MyVU News
Follow these tips to avoid weight gain over the holidays
Vanderbilt University Medical Center dietitian and certified personal trainer Jessica Bennett is asked frequently this time of year: How can I enjoy holiday parties and meals with family and not gain weight? Read MoreDec 4, 2015
Vanderbilt Poll-Tennessee: Immigration issue indicative of growing divide between mainstream Republicans, Tea Party
The new Vanderbilt Poll finds that Tennessee voters are getting more interested in immigration and strongly support freedom of religion, Muslims included. Read MoreDec 4, 2015
Vanderbilt students place second in national clothes-recycling drive
Vanderbilt students diverted more than 20,000 old garments from landfills during the Clothes the Loop College Cup drive. Read MoreDec 3, 2015
Makerspace workshop to guide engineering school’s expansion of design facilities
Vanderbilt's School of Engineering will explore how to build a makerspace during a daylong planning workshop on Friday, Dec. 11. The event is open to the public but attendance is limited. Read MoreDec 2, 2015
Holiday Gift Giveaway is Dec. 18
Vanderbilt’s 2015 Holiday Gift Giveaway is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 18. This year, employees can choose from a Vanderbilt apron, oven mitt, turkey or tofurkey. Read MoreDec 2, 2015
‘A People’s Guide to Nashville’ launches at Curb Center event
"A People’s Guide to Nashville" – an alternative guide to the city celebrating people and places too often veiled, forgotten or ignored – will launch Dec. 11 at Vanderbilt’s Curb Center. The public is invited to attend. Read MoreDec 2, 2015
VUPD chief assists local university with campus safety plan
With plans to draw on August Washinton’s more than 30 years of experience in college law enforcement, Tennessee State University President Glenda Glover has enlisted Vanderbilt’s associate vice chancellor and police chief to assist TSU in further developing its campus safety enhancement plan. Read MoreDec 2, 2015
VUPD earns accreditation from CALEA for third time
The Vanderbilt University Police Department has been awarded accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. for the third time. CALEA accreditation serves as the international gold standard for public safety agencies. Read MoreDec 2, 2015
Vanderbilt to host qualifying round for ‘Nobel Prize for students’
Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management will host the opening round of the Hult Prize’s $1 million social entrepreneurship challenge, in which student teams from around the world compete to address the most pressing global problems. Read MoreDec 1, 2015
Vanderbilt historian offers unsettling look at bioengineered near future
Historian Michael Bess said that he found a whole new world of imminent advances in biotechnology that promise to transform society while he was researching 'Our Grandchildren Redesigned.' Read MoreDec 1, 2015
Chancellor’s Town Hall will discuss Vanderbilt’s land use plan Dec. 7
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos will host a town hall meeting on Monday, Dec. 7, discussing Vanderbilt’s land use plan. All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to attend. Read MoreDec 1, 2015
Center for Student Wellbeing, assistant director for access and inclusion at Psychological and Counseling Center announced
Vanderbilt University Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos has announced an immediate expansion in staff that have experience and skills working with people of varying racial and cultural backgrounds, and the opening of a new Center for Student Wellbeing. Read MoreNov 30, 2015
Committee charged with recommending new University Courses designed to advance diversity, equity and inclusion
The Office of the Provost has charged a faculty committee with assessing proposals for new University Courses that will address topics tied to diversity, equity and inclusion, race and ethnicity, identity literacy, and/or cultural competency within an interdisciplinary setting. Read MoreNov 30, 2015
CNN/Facebook Campaign Camper to make Vanderbilt stop Dec. 4
The CNN/Facebook Campaign Camper, a specially designed Airstream trailer complete with a video booth, will make a stop on Vanderbilt University’s Alumni Lawn from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4. Read MoreNov 25, 2015
Vanderbilt School of Engineering, partners awarded $3.5 million from ARPA-E for transformational energy technology
A new $3.5 million award from the Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy will support Vanderbilt University School of Engineering researchers' and their partners' efforts to create software that can control the Smart Grid – a decentralized power system that is more efficient, sustainable and reliable than America’s current electrical power delivery. Read MoreNov 25, 2015
Chancellor, students celebrate Thanksgiving early
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos and his wife, Lydia, hosted an early Thanksgiving dinner Nov. 23 for students who were unable to travel home for the holiday. Read MoreNov 24, 2015
Vanderbilt researcher speaks to White House on ending segregation for people with intellectual disabilities
Erik Carter spoke about ending segregation in education and beyond during an invited presentation at a gathering of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. Read MoreNov 24, 2015
University Web Communications named greenest group on campus
Vanderbilt Web Communications was the winner of this year’s football sustainability competition and was named the “greenest group on campus” for the football season. Read MoreNov 24, 2015
Next Steps at Vanderbilt takes huge leap forward thanks to federal grant
Tennessee’s first postsecondary education program for students with intellectual disabilities, Next Steps at Vanderbilt, will expand significantly thanks to new federal funding. Read MoreNov 24, 2015
Kudos: Read about faculty, staff and student awards, appointments and achievements
Read about faculty, staff and student awards, appointments and achievements. Read MoreNov 23, 2015