Strategic Plan
First-year students learn lessons on race and inclusion at 10th annual Lawson Lecture
A reunion 50 years in the making made a significant impact on first-year students at the 10th annual Lawson Lecture Sept. 27, when Vanderbilt alumni Perry Wallace and Godfrey Dillard shared their stories of being young African American basketball recruits and students on campus in the late-1960s. Read MoreSep 29, 2016
Childhood health influences focus of new NIH initiative
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently announced it will provide $157 million in awards to launch a multi-center, seven-year initiative that will investigate how exposure to environmental factors in early development — from conception through early childhood — influences the health of children and adolescents. Read MoreSep 29, 2016
Search committee named for vice provost for equity, diversity and inclusion
Provost Susan R. Wente has charged a search committee comprising students and faculty from a range of disciplines to identify the university’s first vice provost for equity, diversity and inclusion. Read MoreSep 29, 2016
BMI genotype and breast cancer risk
For breast cancer prevention, a new study provides evidence for lifestyle modification to reduce weight gain in adults. Read MoreSep 29, 2016
Targeting norovirus “noxiousness”
New discoveries will guide efforts to develop vaccines or antiviral agents for norovirus, the most common cause of infectious diarrhea. Read MoreSep 28, 2016
Expanded vision for Arts and Science’s Classical and Mediterranean Studies
The new Program in Classical and Mediterranean Studies expands the scope of a venerable academic department by building on faculty strengths across disciplines. Read MoreSep 26, 2016
New working group to define university’s global strategy
Developing an international strategy to support and promote faculty research, scholarship and creative expression is the charge of a new working group appointed by the provost. Read MoreSep 26, 2016
Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance discussion addresses race and health equity
Dr. Camara Jones, president of the American Public Health Association and a senior fellow at both the Satcher Health Leadership Institute and the Cardiovascular Research Institute, shared allegories on race and racism at a roundtable discussion at a recent Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance event. Read MoreSep 23, 2016
Mental health and well-being focus of chancellor’s committee, new campuswide initiative
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos has empaneled a committee to consider and make recommendations on how the university can further support holistic and inclusive approaches to supporting mental health and well-being. Read MoreSep 22, 2016
University budgeting system evolves to support strategic priorities
Vanderbilt University’s budgeting system is evolving to give its colleges and schools greater responsibility over their own budgets while maintaining strong central services. Read MoreSep 19, 2016
Chancellor Faculty Fellows nominations open for 2017
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2017 cohort of Chancellor Faculty Fellows, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Susan R. Wente announced today. Read MoreSep 12, 2016
Center for Teaching to host ‘Open Dores: Two Days of Teaching Visits’
The Center for Teaching will host Open Dores: Two Days of Teaching Visits Sept. 27 and 28. This program will showcase Vanderbilt’s talented faculty as well as examples of best teaching practices from across the university. Read MoreSep 9, 2016
Troxel named director of Vanderbilt University DIVE initiative
Associate Professor of the Practice of Civil and Environmental Engineering Lori A. Troxel will lead the creation and implementation of the Design as an Immersive Vanderbilt Experience (DIVE) program, which has been selected as Vanderbilt University’s Quality Enhancement Plan. Read MoreSep 1, 2016
Chancellor marks progress in university’s Academic Strategic Plan
Vanderbilt University’s pioneering Academic Strategic Plan, now in its third year, continues to drive the institution forward, creating innovative solutions for the important issues facing society. Read MoreAug 29, 2016
Zeppos shares vision for ‘inclusive excellence’ at Vanderbilt during Fall Faculty Assembly
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos shared his vision for a Vanderbilt campus that stresses inclusive excellence through its people, places and culture at the fall faculty assembly on Aug. 25. Read MoreAug 26, 2016
Chancellor presents top prizes, including new award for excellence in equity, diversity and inclusion research, at fall assembly
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos presented seven faculty research awards, including two new awards for efforts that advance understanding of diversity, at the Fall Faculty Assembly Aug. 25. Read MoreAug 25, 2016
Social venture founded by Anthropology’s Ted Fischer wins $15,000 prize
Mani+, a pediatric malnutrition therapy, is the result of years of interdisciplinary research by Vanderbilt anthropology, business, nursing, biological sciences and education students and professors. Read MoreAug 23, 2016
Team explores transcription factor’s autoimmunity role
Increasing expression of a transcription factor called KLF2 can promote immunological self-tolerance and “tune down” autoimmunity, researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center reported recently. Read MoreAug 11, 2016
Research team takes aim at Ebola virus ‘decoy protein’
Using an antibody generated at Vanderbilt University Medical Center that neutralizes the Ebola virus, researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, have determined the structure of a “decoy” protein that may enable the virus to evade detection by the immune system. Read MoreAug 11, 2016
Timing, teamwork key for young liver transplant patient
Antwane Cole Jr., known as “AJ” to friends and family, began his summer playing football and enjoying his favorite superhero, Spiderman. Read MoreAug 11, 2016