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VUCast: Ingenious Inventions
In the latest VUCast: Check out some creative inventions by Vanderbilt students; see how a "bionic man" has ties to Vanderbilt; and learn details about a new academic building under construction on campus. All this and more in the latest VUCast, Vanderbilt's online newscast. Watch now. Read MoreMay 21, 2014
Tener to lead Office of Student Financial Aid at Vanderbilt
Brent Tener has been named director of Vanderbilt's Office of Student Financial Aid and Undergraduate Scholarships following a national search, Vice Provost for Enrollment and Dean of Admissions Douglas L. Christiansen announced May 15. Read MoreMay 15, 2014
Hans Stoll honored at New Frontiers in Finance Conference
Two Nobel laureates were among the presenters at the Financial Markets Research Center’s annual conference at Vanderbilt University, which was held this year in honor of Hans Stoll of Vanderbilt. Read MoreMay 14, 2014
VUCast Extra: Vanderbilt Commencement 2014
Watch as we celebrate the Vanderbilt Class of 2014 at Commencement. Read MoreMay 9, 2014
Zeppos to graduates: Consider ‘the value of opening doors of opportunity’
Vanderbilt graduating seniors got some parting advice from Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos on a rainy Friday as they prepared to get their degrees. Read MoreMay 9, 2014
Change the world, former surgeon general tells Vanderbilt seniors
Former surgeon general Regina M. Benjamin told Vanderbilt graduating seniors to change the world during her Senior Class Day address in Memorial Gym. Read MoreMay 8, 2014
Watch live video of Senior Day, Commencement May 8-9
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos will give the traditional address to Vanderbilt graduating students during Commencement ceremonies Friday, May 9, preceded by a speech from former surgeon general Regina M. Benjamin, who will appear at Senior Day on Thursday, May 8. Read MoreMay 7, 2014
Research is shaping the undergraduate experience
According to a 2013 survey of graduating seniors, more than half did faculty-guided or independent research during their Vanderbilt careers. Read about five students for whom research has helped shape their undergraduate years. Read MoreMay 6, 2014
Eric Kopstain named Vanderbilt vice chancellor for administration
Eric C. Kopstain, associate vice chancellor for finance, has been named Vanderbilt University’s vice chancellor for administration, following a national search, Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos announced today. Read MoreMay 5, 2014
Vanderbilt University Board of Trust approves eight new members
The Vanderbilt Board of Trust has approved eight new members, including a former Posse Scholar and a graduating senior in the College of Arts and Science. Read MoreApr 30, 2014
VUCast: Students changing lives
In the latest VUCast: Watch a senior erase stereotypes among young students in the Middle East; see how a senior is telling stories to change perceptions about disabilities; and learn how you can click your way to Commencement. All this and more in the latest VUCast, Vanderbilt's online newscast. Watch now. Read MoreApr 30, 2014
Chancellor, former surgeon general to address graduating seniors at Vanderbilt University May 8-9
Commencement and Senior Day at Vanderbilt will bring words of wisdom from Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos and former surgeon general Regina M. Benjamin on May 8-9. Read MoreApr 29, 2014
Prominent scientist, respected administrator Susan Wente named Vanderbilt provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs
After an extensive national search, Susan R. Wente has been named provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs, Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos announced today. Read MoreApr 28, 2014
Abu Dhabi educators attend leadership institute at Vanderbilt
Eleven female vice principals from Abu Dhabi and Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates recently completed a 10-day professional development institute at Vanderbilt. Read MoreApr 23, 2014
Benbow reappointed as dean of Peabody College
Camilla P. Benbow has been reappointed as dean of Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development. The reappointment is for a five-year term, beginning July 1, 2015. Read MoreApr 21, 2014
Learn how Vanderbilt works at Plant Operations University
Plant Operations University is a six-week, 12-hour overview of how Vanderbilt works—literally. Read MoreApr 18, 2014
Engineering seniors, clients to review projects at Design Day 2014
Engineering seniors have spent two semesters tackling design challenges from actual clients with real design needs. The results of their efforts will be featured at Design Day 2014, an annual School of Engineering event scheduled for Monday, April 21. Read MoreApr 15, 2014
Two Vanderbilt professors awarded 2014 Guggenheim Fellowships
Vanderbilt College of Arts and Science professors Ken Catania and Helmut Smith are among 178 scholars, artists and scientists named 2014 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation fellows. Read MoreApr 11, 2014
Dowell retiring as first dean of libraries
Connie Vinita Dowell, Vanderbilt’s first dean of libraries, who worked tirelessly to expand the library system’s mission, modernize its facilities and services, and create a welcoming and engaging environment, will retire July 31. Read MoreApr 10, 2014
Novelist to middle schoolers: ‘Read a ton, write every day and find your voice’
Best-selling author James Patterson addressed a gathering of about 100 Nashville middle school students April 8, sharing with them his journey from childhood to successful writer. Read MoreApr 9, 2014