle and high school students at the nation’s largest science fair April 27-29 in Washington, D.C. Read MoreApr 25, 2012
Senior design team wins $90K EPA grant for spinach-powered solar cell
At the Eighth Annual National Sustainable Design Expo, a team of Vanderbilt engineering seniors won the Marketplace Innovation Award, Student Choice Award and a $90,000 Phase II grant from the EPA for a biohybrid solar panel that substitutes expensive silicon wafers with a protein derived from spinach. Read MoreApr 25, 2012
Vanderbilt ranked sixth among ‘America’s Top Universities for Food Lovers’
Internet magazine The Daily Meal re-ranked the U.S. News & World Report’s 2012 top 20 colleges and universities based on their food options. Vanderbilt, which is ranked 17th by US News this year, came in sixth, according to The Daily Meal, for best dining options among its… Read MoreApr 24, 2012
Alvey, Weintraub address United Nations on music and astronomy
Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory Director Rocky Alvey celebrated two things he cares about deeply at the United Nations on April 12: music and astronomy. Rocky Alvey (John Russell/Vanderbilt) Singer-songwriter Beth Nielsen Chapman and Alvey’s collaborative album project The Mighty Sky was featured at the U.N.’s celebration of… Read MoreApr 24, 2012