Arts And Science
Eat and learn about the history of violence at lunchbox talk
A historian of early modern Europe will compare violence in the 16th and 17th centuries with conditions today during a lunchtime talk Wednesday, Oct. 4. Read MoreSep 27, 2017
Center for Effective Lawmaking announces highest-scoring members of Congress
The most effective legislators in the U.S. House of Representative and Senate were identified by the new Center for Effective Lawmaking in Washington, D.C. Read MoreSep 26, 2017
Vanderbilt graduate research assistant receives national defense fellowship
Matthew Feldman, a graduate research assistant in physics and astronomy, is one of only 195 students nationwide who have been awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellow Read MoreSep 22, 2017
Unique premed program teaches new approach to race and health
A premed program that teaches undergraduates about institutional racism is up and coming at Vanderbilt Read MoreSep 20, 2017
Biologist reaches into electric eel tank, comes out with equation to measure shocks
Ken Catania stuck his arm into a tank with an electric eel 10 times -- the only way to get accurate measurements of the circuit created by animal, arm and water. Read MoreSep 14, 2017
Endowed chair holder celebration honors 11 professors
Eleven Vanderbilt faculty members named to endowed chairs were recognized for their exemplary achievements during a celebration Sept. 6 at the Student Life Center. Read MoreSep 8, 2017
Giving Matters: John Arnold, BA’95, is determined to revolutionize philanthropy
By Ryan Underwood, BA’96 John Arnold (BRENT HUMPHREYS) When financial traders talk about buying low and selling high, what they really mean is that they’re looking for an edge, a profitable move that nobody else in the market has discovered. This is how Warren Buffett made his money. Starting… Read MoreSep 7, 2017
Center for Effective Lawmaking to premier in Washington; news conference is Sept. 26
The new Center for Effective Lawmaking, which studies the causes and consequences of the legislative effectiveness of members of Congress, will be introduced in Washington on Tuesday, Sept. 26. The center is a joint effort by the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia and Vanderbilt University. Read MoreSep 6, 2017
Experts to explore the ways of being Muslim across diverse environments
Specialists on Islam will come together Sept. 7-9 at Sarratt Student Center to discuss the historical and contemporary facets of being Muslim in a wide variety of locales and language communities. Read MoreSep 3, 2017
Islam expert: We must understand ISIS to defeat it
Understanding ISIS is the first step toward defeating it, says Vanderbilt professor David Wasserstein. Read MoreAug 28, 2017
New research on Fragile X syndrome reinforces importance of early detection
New insights into the long-lasting effects of Fragile X syndrome on connections in the brain during early development highlight the importance of early detection and treatment. Read MoreAug 25, 2017
Sugars in human mother’s milk are non-toxic antibacterial agents
A new study has found that sugars in mother's' milk do not just provide nutrition for babies but also help protect them from bacterial infections. Read MoreAug 20, 2017
Distinguished Shakespeare scholar Ann Cook Calhoun dies
Ann Cook Calhoun, an internationally renowned Shakespeare scholar and a powerful force for making the Bard's plays accessible to everyone, died Aug. 13 at the age of 82. Read MoreAug 18, 2017
Vanderbilt Student Media Hall of Fame 2017 class named
An Emmy-winning writer for 'The Daily Show,' three journalists whose careers have been shaped by innovation, and a woman judge who blazed new trails have been named to the Student Media Hall of Fame. Read MoreAug 18, 2017
Polyn elected fellow of Association for Psychological Science
Associate Professor of Psychology Sean Polyn has been elected as a 2017 fellow of the Association for Psychological Science. Read MoreAug 15, 2017
Dayan’s ‘Legal Sorcery’ to be screened at international art blowout
The influence of Haitian vodou rituals on Colin Dayan's research on marginalized populations and the law is depicted in a performance monologue that she recorded for an international art exhibition. Read MoreAug 14, 2017
Stark wins Star-Nelkin Award
Associate Professor Laura Stark of the Center for Medicine, Health and Society has won the prestigious Star-Nelkin Award. Read MoreAug 11, 2017
McSeveney, historian of the Gilded Age, dead at 86
Retired history professor Samuel T. McSeveny has died at the age of 86. Read MoreAug 8, 2017
A&S student featured in 2017 Shakespeare in the Park
Miranda Pepin, an Arts and Science rising senior, performs two roles in the Nashville Shakespeare Festival's double feature, "The Winter's Tale" and "Antony and Cleopatra," at Centennial Park. Read MoreAug 8, 2017
Professor Holly Tucker shares her process of bringing history to life on ‘The Zeppos Report’
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos interviews Professor of French Holly Tucker, author of "City of Light, City of Poison," on "The Zeppos Report." Read MoreAug 7, 2017