Camilla Benbow
Vanderbilt delegation holds workshops at American University of Iraq–Baghdad, advances new college of education design
Representatives from Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of education and human development visited the American University of Iraq—Baghdad in April and May to advance the collaboration between the institutions on improving Iraqi higher education and strengthening the teacher workforce. Read MoreJun 5, 2023
Search committee to identify next dean of College of Arts and Science
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs C. Cybele Raver has appointed a committee to conduct a national search for the next dean of Vanderbilt University’s College of Arts and Science. The committee consists of a range of faculty from Arts and Science and collaborating colleges, as well as non-faculty peers. Read MoreMay 19, 2023
Peabody hosts Jordanian educators
Dean Camilla Benbow and Jordanian educators Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of education and human development hosted faculty, administrators, and staff from four Jordanian universities in a collaboration with International Research & Exchanges Board from May 8 to 12. The delegation was seeking to develop and implement a pre-service teacher education… Read MoreMay 19, 2023
Vanderbilt community gathers to honor The Covenant School
Members of the Vanderbilt and Nashville communities gathered on campus April 4 to honor those lost in the tragic shooting at The Covenant School. Read MoreApr 5, 2023
Lubinski, Benbow awarded ‘Gifted Child Quarterly’ Paper of the Year
The National Association for Gifted Children has recognized David Lubinski, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Psychology, and Camilla Benbow, Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development, with the Gifted Child Quarterly Paper of the Year award. Read MoreDec 8, 2022
Peabody College’s Meg Saylor awarded 2022 Chancellor’s Cup
Megan Saylor, professor of psychology and human development at Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development, has been awarded the 2022 Chancellor’s Cup for her remarkable teaching and mentorship of undergraduate students. Read MoreDec 2, 2022
Vanderbilt’s online education doctorate ranked No. 1 by ‘Fortune’
Fortune has ranked Vanderbilt University as having the No. 1 online education doctorate in organizational leadership for 2022. The online doctoral program in leadership and learning in organizations is geared toward mid-career professionals and maximizes flexibility to help them complete their degrees within approximately three years. Read MoreAug 17, 2022
Q&A: What can a 50-year study teach us about giftedness?
The Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth, a first-of-its-kind longitudinal study led by Vanderbilt researchers Camilla P. Benbow and David Lubinski, continues to shape the way we understand giftedness, success and happiness. Read MoreJul 27, 2022
‘The War in Ukraine and the Role of Education’ is June 23
Vanderbilt Peabody College will host a discussion with Anna Novosad, Ukraine’s former minister of education and an alumna of the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program at Vanderbilt, about the role of education in rebuilding Ukraine and the impact of its war with Russia on the region and around the world. The online event is scheduled for Thursday, June 23, from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. CT. Read MoreJun 13, 2022
Peabody-led editorial team renewed at top education journal
Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development professor Ellen Goldring will serve for two more years as editor-in-chief of the flagship academic journal in education, the "American Educational Research Journal." Read MoreMar 14, 2022
Soldier-inspired innovation incubator team wins $500K first-place prize at xTechBOLT Competition
Applying insights from the emerging field of educational neuroscience, a transdisciplinary team from Vanderbilt University, Soterix Medical and the U.S. Army recently won the $500,000 first-place prize in the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command’s xTechBrain Operant Learning Technology (xTechBOLT) prize competition, which seeks to promote high-risk, high-reward research in learning and memory retention. Read MoreJan 21, 2022
Leading scholar on early childhood public policy to join Vanderbilt faculty
Nationally renowned early childhood education researcher Cynthia Osborne will join Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College, bringing with her a $10.5 million research center geared at human development in the first three years of life. Read MoreDec 17, 2021
New documentary on Nashville public schools to screen at Peabody College
"By Design: The Shaping of Nashville’s Public Schools" will screen on Thursday, Oct. 21, at 4:30 p.m. in the Wyatt Center Rotunda for Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff, and a livestream will be made available for wider public viewing. Advance registration is required to participate. Read MoreOct 13, 2021
Peabody College and Metro Nashville Public Schools launch partnership to strengthen education equity
Producing actionable, innovative and scalable research to address racial and social inequities in Pre-K-12 schools is the goal of a new partnership between Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of education and human development and Metro Nashville Public Schools. Read MoreSep 29, 2021
Chancellor Daniel Diermeier appoints Provost Search Committee
Vanderbilt University Chancellor Daniel Diermeier has appointed a Provost Search Committee to identify the university’s next chief academic officer. Read MoreFeb 3, 2021
Six Peabody researchers recognized by Edu-Scholar Influence ranking
Six researchers from Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of education and human development have been selected for "Education Week's" 2021 Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings, an annual list highlighting education researchers who have demonstrated the greatest influence over educational policy and practice. Read MoreJan 15, 2021
Vanderbilt Peabody professor garners literacy award
The Literacy Research Association has honored Kevin Leander, professor of literacy, language and culture at Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development, with the P. David Pearson Scholarly Influence Award. Read MoreDec 7, 2020
Inaugural conference on race justice to feature internationally known scholars
The Initiative for Race Research and Justice at Vanderbilt Peabody College will host a daylong virtual conference on Saturday, Dec. 5, featuring internationally known scholars and leaders Marc Lamont Hill, Gloria Ladson-Billings and Bettina Love, among others, who will address a range of questions about racial justice as the issue applies in educational settings and more broadly. Read MoreNov 18, 2020
Vanderbilt disability inclusion programs receive national recognition
Several Vanderbilt diversity and inclusion programs are spotlighted by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs on a list of disability and inclusion resources meeting the agency’s criteria. Read MoreNov 13, 2020
From the Dean, Fall 2020 Peabody Reflector
A message from Dean Camilla P. Benbow for the Fall 2020 issue of the Peabody Reflector Read MoreOct 6, 2020