Protect yourself from phishing scams during tax season
In recent years cyber criminals have used stolen Social Security numbers to file tax returns and claim fraudulent refunds. Phishers obtain SSNs through a corporate or government breach or by sending emails to lure unsuspecting users into providing sensitive personal information. Read MoreJan 29, 2016
Protect yourself from identity theft and fraud
Vanderbilt IT recommends that you take the following precautions to avoid becoming victims of spear phishing campaigns. Read MoreJan 21, 2016
Vanderbilt IT to retire legacy email archive system
Beginning this month, Vanderbilt IT will move all archived emails to Exchange Archive to allow the current system to be retired. Read MoreJan 14, 2016
VUIT wants to hear from you: Take survey for chance to win Amazon gift card
Vanderbilt IT has released its second annual Faculty and Staff Satisfaction Survey. Participants will have the option to enter a drawing to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards. Read MoreDec 21, 2015
VUIT heard you: Faculty, staff 2015 satisfaction survey a success
Last winter, Vanderbilt IT released its inaugural faculty and staff satisfaction survey. With more than 400 responses, the survey instructed IT how it could improve its support over the 2015 calendar year. Read MoreDec 16, 2015
More secure LDAP authentication requires action from application owners
Vanderbilt IT will install a new certificate for LDAP, which is an enterprise service that software applications can use to authenticate users, when the current certificate expires Dec. 5. Read MoreOct 21, 2015
Box to introduce new design, updates by Nov. 2
Box recently announced that its Web application will have a new look and feel, as well as performance updates, by Nov. 2. Read MoreOct 21, 2015
VUIT launches cybersecurity awareness campaign
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and Vanderbilt IT is launching a campaign to make the Vanderbilt community aware of various security issues and how to respond to each through a series of case studies. Read MoreOct 5, 2015
Tech Hub to open in Central Library Oct. 3
The Tech Hub will open a new location on Sunday, Oct. 3, at the Central Library’s circulation desk. Read MoreSep 30, 2015
Protect yourself against phishing attacks
Phishing attacks continue to pose threats to health care and education institutions in particular. Learn how to recognize and protect yourself from phishing. Read MoreSep 28, 2015
VUPD launches SafeVU app
SafeVU is a personalized communication platform that links Vanderbilt community members to the VUPD communications center in the event they need either emergency or nonemergency assistance. Read MoreSep 25, 2015
Vanderbilt community qualifies for Dell savings in September
Vanderbilt employees qualify for savings through the Dell University program in September. Read MoreSep 15, 2015
VUIT, Division of Administration give updates on VU-VUMC transition
University department heads who gathered for a meeting Sept. 10 received progress reports from the leaders of Information Technology and the Division of Administration about the ongoing effort to transition the university and Vanderbilt University Medical Center into separate legal and financial entities. Read MoreSep 14, 2015
Lutz wins CIO Award
John Lutz, vice chancellor for information technology at Vanderbilt, has been honored by the "Nashville Business Journal" as one of Middle Tennessee’s top CIOs, the journal announced Sept. 2. Read MoreSep 2, 2015
Sprint to perform maintenance Aug. 31
Sprint will perform maintenance on its 3G and LTE networks in the Nashville area on Aug. 31 from 1 to 5 a.m. During this timeframe, service will be interrupted in each cell one at a time. As a result, Sprint voice and data services may be degraded or unavailable intermittently during maintenance. Read MoreAug 27, 2015
Center for Teaching launches Blackboard enhancements
The Center for Teaching has launched a number of developments for the university’s course management system, including new features and new support options for instructors. Read MoreAug 19, 2015
VUMC transitions to Medical Grade Wireless connectivity
Vanderbilt University IT (VUIT) and Health IT have partnered with the Center for Medical Interoperability to deliver improved, more reliable wireless connectivity for clinical devices throughout Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Read MoreAug 13, 2015
New phone billing rates in effect as of July 1
In accordance with the FY16 operating budget guidelines, Vanderbilt IT phone line and voicemail rates will change beginning this month. Read MoreJul 3, 2015
VU community to dial full 10 digits for local calls beginning July 15
Starting July 15, members of the Vanderbilt community will need to dial full 10-digit numbers when making calls to local off-campus numbers. Five-digit dialing will still be in effect for on-campus calls. Read MoreJun 17, 2015
Customers to receive credits for some Lync long-distance calls made in April
During April, Vanderbilt IT experienced an issue with the termination of some Lync long-distance calls that resulted in overcharges. Customers who were incorrectly charged will receive their appropriate credits in May. Read MoreMay 28, 2015