International exhibit unites students, faculty and staff in celebrating mapping technology
Vanderbilt's recent hosting of the "Places & Spaces: Mapping Science" exhibition proved to be not only intellectually enriching, but also socially unifying, according to several leaders across campus. Read MoreMay 22, 2017
Commencement extra-special for grandfather who marches in granddaughter’s ceremony
It was a double celebration at Vanderbilt University’s Commencement for alumnus Jim Cheshire. He marched in the procession May 12 along with other members of the Class of 1967 to mark the 50th anniversary of his graduation. His granddaughter Rachel Riendeau marched as well, receiving her bachelor’s degree along with 1,736 other members of the Class of 2017. Read MoreMay 12, 2017
Grand Stair dedicated in honor of alumni Ed and Sue Clark
The striking spiral staircase inside Vanderbilt University’s Engineering and Science Building was dedicated April 28 in honor of alumni and longtime university supporters Sue, BA’77, and G. Edmond “Ed” Clark, BE’76. Read MoreMay 4, 2017
Vanderbilt Divinity School announces renovation and expansion
A significant renovation and 13,641-square-foot addition to Vanderbilt Divinity School will begin May 5 with an official groundbreaking. Read MoreMay 4, 2017
Vanderbilt, Nashville major draws for NCAA and SEC championships and tournaments
Vanderbilt will co-host the 2021 NCAA Regional Championship for Division I men’s golf—the latest in a string of NCAA and SEC events the university has helped bring to Middle Tennessee. Read MoreMay 3, 2017
Celebration honors 11 endowed chair holders
The extraordinary academic achievements of 11 faculty members named to endowed chairs were recognized during a celebration April 27 at the Student Life Center. Read MoreMay 2, 2017
Global Education Office announces study-abroad scholarship recipients
The Global Education Office has awarded 41 scholarships to students for the purpose of studying abroad during 2017 summer or Maymester terms. Read MoreApr 28, 2017
Renowned preaching professor at Vanderbilt dies
A memorial service will be held at noon April 29 in Benton Chapel for David Buttrick, a Vanderbilt Divinity School emeritus professor who was passionate about the art of preaching. Read MoreApr 27, 2017
Kudos: Read about faculty, staff, student and alumni awards, appointments and achievements
Read about the latest faculty, staff, student and alumni awards, appointments and achievements. Read MoreApr 26, 2017
Hinton named assistant chaplain, assistant director of religious life
Shantell Hinton will join the Office of the University Chaplain and Religious Life as assistant chaplain and assistant director of religious life on June 1. Read MoreApr 26, 2017
Ingram family honors father with $20 million gift to Vanderbilt’s College Halls
Three Ingram family members are making gifts totaling $20 million to name Vanderbilt University’s newest College Hall in honor of their late father and former Board of Trust member, E. Bronson Ingram. Read MoreApr 21, 2017
Students recognized for eye-catching data visualizations
Blake Quigley and Ben Shapiro received first-place awards in a student visualization competition that was held in conjunction with the "Places and Spaces: Mapping Science" exhibition on campus. Read MoreApr 20, 2017
National diversity expert speaks May 3 on going beyond rhetoric of equity and opportunity
Rumay Alexander, interim chief diversity officer at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will present a lunchtime lecture on Wednesday, May 3. Read MoreApr 19, 2017
Former football player, engineering alumnus receives National Science Foundation award
Bara Cola, who went from equipment manager to starting fullback as a Vanderbilt undergraduate, has distinguished himself among the nation's top young engineers and researchers since his Commodore playing days. Last week, the National Science Foundation named Cola as an Alan T. Waterman Award recipient. Read MoreApr 19, 2017
Scholarship brings Bridgette Brown home
Bridgette Brown came to Vanderbilt for a world-class education but, in addition to finding a new home, she also discovered herself. Read MoreApr 18, 2017
Richard B. Johnston Jr., BA’57, MD’61 is Vanderbilt University Distinguished Alumnus
Richard B. Johnston Jr., BA’57, MD’61—a renowned immunologist and pediatrician—is the recipient Vanderbilt Distinguished Alumni Award. Read MoreApr 18, 2017
Alumni Association honors Robert Fry for educational contributions
Robert Fry, senior lecturer in music history and literature, is the recipient of the 2017 Vanderbilt Alumni Education Award. Read MoreApr 17, 2017
Second annual Vanderbilt Giving Day set for June 15
With a goal of 5,000 donors in a single day, Giving Day 2017 offers the entire Vanderbilt community an opportunity to show their gold with gifts of any size to support the university areas that mean the most to them. Read MoreApr 14, 2017
WiseWear CEO discusses marriage of tech and fashion on ‘The Zeppos Report’
Alumnus Jerry Wilmink discusses with Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos Wilmink's journey from engineer to entrepreneur and the deeply personal reason he launched his company. Read MoreApr 12, 2017
Goldberg Lecture: Religious art and early global exploration
Jeffrey Collins will discuss the link between religious art and commerce for early global explorers when he delivers the Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Lecture in Art History April 13. Read MoreApr 11, 2017