MyVU Latest Headlines
Vanderbilt forum on the politics of childhood vaccines is April 9
A Center for Medicine, Health and Society forum titled "The Politics of Childhood Vaccines" is set for April 9 in Light Hall. Read MoreMar 27, 2014
Myanmar topic of World on Wednesdays meeting April 2
International Student and Scholar Services invites you to World on Wednesdays, where members of the Vanderbilt community engage in lectures, presentations and conversations about global issues. The next WOW topic is “Myanmar: Culture and Education,” to be presented by Lu Sam, a visiting Hubert H. Read MoreMar 27, 2014
Nashville Opera director at Barnes & Noble April 2
Nashville Opera general and artistic director John Hoomes will appear at Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt on Wednesday, April 2, for a special discussion of the opera’s upcoming production of Othello. The free event begins at 5:30 p.m. Shakespeare’s classic play Othello is transformed for the opera stage with… Read MoreMar 27, 2014
See work of student artists at Senior Show 2014
The Department of Art will open its galleries April 11 to reveal the work of seven graduating art majors, as well as work by other Vanderbilt art students completed this semester. Read MoreMar 27, 2014
Meeting will discuss social networks and health research
Join us for light breakfast and coffee as Eric Tesdahl, Ph.D., discusses social network analysis from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Friday, April 4. The event will be held at 2525 West End Ave. on the sixth floor. Over the past decade, researchers have taken a keen interest in the… Read MoreMar 26, 2014
Poetry night marks first anniversary with new English department partnership
Lyrical Brew, a monthly poetry event, convenes the last Friday of each month at Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt. (photo courtesy of Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt) Over the past year, Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt has seen its monthly poetry night grow into a standing-room-only event. Local poet… Read MoreMar 26, 2014
Owen School is popular transitional stop for veterans
People with military backgrounds fit comfortably into Vanderbilt’s EMBA and MBA programs, with eight to 12 military students usually part of a typical class of 50 to 60 students. Read MoreMar 25, 2014
Irish contemporary storyteller to perform at Vanderbilt
Dynamic storyteller Clare Murphy returns to Vanderbilt April 1 for a free performance sponsored by the Vanderbilt Department of English. Read MoreMar 25, 2014
Check out these Trans* Pride Days events
The Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Life at Vanderbilt is hosting a series of events to mark Trans* Pride Days April 3-9. Read MoreMar 21, 2014
Call for grant review panel members for community engaged research project
The Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance is seeking reviewers for its 15-year anniversary grants, which include partnership development and community-engaged research pilot grants. Read MoreMar 21, 2014
Next Safe Zone workshop is April 8
A Safe Zone Workshop at Vanderbilt will take place on Tuesday, April 8, 9 a.m.-noon in Sarratt 189. Read MoreMar 21, 2014
Renoir and Munch subjects of Goldberg Lecture March 27
"Night in St. Cloud," Edvard Munch, 1890. (Nasjonalgalleriet) S. Hollis Clayson, the 2013-14 Samuel H. Kress Professor at the National Gallery of Art‘s Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts as well as the Bergen Evans Professor in the Humanities at Northwestern University, will discuss “Confinement and Absorption:… Read MoreMar 21, 2014
SECURITY NOTICE: Burglary on campus
On March 20 at 2:50 p.m., Vanderbilt University Police Department was notified by a staff member at the Village at Vanderbilt commercial building that an office on the third floor had been unlawfully entered and property had been taken. The burglary is believed to have occurred sometime between 11:50 a.m. Read MoreMar 20, 2014
Harry Potter-themed psychology class travels to England
Harry Potter was the theme of a unique undergraduate psychology class taught by two Vanderbilt professors in Oxford, England over spring break, March 1-9. Read MoreMar 20, 2014
Chat live online with experts on colorectal cancer, spring allergies
Vanderbilt health experts will answer questions live in two upcoming online chats about colorectal cancer and spring allergies. In recognition of National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Alan Herline, associate professor of surgery, will take questions about colon and rectal cancers from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, March 27. Herline… Read MoreMar 19, 2014
Magdalene founder, award-winning musicians lead roundtable on memoir writing from theological perspective
“God-talk and Memoir Writing,” a roundtable conversation on the craft of memoir from a theological perspective, is scheduled for 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, at Vanderbilt Divinity School, Room G-20. The roundtable will feature the Rev. Becca Stevens, MDiv’90, the Rev. Ian Cron and musical artists Ashley… Read MoreMar 19, 2014
Dr. Drew final speaker in 2013-14 Project Dialogue series at Vanderbilt
Physician Drew Pinsky, host of the nightly show "Dr. Drew On Call" on cable television network HLN, will deliver a talk, “When Painkillers Become Dangerous,” Thursday, March 20, at Vanderbilt's Student Life Center ballroom. Read MoreMar 18, 2014
Vanderbilt education leaders confab with Parliament’s Michael Gove
Vanderbilt recently played host to the United Kingdom’s Secretary of State for Education Michael Gove when the British Conservative Party politician called on members of the Tennessee Consortium on Research, Evaluation and Development. Read MoreMar 17, 2014
Vanderbilt Libraries host conversation with Moser and Patchett
Book artist Barry Moser and author Ann Patchett will hold a public conversation March 27 at the Vanderbilt Central Library. Read MoreMar 17, 2014
SECURITY NOTICE: Forcible fondling on campus
On March 15 at approximately 6:35 p.m., an unknown male subject approached a female student from behind while she was bent over and touched her inappropriately. The incident occurred in the lobby of a campus dormitory. The subject ran off in the direction of a stairwell. Description: The suspect was described as a… Read MoreMar 16, 2014