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Chancellor shares political science expertise with students in Unity and American Democracy course
Chancellor Daniel Diermeier spoke to students in the Unity and American Democracy course Nov. 30 and used his talk in part to discuss the fundamental purpose of universities: to teach students “not what to think, but how to think.” Read MoreDec 8, 2021
COVID-19 protocols update
The university has determined that for the remainder of the fall semester, it will require all faculty, staff and students to either participate in routine on-campus COVID-19 testing or provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19, Vice Chancellor Eric Kopstain writes in an update to the Vanderbilt community. Read MoreDec 6, 2021
Home Fires
Brothers André, Keith and Kevin Churchwell, who were together for 15 years at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, are among the most accomplished physicians and administrators in the country. All three credit their father, Robert Churchwell, the first Black reporter at the Nashville Banner newspaper, as the inspiration for their success. Read MoreDec 6, 2021
Strengthening Cybersecurity Across VU: Securing your home network
Your home network refers to the connections among your devices, computers, routers, baby monitors, etc., and the internet. In today’s environment and with the prevalence of remote work, securing your home network is more important than ever. Read MoreDec 6, 2021
13 faculty awarded internal grants for teaching
The Office of the Provost has announced the second round of grant recipients for the Course Improvement Grant and Educational Advancement Fund that was established in March. Thirteen faculty members across six of Vanderbilt’s schools and colleges will receive support for their teaching. Read MoreDec 6, 2021
School of Nursing Dean Pamela Jeffries honored with endowed chair
Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Dean Pamela R. Jeffries has been awarded the Valere Potter Distinguished Chair in Nursing. Read MoreDec 1, 2021
Turkey Toss 2021 set for Dec. 17
Vanderbilt University faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars are invited to participate in Turkey Toss 2021 on Friday, Dec. 17, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The drive-through event will take place in Lot 5A at the corner of 21st Avenue South and Terrace Place. Read MoreDec 1, 2021
Vanderbilt Giving Tuesday to emphasize belonging and inclusion
Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, when Vanderbilt will shine a spotlight on some of the initiatives that help support its incredible and diverse community. Alumni, donors, friends and community members are invited to make a gift to advance belonging and help create an inclusive campus where everyone can grow to their full potential. Read MoreNov 29, 2021
USA Today: College professors have a right to provoke and upset you. It’s a part of learning.
Academic institutions owe it to their students and faculty, and to society at large, to guard against radicalization and politicization of ideas by any group, no matter where it falls on the political spectrum, writes Chancellor Daniel Diermeier in this opinion piece. Read MoreNov 18, 2021
Reid Hoffman, entrepreneur, investor and co-founder of LinkedIn, to deliver 2022 Graduates Day address
Reid Hoffman, an accomplished entrepreneur, executive, investor and philanthropist who has played an integral role in building many of today’s leading consumer technology businesses, will receive Vanderbilt University’s prestigious Nichols-Chancellor’s Medal when he delivers the Graduates Day address to the Class of 2022 on May 12. Read MoreNov 18, 2021
Vanderbilt offers reminders about COVID-19 safety during the holidays
The Thanksgiving and winter holidays are traditionally a time of gathering with family and friends. As with all aspects of life in a pandemic, however, best safety practices require us to adjust our expectations and behaviors. Read MoreNov 15, 2021
Vanderbilt Athletics unveils renderings; projects to transform student-athlete and fan experience
Representing the next step in the Vandy United campaign, Vanderbilt University today unveiled artists’ renderings for multiple cornerstone projects and provided further details and timelines for an effort that will redefine the future of Vanderbilt Athletics. Read MoreNov 12, 2021
Provost announces new program to enhance faculty support for undergraduate research
A new faculty funding initiative announced today by Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs C. Cybele Raver will strengthen one of Vanderbilt’s defining undergraduate experiences—the opportunity to work alongside renowned faculty during the summer in the pursuit of discovery and innovation. Read MoreNov 12, 2021
Vanderbilt Unity Project co-chair honored with new role at National Cathedral
Jon Meacham, a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer and the Carolyn T. and Robert M. Rogers Professor of American Presidency at Vanderbilt University, was formally installed as Canon Historian of the Washington National Cathedral on Nov. 7. Read MoreNov 10, 2021
Veterans celebrated at breakfast event Nov. 11, Salute to Service game Nov. 13
Military veterans on campus will be celebrated at a breakfast reception on Thursday, Nov. 11, and at the annual Salute to Service football game on Saturday, Nov. 13, just two of the ways Vanderbilt University will commemorate Veterans Day 2021. Read MoreNov 8, 2021
Army ROTC cadets learn to ‘stop the bleed’ with lifesaving training
Cadets in Vanderbilt’s Army Reserve Officers Training Corps recently teamed up with Vanderbilt University Medical Center instructors to learn lifesaving techniques first developed on the battlefield. Read MoreNov 4, 2021
New Multicultural Community Space celebrates grand opening
The Student Center for Social Justice and Identity joined with campus and community partners to host a grand opening Oct. 27 of the Multicultural Community Space, an exciting new venue created for students in more than 30 student organizations that are part of the Multicultural Leadership Council or are supported by SCSJI. Read MoreNov 4, 2021
Cybersecurity Alert: Campus-wide phishing attack
A phishing email with the subject line “Covid Test” has been sent to multiple Vanderbilt addresses. Do not open this or any emails from unknown senders, and do not click on or open any attachments. Read MoreNov 3, 2021
Diermeier applauds staff excellence, presents new awards at Fall Staff Assembly
Chancellor Daniel Diermeier commended staff for working “selflessly, tirelessly, and in boldly innovative ways” to set a new standard for the university during his remarks at the second annual Fall Staff Assembly. The event included the presentation of six new awards for staff member and team excellence. Read MoreNov 3, 2021
Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion launches additional Employee Affinity Groups; upcoming events for existing groups announced
The Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion will launch additional Employee Affinity Groups in the coming weeks and months as part of an ongoing initiative to support university employees. Employee Affinity Groups are employee-led and -facilitated groups formed around interests, backgrounds, identities and common bonds. Read MoreNov 3, 2021