Year: 2014
Renowned theology professor Edward Farley has died
Edward Farley, a retired Divinity professor, prolific writer on theological education, and musician, will be remembered during a Jan. 3 memorial service at Second Presbyterian Church. Read MoreDec 31, 2014
Peabody ‘Pioneers’ honored
Each year, on the Friday of Reunion/Homecoming Weekend, the Pioneer Luncheon is held. During Vanderbilt’s Reunion/Homecoming Weekend, Peabody honored alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago at the annual Pioneer Luncheon. The Class of 1964 was the newest group to be included in the… Read MoreDec 30, 2014
Yudin visits Susan Gray School
Michael Yudin interacts with young students at the Susan Gray School. (Joe Howell/Vanderbilt) As part of the “Partners in Progress” Back-to-School Bus Tour with U.S. Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Michael Yudin visited Peabody in September. Yudin is acting assistant secretary for the Office of Special… Read MoreDec 30, 2014
Fall 2014 Staff
Illustration by Stephanie Dalton Visit Peabody College’s website at Camilla Persson Benbow, Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development Joan Brasher, Editor Jan Read, Senior Director, Integrated Communications Donna Pritchett, Art Director Chris Collins, Designer Bonnie Arant… Read MoreDec 30, 2014
Vanderbilt emergency physician offers tips for a safe New Year’s celebration
New Year’s Eve is expected to bring tens of thousands of revelers to downtown Nashville, and there will be thousands more at private parties and celebrations all over the region. Corey Slovis, M.D., chair of Emergency Medicine at Vanderbilt, knows that some of them will end up… Read MoreDec 30, 2014
What is the good life?
Looking at similarities between different cultures can tell us a lot about what "the good life" means for everyone, says anthropologist Ted Fischer. Read MoreDec 29, 2014
Baseball coach Tim Corbin named Tennessean Sports Person of the Year
Patriotic. Humble. Mentor. Champion. Those are just a few words that aptly describe Vanderbilt baseball coach Tim Corbin. Today, we add a few more: The Tennessean Sports Person of the Year. Read MoreDec 26, 2014
The most popular research news stories of 2014
Electricity, learning, marijuana, outer space and planet Earth were the hot topics of 2014. Read MoreDec 26, 2014
The Peabody Spirit: Celebrating 100 years of innovation, advocacy and outreach
Peabody College is celebrating 100 years on its current campus—a century of championing education for the for all children, including those marginalized by ability, socioeconomic status or race. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Research News
The SMPY gifted child study was covered by the Washington Post, Huffington Post, Nature, Scientific American and many other media outlets. Gifted men and women define success differently Researchers spent four decades studying a group of mathematically talented adolescents, finding that by midlife they… Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Divinity Students Leave Large Footprint on Nashville’s Nonprofit Scene
For Vanderbilt Divinity School alumni who run Nashville nonprofits, the need to serve the city’s underserved remains as great and as varied as ever. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Honors and Achievements
Wyatt Center East Hall/Vanderbilt Evans, Boatman present on AP credits, student loans Angela Boatman, assistant professor of public policy and higher education, will participate in the Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness, a new $10 million center based… Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Shining Through: Amy Grant, ’82, finds inspiration and purpose in the power of community
Amy Grant’s music is like a prism: multifaceted and capable of dazzling surprises at every turn. And just as with a prism, there’s something transformative about the way her music reveals its source of illumination. Her light, so to speak, comes not only from an abiding faith in God but from a belief in humanity’s goodness as well. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
An Interview with Provost Susan Wente
Last April, Susan Wente, a cell biologist who most recently served as associate vice chancellor for research and senior associate dean for biomedical sciences at Vanderbilt, was named university provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Rosevelt Noble Documents the Black Experience at Vanderbilt
To date, Rosevelt Noble has completed roughly 150 various interviews relating to his project and has taken more than 175,000 photos documenting the experience of African Americans on campus. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Astronomer Brought Rare Meteorite to Vanderbilt…for a Short, Short While
In 1960, a brazen thief stole a prized meteorite on display at Vanderbilt's observatory and then replaced it with a painted clay replica. The thief was apprehended, but the meteorite has yet to be returned. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Keith Blackwell’s business gives high school athletes a recruiting edge
Blackwell is founder of Elite College Sports, a Connecticut-based company that helps high school athletes looking to play varsity sports at colleges and universities known for their high academic standards. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Photo Essay: Vanderbilt Hospital Unit ‘S’ in World War I
Vanderbilt sent a dozen of its medical doctors, aided by enlisted men and nurses recruited from the Nashville area, to operate Vanderbilt Hospital Unit “S,” based in Nevers in the Bourgogne region of central France. Read MoreDec 23, 2014