
SECURITY NOTICE: Armed robbery off campus

On Sunday, Jan. 22, at 8:01 p.m., Metro Nashville Police requested the assistance of Vanderbilt University Police regarding an armed robbery at the Jack-in-the-Box… Read More

Teacher compensation ‘incredibly inefficient’

Teacher salaries are largely set by schedules which are neither performance-related nor market-driven and have significant consequences on school staffing and workforce quality, new research… Read More

Not so different after all

Ellen Goldring New research from the National Center on School Choice reveals little difference among school leaders across public, private and choice… Read More

New partner for national center

Fort Worth Independent School District is the latest partner in a national center at Peabody that aims to identify programs, practices, processes and policies that… Read More

One Magnolia Circle

The Peabody College building that houses the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, the Department of Special Education and the Susan Gray School has received… Read More

Awards and Honors

Bickman Chatman Cho Erickson Ford Hughes… Read More

New Faculty

Jason Grissom Carrie A. Kortegast Christine Quinn Trank Carrie Masten Kristopher Preacher Erik Carter The Department of Leadership, Policy and Organizations welcomed three new faculty… Read More

Wyatt Center highlights students’ summer internship experiences

Avi Richman (left) and Hada Flores (right, speaking) with Xiu Cravens, associate dean of international affairs, at a September poster event at… Read More

Hanging of the Green at the Wyatt Center

James Hogge (right), associate dean and professor, emeritus, leads students in Peabody’s annual Hanging of the Green at the Wyatt Center on… Read More

Seventh year for ELLE collaboration

  Guoming Long receives a high five from a Susan Gray School student during a tour of the school for ELLE participants… Read More

Dean Benbow visits the White House

On Monday, Sept. 26, when First Lady Michelle Obama hosted an event at the White House to announce a new program designed to make life… Read More

Lipsey wins Earl Sutherland Prize

Mark Lipsey, director of the Peabody Research Institute (center), receives the Earl Sutherland Prize for Achievement in Research at the fall faculty… Read More

Winter 2012 Staff

Illustration by Sara Tyson Visit Peabody College’s website at Bonnie Arant Ertelt, Editor Donna Pritchett, Art Director Michael Smeltzer,… Read More

In-state tuition and undocumented immigrants

New research from Peabody finds ideology and partisanship do not play a significant role in whether a state considers extending in-state college… Read More

Early motor training and social development

  In a new study published in the journal Developmental Science, researchers from Peabody and the Kennedy Krieger Institute found that early… Read More

Analysis of mortality among infants with Down syndrome

An analysis of the amount, timing and causes of infant mortality among newborns with Down syndrome is the focus of new research by Vanderbilt Kennedy… Read More

The first group of graduates from Vanderbilt’s Next Steps program

The first group of graduates from Vanderbilt’s Next Steps program (with thanks to supporter Linda Brooks and the Tennessee Council on Developmental… Read More

Read About It

School Choice and School Improvement (2011, Harvard Education Press) edited by Mark Behrends,… Read More

From Research to Policy Change

A professor at Peabody once said in class that research is advocacy just as much as handing out a pamphlet is advocacy. On May 26, 2011, we both saw our research turned into advocacy on a scale that few graduate student researchers ever get to experience. Read More

Sophisticated Talk

New research from Peabody finds that preschool teachers’ use of sophisticated vocabulary and analytic talk about books, combined with early support for literacy in the home, can predict fourth-grade reading comprehension and word recognition. Read More