Susan Ford Wiltshire
In Awe and Remembrance: Vereen Bell, professor of English, emeritus
Jon Parrish Peede, BS’91, former director of the National Endowment for the Humanities, reflects on his respect for the late Vereen Bell. Read MoreDec 13, 2021
A Center of Their Own: The Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center marks 40 years of interaction and change
Tthe Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, which celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2018, is taking a look at its origins through an oral history project and a documentary exhibit. Read MoreFeb 19, 2019
Common Good: Alumni who discovered a passion for service at Vanderbilt—and have devoted their lives to giving back
At Vanderbilt, which includes in its mission “service to the community and society at large,” numerous graduates have dedicated their life’s work to helping improve conditions around the world. Read MoreMay 29, 2017
Transformative Times: Editor’s Letter, Fall 2016
Like most readers of Vanderbilt Magazine, I often flip to the Class Notes section first. After scouring the Class of ’96 for any juicy nuggets, I branch out to overlapping years, searching for names that ring a faint bell. Read MoreNov 20, 2016
A Letter to My Daughter: How we made our mark on women’s equity at Vanderbilt
This essay is adapted from The Long View: Essays, Poems, Stories (2015, Cordelia Hollis) by Susan Ford Wiltshire, Vanderbilt professor of classical studies, emerita. Wiltshire wrote this piece as a letter to her daughter, Carrie Wiltshire McCutcheon, JD’05, who is an attorney at Baker Donelson law firm in Nashville. Read MoreNov 20, 2016