Featured Research
Students to help speedway company build audience
The International Speedway Corporation will hear from students at the Vanderbilt Accelerator Summer Business Institute with suggestions on getting millennials out of their living rooms and into NASCAR speedways. Read MoreJun 4, 2014
Vanderbilt to host NEH-supported institute on digital humanities
Scholars from across the United States and abroad will be at Vanderbilt University June 9-20 to improve their skills in building projects in the digital humanities. Read MoreJun 2, 2014
Vanderbilt study supports notion ‘You are what you eat’
An international research group led by Vanderbilt University scientists has shown for the first time that a lipid, or fat molecule, can regulate “psychostimulant” behaviors by interacting with a brain protein. Read MoreJun 2, 2014
Arne Duncan on achievement gaps: ‘Where is the outrage?’
Outrage is the proper response to the achievement gaps in America, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan told education reporters gathered for the Education Writers Association’s annual seminar, held at Vanderbilt. Read MoreMay 22, 2014
Voters overwhelmingly support Tennessee Promise Program
In the new Vanderbilt Poll, 86 percent of Tennessee voters said they approved of Gov. Bill Haslam’s Tennessee Promise Program, which makes community and technical colleges free to high school graduates. Read MoreMay 21, 2014
New York Times: Some wines are worth not drinking
A study co-authored by Peter Rousseau, professor of economics, found that wines from Bordeaux's premier chateaus posted annual returns from 1900 to 2012 that beat government bonds. Read MoreMay 19, 2014
Liberating devices from their power cords
A new type of supercapacitor brings us a step closer to a day when everything from cell phones to electric vehicles will no longer need separate batteries. Read MoreMay 19, 2014
Astronomers identify signature of Earth-eating stars
Vanderbilt astronomers have developed a model that predicts the effect that ingesting earth-like planets has on the chemical composition of stars like the Sun -- a capability that can aid in efforts to find Earth-like exoplanets. Read MoreMay 16, 2014
New undergraduate and faculty research collaborations inspire, inform
The Littlejohn Family Undergraduate Research Program enables Arts and Science undergraduates to conduct original research alongside faculty fellows. Read MoreApr 29, 2014
Regulators, private investors outpaced by algorithmic stock trading
Algorithms able to execute tens of thousands of trades in just fractions of a second are responsible for more than 70 percent of all equity trading volume in the United States. Read MoreApr 29, 2014
Should principal evaluations be based on student test scores?
Evaluating school principals based on student achievement date yields inaccurate and unfair results according to new study. Read MoreApr 28, 2014
How to create nanowires only three atoms wide with an electron beam
A Vanderbilt graduate student has used a focused beam of electrons to create some of the smallest nanowires ever made, which could bring us closer to flexible, paper-thin tablets and television displays. Read MoreApr 28, 2014
Prominent scientist, respected administrator Susan Wente named Vanderbilt provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs
After an extensive national search, Susan R. Wente has been named provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs, Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos announced today. Read MoreApr 28, 2014
Restructuring congressional oversight would bring more influence to Congress
When Congress gets too many hands on an issue, its influence actually decreases, researchers from the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions at Vanderbilt University found. Read MoreApr 24, 2014
Cougars’ diverse diet helped them survive the mass extinction that wiped out the saber-tooth cat, American lion
Cougars may have survived a mass extinction that took place about 12,000 years ago because they were not particular about what they ate. Read MoreApr 22, 2014
Sporting latest tech toy can make you seem more like a leader
If you want to be perceived as a leader, new research from Vanderbilt University suggests investing in the latest technological gadgets is the way to go. Read MoreApr 17, 2014
Vanderbilt professor proposes a different way to finance college
A Vanderbilt business professor is proposing a new kind of college loan: In exchange for a full college scholarship, students would pay back a percentage of their income for a set number of years. Read MoreApr 14, 2014
Graduate students compete to present the best “Three Minute Thesis”
Brain symmetry, woman warriors and malaria were among the research topics featured by the winners of the second annual Three Minute Thesis competition Read MoreApr 9, 2014
Significant progress toward creating “benchtop human” reported
Vanderbilt physicist John Wikswo reported significant progress toward creating “homo minutus” – a human-on-a-chip that can be used to test drugs and toxins – on Mar. 26 at the Society of Toxicology meeting in Phoenix. Read MoreMar 27, 2014
Shifting evolution into reverse promises cheaper, greener way to make new drugs
By shifting evolution into reverse to produce an expensive HIV drug out of a simple sugar, Vanderbilt chemist Brian Bachmann has shown that it may be possible to manufacture exotic and expensive synthetic drugs as easily as brewing beer. Read MoreMar 24, 2014