eCatalog upgrade launches April 22; information sessions available
The eProcurement eCatalog will be upgraded Monday, affecting those assigned to the eProcurement Creator role. To help with the transition, live information sessions will be held later this week and next. Read MoreApr 15, 2013
Lutz named Vanderbilt University’s first vice chancellor for information technology
John M. Lutz, an information technology and financial management expert who most recently served as president of IBM Canada, has been named vice chancellor for information technology for Vanderbilt University. Read MoreApr 12, 2013
Enhanced eProcurement electronic catalog launches week of April 22
Procurement Services has launched a significant enhancement to the eProcurement electronic catalog (eCatalog). Read MoreApr 8, 2013
Technology transfer efforts bolstered by recent agreements
Last month, Vanderbilt University announced a collaboration agreement with GlaxoSmithKline, a leading pharmaceutical and consumer health care company, to develop potential new drugs for severe obesity. Read MoreMar 28, 2013
Information technology transformation initiative under way
Creating a world-class information technology infrastructure at Vanderbilt University is the aim of a major initiative now under way across campus. Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Richard McCarty, Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Dean of the School of… Read MoreNov 7, 2012