MyVU News
Follow these recommendations for cybersecurity while traveling
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and throughout the month Vanderbilt University Information Technology will publish articles with tips and tricks for staying safe and secure online. This article focuses on cybersecurity while traveling. Read MoreOct 17, 2019
From our Social ‘Dores
Over the last two weeks, our Social 'Dores attended Vanderbilt's National Coming Out Day celebration, learned how to make inclusive toys for VUMC, appreciated art at both Sarratt's art gallery and the Frist Art Museum, and more! Read MoreOct 17, 2019
Blair School’s Ryan Middagh awarded 2019 Chancellor’s Cup
Blair School of Music Senior Lecturer Ryan Middagh was awarded the 2019 Chancellor’s Cup by Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente in a surprise presentation during a Blair Big Band rehearsal on Oct. 15. Read MoreOct 16, 2019
Stevenson Library launches Gear2Go technology-lending service
Gear2Go, a new technology-lending service available to Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff, is now available at the Stevenson Science and Engineering Library. Read MoreOct 16, 2019
Wente announces paid administrative closure day Dec. 23
Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente has announced that Monday, Dec. 23, will be an administrative closure day, extending the winter break for university staff. The administrative closure day is a one-time paid holiday for 2019. Read MoreOct 16, 2019
Career Center hosts annual Law School and Graduate School Fair
The Vanderbilt Career Center hosted its annual Law School Fair and Graduate School Fair at the Student Life Center Oct. 10. Read MoreOct 16, 2019
$2.3M NIH grant allows collaborators to focus on advancing liver cancer surgical care
A multiyear, collective effort among engineers, surgeons and scientists led by the School of Engineering's Michael Miga has resulted in a $2.3 million four-year grant awarded by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering of the National Institutes of Health to improve laparoscopic liver surgery and liver cancer ablation therapy. Read MoreOct 16, 2019
Humphrey Fellows volunteer in Nashville community
Vanderbilt's Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows volunteered at LP Pencil Box in September and the Nashville Zoo in October as part of the 2019-20 cohort's monthly service initiative. Read MoreOct 16, 2019
VU engineers lead $1M NSF pilot to develop tech for workforce inclusion of people with autism
A Vanderbilt mechanical engineering professor is leading an ambitious pilot project that will develop prototypes of new AI-based technology and tools to train, connect and support people with autism spectrum disorders in finding jobs and succeeding in the workforce. Read MoreOct 16, 2019
Open Enrollment starts tomorrow
Open Enrollment is your annual opportunity to update or choose the benefits that best meet your needs. All benefits-eligible employees must complete Open Enrollment, even if they don’t plan to make changes or waive coverage. Read MoreOct 16, 2019
Vanderbilt climate surveys on sexual assault and misconduct show informed and engaged campus community, challenges remaining
Vanderbilt University released on Tuesday the findings of two surveys conducted earlier this year assessing student, postdoctoral fellow and faculty experiences with sexual assault and sexual misconduct. Read MoreOct 15, 2019
Vanderbilt faculty and postdocs report few experiences with sexual harassment in survey, but concerns persist
Vanderbilt University has released the results of its first-ever sexual harassment survey of Vanderbilt University-employed faculty and postdoctoral fellows. Read MoreOct 15, 2019
I Am Vanderbilt: Natalee Erb
Natalee Erb knows that Vanderbilt students undergo a great deal of personal growth outside of the classroom, and that their undergraduate experience begins to take shape soon after they arrive on campus. Read MoreOct 14, 2019
Images of boxing and black masculinity focus of Goldberg Lecture Oct. 17
Jordana Moore Saggese, associate professor of American art at the University of Maryland, will analyze 20th-century representations of black male boxers across visual culture when she delivers the Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Lecture on Thursday, Oct. 17. Read MoreOct 14, 2019
Vanderbilt Opera Theatre to perform ‘The Ghosts of Gatsby,’ ‘Mansfield Park’ Oct. 17-20
Social status, unrequited love, marriage and madness are central themes of two upcoming chamber operas presented by Vanderbilt Opera Theatre and Vanderbilt University Orchestra. Read MoreOct 14, 2019
Introduction to Corporate and Foundation Relations training session Oct. 28
The Corporate and Foundation Relations team helped faculty and staff secure $8.2 million in gifts and grants last fiscal year. You are invited to learn more about CFR’s services and the resources available to you on Monday, Oct. 28, from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Central Library, Room 800BB. Read MoreOct 14, 2019
Chancellor’s Lecture to feature presidential historians Goodwin and Meacham
“Lessons of Presidential Leadership” will be the focus of a conversation between presidential historians Doris Kearns Goodwin and Jon Meacham during a Chancellor’s Lecture Series event Oct. 31. Read MoreOct 14, 2019
Support for democracy in a slump across Americas, according to new survey
Democracy is struggling for support in the Americas, according to the 2018/19 AmericasBarometer report, with just over half of all citizens expressing faith in the system for the second survey period in a row. “When citizen support for democracy is weak, it becomes difficult for nations to sustain free… Read MoreOct 14, 2019
Open Enrollment for 2020 benefits is Oct. 17–31
Open Enrollment is your annual opportunity to update or choose the benefits that best meet your needs. All benefits-eligible employees must complete Open Enrollment, even if you don’t plan to make changes or waive coverage. Read MoreOct 14, 2019
Vintage-inspired merchandise collection available during Vanderbilt Reunion Oct. 18–19
Vanderbilt will highlight the university’s College Vault merchandise collection during Reunion weekend with giveaways and opportunities to win prizes from Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt Oct. 18–19. Read MoreOct 13, 2019