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Vanderbilt Poll: Economy is troubled and taxing rich is one solution
Tennesseans agree by a wide margin that the economy is the most pressing problem for state and federal government, and many believe higher taxation on the wealthiest Americans is one way to fix it. Read MoreNov 16, 2011
Vanderbilt Poll: Tennessee teachers are underpaid, need unions
Most Tennesseans believe that public school teachers are underpaid and many support their right to be represented by unions, according to voters surveyed by the Vanderbilt Poll. Read MoreNov 15, 2011
Vanderbilt Poll: Tennesseans stout in support of Herman Cain
Businessman Herman Cain is the favorite of Tennessee voters for the state’s March 6 presidential Republican primary election, but female voters are far less likely to support him. That pattern is unlikely to change in light of allegations of sexual harassment against him, according to a new poll by the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreNov 13, 2011
Vanderbilt Board of Trust approves Alumni Hall renovations
A rendering of the renovated Alumni Hall's west elevation. (image courtesy of Bruner/Cott) The Vanderbilt Board of Trust’s Executive Committee voted Nov. 10 to begin significant renovations to Alumni Hall in order to create flexible spaces to support a wide range of activities – such as tutoring,… Read MoreNov 11, 2011
New group of endowed chairs celebrated
The outstanding academic achievements of 11 faculty members who have been named to endowed chairs were praised during a celebration at the Student Life Center. Read MoreNov 10, 2011
Tornado risk increases in November; sign up for AlertVU notification
November can be one of the busiest months for tornadoes in Tennessee as cold air clashes with the remnants of summer’s warm temperatures in the South. To be notified about a tornado warning or other emergency incident at Vanderbilt, sign up for AlertVU, the university’s emergency notification system. Read MoreNov 10, 2011
Art professor’s design among finalists for new Tennessee license plate
Assistant Professor of Art Amelia Winger-Bearskin's design is one of 10 finalists in the State Your Plate contest. Tennesseans for the Arts, the statewide advocacy group that supports the Tennessee Arts Commission, has announced the 10 finalists selected for State Your Plate, the… Read MoreNov 10, 2011
Join the effort to protect Tennessee’s children from abuse and neglect
Give to Community Shares and help Prevent Child Abuse Tennessee and other community agencies (image courtesy of Prevent Child Abuse Tennessee) Each year in Tennessee, the number of children reported abused or neglected would more than fill Titans stadium. If that fact isn’t sobering enough, consider this: Most abuse… Read MoreNov 9, 2011
Free paper shredding offered Nov. 15 to mark America Recycles Day
Vanderbilt’s Sustainability and Environmental Management Office, in conjunction with VU’s confidential paper shredding partner, Cintas, will celebrate America Recycles Day with a Community Paper Shred Day. The event will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m., offering free paper, magazine, and book shredding to… Read MoreNov 9, 2011
Order holiday poinsettias by Nov. 18 to support student scholars
The club is offering poinsettias in pink, red and white. Deadline for orders is Nov. 18, and pick-up will be Nov. 30. (istock photo) The Vanderbilt Woman’s Club will again host the annual Holiday Poinsettia Sale to benefit the Ada Bell Stapleton/Blanche Henry Weaver Scholarship program. This… Read MoreNov 9, 2011
Free screening of ‘The Help’ and book signing added to Stockett lecture
Photo by Kem Lee A book signing has been scheduled prior to Kathryn Stockett‘s lecture at the Vanderbilt Student Life Center ballroom, Wednesday, Nov. 16. The book signing will be held in the lobby of the Vanderbilt Student Life Center at 6 p.m. The lecture… Read MoreNov 9, 2011
November issue of ‘Vanderbilt View’ on stands and online
The November issue of Vanderbilt View – featuring an article on the Yellow Ribbon Program at Vanderbilt – is available on stands and online now. The issue also includes articles on Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt, new Divinity professor… Read MoreNov 8, 2011
New HR recruiting system Talent Central launches Nov. 8
After months of testing and training, Human Resources will launch a new recruiting system called TalentCentral on November 8. TalentCentral is an online hub designed to improve the hiring experience for candidates and hiring managers, plus minimize paperwork and give you back more of your most… Read MoreNov 7, 2011
Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt grand opening event Nov. 11
Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt (Vanderbilt/Joe Howell) Vanderbilt University will open its new bookstore, Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt University, Monday, Oct. 31. A grand opening event will be held Friday, Nov. 11. The bookstore is located at the corner of 25th and West End avenues. For the… Read MoreNov 4, 2011
China delegation visits campus
The delegation from China visited the Susan Gray School. Pictured with the students are Guoming Long (red jacket, right), and Gao Guangtang. (Joe Howell/Vanderbilt University) A delegation of Chinese educators visited Vanderbilt Oct. 24-Nov. 4 to learn the latest in U.S. education policy and experience American classrooms and techniques… Read MoreNov 4, 2011
Scholarship established in honor of retiring Norma Antillón
Norma Antillion (left) and Jane Landers, acting director of the Center for Latin American Studies. (Daniel Dubois/Vanderbilt University) Norma Antillón, who colleagues say has been “the heart” of the Center for Latin American Studies for the past 25 years, received a delightful shock at her recent retirement… Read MoreNov 4, 2011
Seligson named to governing body of inter-American human rights group
The General Assembly is the highest governing body of the IIHR, consisting of 40 human rights experts from throughout the Western Hemisphere. Read MoreNov 4, 2011
International Education Week Nov. 8-16
International Education Week at Vanderbilt is Nov. 2-16. The week-long series of events are co-sponsored by International Student and Scholar Services, Global Education Office, and Vanderbilt International Office in coordination with Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center, Holocaust Lecture… Read MoreNov 3, 2011
Zeppos receives Jack C. Massey Leadership Award
L-r: Vanderbilt Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Jeff Balser and Melinda Balser; Lydia Howarth and Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos; and Tom Starling, CEO of the Mental Health Association of Middle Tennessee. (photo courtesy of MHAMT) The Mental Health Association of Middle Tennessee honored Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos… Read MoreNov 2, 2011
Boord finds relaxation and adventure paddling Tennessee’s rivers
Give to Community Shares and help the Tennessee Scenic Rivers Association and other community groups Beth Boord (foreground) runs Wootens Folly Rapids in Clear Creek Canyon on the Cumberland Plateau. (photo by David Pelren/TSRA) Ever want to get away from city noise, traffic and the daily commute? What about… Read MoreNov 2, 2011