Take advantage of well-being resources for employees in 2024

As a new year begins, Vanderbilt is encouraging all employees to take advantage of the extensive well-being resources available to them. The offerings, which include wellness and mental health programs, are part of the university’s broader commitment to supporting the holistic health of its faculty, staff and postdocs across all key aspects of their lives.

Find out how Vanderbilt can help you improve your personal well-being—physically, emotionally, financially, professionally and socially—in 2024: 

Wellness and healthy habits

As of Jan. 1, 2025, Vanderbilt’s well-being vendor, Virgin Pulse has become Personify HealthVisit the Health, Well-being and Belonging website for additional program information.

The new year is a prime time to set goals for healthy habits. Vanderbilt’s wellness program, administered by Virgin Pulse, can help you take actionable steps toward those goals by making healthy choices. This resource replaced Go for the Gold and has an expanded incentive program. To learn more or sign up, visit the Virgin Pulse website.

Mental health services

Vanderbilt also provides expanded mental health services to employees. The program, administered by Lyra, provides support for you and your family for a total of 12 counseling sessions per person per year, which is three times more than the previous benefit. Visit the Lyra website to access your personalized options for mental health care. 

Financial health

Financial health is another key aspect of well-being. Fidelity, the manager of the Vanderbilt University Retirement Plan, offers free coaching sessions and small classes to improve your knowledge of financial wellness.  

In addition, the expanded Employee Critical Support Fund exists to financially assist faculty and staff who experience a non-recurring sudden or emergency-related hardship. If you would like to support the fund at no cost to you, sign up for Kroger Community Awards.

Career growth

How will you dare to grow in your career this year? Subscribe to the Rooted in Learning newsletter to learn about upcoming professional development opportunities offered through Human Resources or take a university class with the upgraded tuition benefit for employees.

Other ways to get involved

All employees belong to our One Vanderbilt community, and there are many ways to get involved. Consider participating in the University Staff Advisory Council or Faculty Senate or joining one of the many employee affinity groups on campus.  

Learn more about well-being resources on the Health and Wellness website. Email questions to wellbeing@vanderbilt.edu.