Arianna Huffington, Tim Pawlenty among headliners at Vanderbilt University’s 2011 Impact Symposium
Arianna Huffington (Photo courtesy of Washington Speakers Bureau) PLEASE NOTE that Arianna Huffington and William Kristol’s talk was rescheduled and took place Monday night. Arianna Huffington, editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post; Tim Pawlenty, former governor of Minnesota; Christina Romer, former chair of President Obama’s Council of Economic… Read MoreFeb 16, 2011
Revolution in the Middle East subject of Vanderbilt forum
Panelists for the forum “Revolution in the Middle East!” are Katherine Blue Carroll, assistant professor of political science; Richard McGregor, associate professor of Islamic Studies; Beverly Moran, professor of law; and Thomas Schwartz, professor of history. Cherie Fathy, a junior in the College of Arts and Science, will serve as moderator. Read MoreFeb 15, 2011
Health care reform at the “grass-roots” level
Health care reform will likely remain a hot-button issue through the 2012 election. But while the pros and cons of last year’s health reform legislation are debated in Congress and on the campaign trail, considerable efforts are underway at the grassroots level to redesign the way health care is delivered… Read MoreJan 15, 2011
Vanderbilt expert: Keep partisan politics out of Tucson tragedy
John Geer [Vanderbilt has a 24/7 video and audio studio with a dedicated fiber optic line and ISDN line. Use of the TV studio with Vanderbilt experts is free, except for reserving fiber time.] Blaming the Tea Party or heated political rhetoric in general for the Tucson mass shooting would… Read MoreJan 11, 2011
TIPSHEET: Vanderbilt expert able to comment on DREAM Act
As members of Congress spar over whether or not to provide tuition benefits and a path to legalization to undocumented students through the DREAM Act, an examination of the nation’s first state-level “dream act” indicates such policy effectively boosts college enrollment by these students. Read MoreDec 6, 2010
Tea Party as much a response to Bush Republicanism as to Obama
“Bush Republicanism did as much to breathe life into the Tea Party Rebellion as did Obama Democracy,” according to Vanderbilt University historian Gary Gerstle. Read MoreNov 19, 2010
Listen: Minorities, Multiculturalism and the Presidency of George W. Bush
The Presidency of George W. Bush Gary Gerstle, the James G. Stahlman Professor of American History, has done extensive research about President George W. Bush’s vision for a multicultural world and the steep challenges it faced during his administration. Gerstle’s essay, “Minorities, Multiculturalism and the Presidency of George W. Read MoreNov 12, 2010
Analysis of 2010 midterm elections: Vanderbilt experts
[Vanderbilt has a 24/7 video and audio studio with a dedicated fiber optic line and ISDN line. Use of the TV studio with Vanderbilt experts is free, except for reserving fiber time.] Voters didn’t always look at incumbents’ political records: The continued weak economy, widespread public distrust and massive spending… Read MoreNov 3, 2010
Listen: Vanderbilt center seeks to inform policy debate
Vanderbilt’s Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions has a strong community outreach component that seeks to help citizens understand contemporary public policy issues and debates. Political scientists John Geer and David Lewis are among the four co-directors of the center that is housed within the Department of… Read MoreOct 29, 2010
Video: “It’s Bigger than Hip Hop: Art, Race and Politics”
Watch award-winning author and filmmaker M.K. Asante deliver Vanderbilt’s annual Walter R. Murray Jr. Lecture. Hailed by the Philadelphia Inquirer as “a rare, remarkable talent that brings to mind the great artists of the Harlem Renaissance,” Asante is the author of three celebrated books and films. Murray was the first… Read MoreOct 22, 2010
VUCast: Vanderbilt’s ties to Goldilocks
See how Vanderbilt helped find Goldilocks; find out which political science professor is helping NBC with election coverage; and you’re never too young to support the Commodores! [vucastblurb]… Read MoreOct 22, 2010
Tipsheet: Outlook for 2010 midterm elections: Vanderbilt experts
Expect the campaign rhetoric to sizzle the last two weeks before the 2010 midterms, says John Geer, chair and Distinguished Professor of Political Science. Read MoreOct 18, 2010
Video: Genetics and politics
Professor John Alford of Rice University speaks about the correlation between genetics and politics. This MLAS Fall 2010 class, led by Professors John Geer and David Bader, explores how genetics might influence politics. Read more >> Contact: news@vanderbilt.edu (615) 322-NEWS… Read MoreOct 15, 2010
Video: Mark McKinnon offers insider’s perspective on national political campaigns
An award-winning national media producer and communications strategist whose clients have included President George W. Bush and Sen. John McCain discussed key elements of successful campaigns with students in a political science class taught by John Geer and Roy Neel. Mark McKinnon, vice chairman of the Austin-based Public Strategies Inc.,… Read MoreOct 8, 2010
Vanderbilt political scientist assists NBC News with midterm election analysis
Joshua Clinton Vanderbilt University political scientist Joshua D. Clinton has been named an election analyst for NBC News and will assist the network with its coverage of the 2010 midterm elections. The associate professor of political science will use his strong research-based expertise in congressional politics, campaigns, elections, polling… Read MoreOct 4, 2010
More shake-ups for Obama’s team of rivals, says Vanderbilt political scientist
President Barack Obama’s declining approval ratings increase the challenges of keeping his once-lauded “team of rivals” in place through 2012, according to David E. Lewis, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreSep 30, 2010
Best-selling author, social and political satirist Christopher Buckley to speak at Vanderbilt University Oct. 19
Christipher Buckley (Photo by John Huba/Art & Commerce) Christopher Buckley, hailed as “the quintessential political novelist of his time” by Fortune magazine, will give a public lecture at Vanderbilt University Tuesday, Oct. 19, at 7 p.m. Tickets for the event go on sale today. Buckley’s talk will be held in… Read MoreSep 22, 2010
2010 Candidates’ Picnic
In the style of a traditional, small-town political rally, the 2010 Candidates’ Picnic attracted approximately 1,100 of Vanderbilt employees, students and friends to Olin Lawn on Sept. 16. Some 3,100 hot dogs along with chips, home-made cookies and ice cream sandwiches were served while 28 candidates or their representatives in… Read MoreSep 20, 2010
Old-fashioned politicking at Vanderbilt candidates’ picnic
Vanderbilt University will host a candidates’ picnic in the style of a small-town political rally with live Dixieland jazz on Sept. 16. All statewide candidates for public office and candidates from the 13-county standard metropolitan statistical area have been invited to the event on Olin Lawn from 11:30 a.m. to… Read MoreSep 10, 2010
Vanderbilt study looks at government shakeup in Honduras
Based on surveys in Honduras, the combination of low levels of education for the masses and high levels of wealth among the elite is a good recipe for undermining democracy. The Latin American Public Opinion Project, a consortium of universities and research institutes based at Vanderbilt University which tracks… Read MoreAug 4, 2010