Health And Medicine
Getting left-right asymmetry right
The protein Nodal has been found to hold the keys to vertebrate asymmetry. Read MoreFeb 17, 2011
Integrin curbs cancer’s spread
Cell surface molecules called integrins have been found to play an important role when cancer metastasizes. Read MoreFeb 16, 2011
Fluorine aids gene silencing
Modifying a form of RNAs may improve their efficacy for research and medical uses. Read MoreFeb 15, 2011
Vanderbilt-pioneered fetal surgery procedure yields positive results
Results of a landmark, seven-year National Institutes of Health-funded trial, Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS), demonstrate clear benefit for babies who undergo fetal surgery to treat spina bifida, the most common birth defect in the central nervous system. Read MoreFeb 9, 2011
Improving heart patients’ outcomes goal of nursing study
(iStock photo) Vanderbilt University Medical Center is participating in a multi-site, national study to identify the role nurses play in improving outcomes among heart failure patients. Nancy Wells (Vanderbilt) “Heart failure is being recognized as a huge issue in elderly and middle-aged people, and it has a profound effect on… Read MoreFeb 9, 2011
Seeing serotonin neurons in action
The Vanderbilt MRI Labs Physics / Imaging Department (Anne Rayner / Vanderbilt) Serotonin – a chemical that has roles in multiple brain functions, including mood, sleep and cognition – is manufactured by clusters of brainstem neurons gathered in the raphé nuclei. A reliable, non-invasive imaging method for assessing raphé neuron… Read MoreFeb 9, 2011
BPA exposure tests in question
The industrial chemical BPA is found in commercial products, such as plastic water bottles. (iStock Photo) The safety of industrial chemicals bisphenol A (BPA) and alkylphenols, which are used in commercial products like plastics, has recently been called into question. Exposure to these chemicals is typically measured… Read MoreFeb 8, 2011
Bronchiolitis in infants linked to mothers’ asthma, allergies
Tina Hartert, M.D., MPH, left, Kathryn Miller, M.D., MPH, and Yarris Muhammed are on the team studying the links between rhinoviruses and bronchiolitis. (Mary Donaldson / Vanderbilt) An infant’s risk of developing bronchiolitis caused by human rhinoviruses (HRV), aka the common cold, is linked to whether the mother has allergies… Read MoreFeb 7, 2011
Mapping obesity circuitry in brain
(Photo credit: iStock photo) In the battle of the bulge, one important battalion is a set of brain cells expressing the melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R). Via signals from the fat-derived hormone leptin, these neurons regulate feeding behavior and fat metabolism in an attempt to regulate body weight. But how leptin influences… Read MoreFeb 7, 2011
Study tracks how deaf children can develop spoken language
Volunteer Becky Clark reads to a student at the Mama Lere Hearing School at Vanderbilt (Anne Rayner / Vanderbilt) OPTION Schools Inc., in collaboration with the Vanderbilt Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, is conducting a study looking at how children who are deaf or hard of hearing… Read MoreFeb 4, 2011
Paraplegia-causing proteins pair up
Peter Hedera, M.D. Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), a group of progressive neurodegenerative disorders that impairs the ability to walk, can be caused by mutations in more than 40 different genes. Despite this genetic heterogeneity, the pathologic features – degeneration of long axons in the spinal cord – are relatively uniform,… Read MoreFeb 4, 2011
Going underground in search of new drugs
Every few months, chemist Brian Bachmann sheds his white lab coat, collects his flashlight, helmet, surgical gloves and knotted rope, puts on old clothes and hiking boots and heads to a nearby cave. Bachmann, an assistant professor of chemistry at Vanderbilt, has combined his industrial experience in… Read MoreFeb 1, 2011
Vanderbilt joins consortium to discover and map all Alzheimer’s genes
Jonathan Haines and his colleagues at Vanderbilt are part of a global collaboration to discover and map all genes relating to Alzheimer's disease. (Daniel Dubois / Vanderbilt University) Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and across the globe, announced today a multi-national collaboration to discover and map all genes relating… Read MoreFeb 1, 2011
Protein related to aging holds breast cancer clues
David Gius, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues are studying an aging-associated protein’s role in the development of breast cancer in older women. (Vanderbilt University/photo by Mary Donaldson) The most common type of breast cancer in older women – estrogen and progesterone receptor (ER/PR) positive breast cancer – has been linked to… Read MoreFeb 1, 2011
Breast cancer patients with strong social network live longer
(Photo credit: iStock photo) Breast cancer patients who have a strong social support system in the first year after diagnosis are less likely to die or have a recurrence of cancer, according to new research from Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center and the Shanghai Institute of Preventive Medicine. The study, led… Read MoreJan 31, 2011
Mental health research fund lauds VU scientists
Left to right: Karen Gregory, Elizabeth Hammock, Peilin Jia, John Panos Eight Vanderbilt University scientists have won 2010 Young Investigator Awards from NARSAD, the world’s leading mental health research charity. Each scientist will receive up to $60,000 over two years for innovative brain and behavioral studies of serious psychiatric disorders. Read MoreJan 31, 2011
Tennessee’s first Berlin heart infant receives heart transplant
Nathan Roberts, an 18-month-old patient from Snead, Ala., whose heart has been operating with the help of a mechanical assistance device called the Berlin Heart since May 27, 2010, received a donor heart early yesterday morning at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. Doctors say the transplant surgery went… Read MoreJan 14, 2011
Scripps Research and Vanderbilt launch joint institute to advance science at interface of chemistry and medicine
Personalized medicine refers to the relationship between genetic differences among individuals and corresponding differences in their chemical state and how they respond to various nutrients, drugs, and compounds in their environment. (Photo courtesy of Scripps Research Institute) Leftover blood samples from Vanderbilt’s clinics are retrieved daily from the Pathology lab. Read MoreJan 13, 2011
Seven Vanderbilt University Faculty Honored by AAAS Scientific Society
Seven Vanderbilt University faculty members have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, an honor bestowed upon them by their AAAS peers. They are among 503 AAAS members from around the country who achieved this honor because of their distinguished efforts to advance science… Read MoreJan 12, 2011
Aliquots – VUMC research highlights
RSV prefers stressed cells “Stress granules” – globs of proteins and RNAs – form inside cells in response to environmental stressors and are thought to regulate protein production. Several viruses induce stress granule formation, but the function of these structures during virus replication is not well understood. James Crowe Jr.,… Read MoreJan 6, 2011