MyVU Latest Headlines
2014 Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Science Day set for Jan. 14
Timothy Hohman (left), Ph.D., discusses his research with Paul Newhouse, M.D., during the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center’s 2013 Science Day. (Steve Green/Vanderbilt) The 2014 Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Science Day is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Student Life Center. More than 100 presenters—from undergraduate… Read MoreJan 7, 2014
Three poets to lead workshops at Vanderbilt’s Saturday University
Three poets will be visiting campus to lead public poetry workshops this spring as part of Vanderbilt’s Saturday University program. Read MoreJan 7, 2014
Procter discusses inspiration for Vanderbilt Divinity exhibit
Landscape artist Ken Procter will lecture Jan. 13 on his exhibit "Duino Suite: Drawings Inspired by Rainer Maria Rilke's First Duino Elegy" at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Read MoreJan 6, 2014
Our favorite photos from the BBVA Compass Bowl
[View the story "Our favorite photos from the BBVA Compass Bowl" on Storify]… Read MoreJan 6, 2014
Kenneth W. Mack is MLK speaker for Vanderbilt Law School
Author and Harvard University professor Kenneth W. Mack will deliver the 2014 Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture on Jan. 23 at Vanderbilt Law School. Read MoreJan 6, 2014
Vanderbilt’s investment office announces two new hires
Brandon Banks and Natasha Cupps are new investment managers for Vanderbilt University, according to Anders Hall, vice chancellor for investments and chief investment officer. Read MoreJan 3, 2014
Get discounts to ‘Red,’ ‘An Evening with Tony Bennett,’ ‘Ghost’ at TPAC
Vanderbilt staff and faculty are eligible for a discount on tickets to select performances of these upcoming shows at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center. Red Feb. 13, 6:30 p.m. Feb. 14, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18, 6:30 p.m. Feb. 20, 6:30 p.m. Feb. 22, 2:30 p.m. Read MoreJan 3, 2014
Symphony CEO kicks off lecture series at Barnes & Noble at VU
Nashville Symphony CEO Alan Valentine kicks off a year-long series at Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt on Jan. 16 at 7 p.m. Read MoreDec 20, 2013
Change in deadline: Macy Faculty Scholars Program limited submission opportunity
Vanderbilt University may nominate one candidate each from the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing for the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation’s Faculty Scholars Program. The deadline has changed. Read MoreDec 20, 2013
MyVU to take break over holidays
The MyVU email for faculty and staff will be on hiatus Dec. 24-Jan. 3. Read MoreDec 20, 2013
Phone service interruption during upgrade Jan. 12
Vanderbilt University Information Technology will upgrade the Vanderbilt telephone system on Sunday, Jan. 12, 2014, beginning at 4 a.m. Read MoreDec 20, 2013
Vanderbilt Resuscitation Program will relocate Jan. 6
The Vanderbilt Resuscitation Program will relocate to 3401 West End Ave., Suite 100, beginning Jan. 6, 2014. The new location is easily accessible when taking the Purple Shuttle. Read MoreDec 18, 2013
Our favorite snow, Santa and bowl photos of the week
[View the story "Snow, Santa and Bowls" on Storify]… Read MoreDec 13, 2013
McNamara named to Board of Trustees of accreditation organization
McNamara (Vanderbilt University) Timothy McNamara, vice provost for faculty and international affairs and professor of psychology at Vanderbilt, has been elected to the Board of Trustees of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, the regional body for the accreditation of degree-granting higher… Read MoreDec 13, 2013
Third environmental engineering professor is certified by U.S. academy
Eugene LeBoeuf is the third Vanderbilt environmental engineering faculty member in two years to be accepted into the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists as a board certified environmental engineering member. Read MoreDec 12, 2013
Galloway joins editorial board of IEEE biomedical engineering journal
Robert L. Galloway Jr. has accepted a position on the editorial board of Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, a journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Read MoreDec 12, 2013
Exhibition featuring Hamblet Award winner Hannah Stahl opens Jan. 9
The Vanderbilt University Department of Art is proud to welcome to Space 204 its 2012 Hamblet award winner, Hannah Stahl, and her solo exhibition of stirring portraits inspired by victims of the Holocaust. Read MoreDec 12, 2013
ViSE grant builds prototypes, encourages innovation
What if there was a program that connected surgeons, physicians, nursing staff and other medical care providers with a team of the nation’s top engineers? What if that program enabled the transfer of innovative ideas to working prototypes – financially and developmentally? Fortunately for the Vanderbilt community, there is. Established… Read MoreDec 12, 2013
Augmentative and alternative communication workshops scheduled for Feb. 27-28
The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (Vanderbilt University) For children with severe communication impairments who are unable to communicate using natural speech, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) can open up other forms of expression and ways to connect with family members, teachers and friends. The fifth annual Augmentative and Alternative Communications… Read MoreDec 12, 2013
Faculty Senate meeting minutes for October available online
Minutes from the Vanderbilt Faculty Senate’s Oct. 3 meeting are available online on the Faculty Senate website. Read MoreDec 9, 2013