
‘Silent Epidemic: Eating Disorders on College Campuses’ April 7

"Silent Epidemic: Eating Disorders on College Campuses," a conversation with Johanna Kandel, is scheduled for Tuesday, April 7, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Student Life Center Board of Trust Room. Read More

Nearly half of Brazilians support coup if corruption is high: LAPOP

A survey in Brazil by Vanderbilt's LAPOP project shows that the public there is open to a military coup in times of high government corruption. Read More

Public lecture on social media and science communication March 26

This year's Forman lecturer, Chad Orzel, will talk about social media for communicating science. Read More

This Easter weekend, hunt for fossils, not colored eggs

Vanderbilt students will give visitors a glimpse of Tennessee’s ancient past April 4 by guiding fossil hunts, identifying fossils and giving presentations and guided tours. Read More

Vanderbilt community invited to Strategic Plan town halls April 6, 7 and 16

Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in town hall meetings to learn more about progress and provide input on key initiatives of the Academic Strategic Plan. Read More

Walking Wednesdays returns April 1

The Vanderbilt Recreation and Wellness Center presents Walking Wednesdays from April 1 through June 24. Read More

Visible Security Measures in Schools- Academic and Behavioral Consequences

Watch video of Emily Tanner-Smith, Research Assistant Professor on March 24th, 2015. Schools are increasingly using visible security measures (surveillance cameras, metal detectors, security personnel)… Read More

Spring Faculty Assembly is March 31

Vanderbilt’s Spring Faculty Assembly is scheduled for 4:10 p.m. Tuesday, March 31, in Langford Auditorium. All faculty are encouraged to attend. Read More

Indigenous use of digital media focus of VU-MTSU conference March 26-28

The InDigital Latin American Conference: Indigenous Engagement with Digital and Electronic Media will cover indigenous filmmaking as well as indigenous engagement with radio, television, DVDs, photography, social media and more. Read More

Tell us what #myVanderbilt means to you

A new social media campaign, #myVanderbilt, is letting students celebrate what makes Vanderbilt special to them. Now faculty, staff, alumni and others in the Vanderbilt community are invited to get in on the act. Read More

Homecoming: A New York Times Best-Seller and an Unlikely Friendship

The man sitting next to me on the night of Dec. 3, 2014, was Perry Wallace, and many of the 400 people approaching him were fellow Vanderbilt alumni, including members of Wallace’s Class of 1970. It was an exhilarating and emotional scene at the Nashville Public Library, the official launch of my biography of Wallace (Strong Inside), the first African American basketball player in the Southeastern Conference. Read More

Q&A with Meg Pirkle, BE’89

Previously director of GDOT’s Permits and Operations Division, Pirkle spent part of last year implementing task force recommendations after the January 2014 Atlanta “Snowpocalypse” that stranded thousands of commuters for eight hours or more on iced-over interstates—roads that are notorious for traffic snarls even in the best of times. Read More

Eat like a Student: Barley Primavera Recipe

Seven days a week, Campus Dining whips up tasty, healthy dishes like this favorite: Barley Primavera. For just 58 calories per 4-ounce serving, this dish packs a lot of flavor. Read More

Kinetic Sculptures Create a Constellation of Ideas

John Powers’ sculpture frequently employs a combination of media, and they almost always are kinetic in some way. His 2010 work “Elysium” incorporates sound, video, and reeds on a mechanism attached to an old Smith Corona electric typewriter. Read More

Through Sara’s Eyes: Creating a Legacy Rich in Possibilities for Future Students

As parents we were proud of Sara’s curiosity, boldness, openness to new experiences and thirst for life. And we were even more proud of the woman who returned to us from France after her junior year, more self-confident and aware of the world around her. Read More

Chancellor Faculty Fellows Program to Advance Trans-institutional Scholarship

Fifteen faculty members from diverse disciplines have been selected as the first cohort of the Chancellor Faculty Fellows program. Read More

NYU Administrator to Lead College of Arts and Science

Lauren A. Benton, a distinguished administrator and influential scholar in international legal history, has been named dean of the College of Arts and Science, effective July 1. Benton is Silver Professor of History and affiliate professor of law at New York University, where she currently is dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Science. Read More

Ice Dream: Engineering student Kenneth Anderson finds his balance in figure skating

Kenneth Anderson and partner Linde LaChance finished 10th in junior pairs at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships in January. Read More

Vanderbilt among Top Medical Schools in Grant Support

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine continues to rank among the top 10 U.S. medical schools in total grant support provided through the National Institutes of Health. Receiving nearly $294 million in NIH grant support during calendar year 2014, VUSM finished the year ranked No. 10, with an additional $1.6 million in funding over its 2013 total. Read More

Vanderbilt Magazine celebrates 100 years

During 2015 Vanderbilt Magazine celebrates 100 years of publication. It seems like only yesterday we were printing class notes from the Class of 1880 and reporting on a group of young writers called the Fugitives. Read More