Featured Myvu
MyVU print edition features new faculty
On newsstands now is a special print edition of MyVU—Vanderbilt’s online hub for faculty and staff—that honors some of the newest faces on campus and showcases their exciting work in the fields of pediatrics, anthropology, history, education, law, music and more. Read MoreDec 6, 2012
Human Resources announces policy updates
(Vanderbilt University) Several Human Resources policies have been revised, and the changes are effective today, Dec. 6, 2012. The revised policies include: FMLA and TMLA, Non-FMLA Medical Leave, Performance Accountability and Commitment, Progressive Discipline, Work Related Accident and Return to Work… Read MoreDec 6, 2012
Chancellor’s Bowl Message 2012
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos asks you to spend New Year’s Eve at the Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl. Go Dores! [vucastblurb]… Read MoreDec 6, 2012
Free turkeys, more to be given away to faculty and staff
UPDATE: We regret that due to high demand, we are unfortunately out of aprons. Turkeys and tofurkeys are still available. Vanderbilt’s annual Turkey Toss, at which all employees may pick up a free turkey, is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 14. New this year, a limited number of signature Vanderbilt aprons—a few of… Read MoreDec 5, 2012
Vanderbilt research is giving hope for the prevention and treatment of diabetes
The statistics are jarring. More than 25.8 million children and adults in the United States—8.3 percent of the population—have diabetes. And predictions are that one in three people will have the chronic disease by 2050. In addition to the toll on a person’s physical and emotional health, it’s also… Read MoreDec 5, 2012
New faculty: Ebony McGee tells the stories of STEM students
As an assistant professor of education, diversity and urban schooling in the Department of Teaching and Learning, McGee will continue the research she began as a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow: investigating the role of stereotypes and other influences in the postsecondary career and academic decision-making of high-achieving African American, Asian and Latino STEM students. Read MoreDec 4, 2012
Mayor Dean’s ‘Walk 100 Miles’ challenge comes to Vanderbilt
Nashville Mayor Karl Dean will help lead a two-mile walk around the Vanderbilt University campus Thursday, Dec. 6, as part of the Walk 100 Miles with the Mayor initiative in 2012. Read MoreDec 4, 2012
New faculty: Jeremy Wilson comes home to Tennessee, by way of Vienna
Few musicians win their first orchestral audition, and the likelihood that the first audition is with the prestigious Vienna Philharmonic is very slim. That puts Jeremy Wilson, Blair School of Music's new associate professor of trombone, in a class all by himself. Read MoreDec 4, 2012
Vanderbilt sophomores create program to donate portion of student meal plan to feed Nashville’s hungry
Several thousand people in the Nashville community will be less hungry this holiday season, thanks to two Vanderbilt University students who have teamed with Vanderbilt Dining for an innovative initiative to combat hunger in Middle Tennessee. Read MoreDec 3, 2012
VUPD earns reaccreditation through CALEA
Vanderbilt University Police Department has successfully earned reaccreditation through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. Read MoreDec 3, 2012
Community Health Charities gives hope to those battling illness and chronic disease
Facing illness, whether personally or through the experience of a friend or family member, is an unavoidable part of life. Sooner or later, we’re all touched by cancer, diabetes, heart disease, mental illness or any number of health conditions. Cheryl Chunn (Vanderbilt University) Associate Dean of Development and… Read MoreDec 3, 2012
Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt urges caution during holiday decorating
Holiday lights and decorations bring an increased potential for injury, especially to young children. Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt is offering a host of tips to keep homes safe and prevent holiday-related injuries. Holiday home safety mishaps account for more than 12,000 emergency… Read MoreDec 3, 2012
Commodores to play in Music City Bowl
Hundreds gathered Dec. 1 at the Student Life Center to hear that the Vanderbilt Commodores had accepted the invitation to play in the Music City Bowl Dec. 31. (John Russell/Vanderbilt). The Vanderbilt Commodores will play in the Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl at LP Field in Nashville on Dec. 31. Read MoreDec 2, 2012
Donald J. Hall, longtime professor at Vanderbilt Law School, has died
Longtime Vanderbilt Law School professor Donald J. Hall died Nov. 29. He spent his entire academic career at Vanderbilt, starting in 1970 and retiring in 2007. Read MoreNov 30, 2012
New faculty: Derek Griffith explores the complexities of men’s health
Griffith serves not only as an associate professor of medicine, health and society within the College of Arts and Science, but also as an associate professor of medicine at the School of Medicine. Read MoreNov 30, 2012
New faculty: Amy Non links health disparities to genetics and environment
A molecular anthropologist specializing in epigenetics, the study of how environment and behavior affect the expression of genes, Amy Non's work integrates genetics, anthropology and public health. Read MoreNov 30, 2012
New research to help principals use teacher effectiveness for hiring, retention decisions
Helping school administrators navigate an ever-growing stream of teacher effectiveness data and apply it to their human capital decision-making is the focus of a Vanderbilt University study, which was awarded a $590,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Read MoreNov 29, 2012
Read to Succeed gives children hope for a better life
“The more that you read, the more things you will know; the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” This line from a classic Dr. Seuss book proclaims what education researchers and advocates have proven true: Reading is not only essential to learning, but also helps forge… Read MoreNov 29, 2012
New faculty: David Blackbourn communes with the past
David Blackbourn (John Russell/Vanderbilt) Communicating with the departed is something David Blackbourn does on a daily basis. As a scholar of German history and the Cornelius Vanderbilt Distinguished Chair in History, he sees his life’s work as a way to “get into the heads of dead people.”… Read MoreNov 28, 2012
New faculty: Jie Deng’s care for patients inspires lymphedema research
Jie Deng (Daniel Dubois/Vanderbilt) For Jie Deng, the desire to further nursing research and education began with the SARS outbreak in China in 2003. At the time, she was the associate chief nursing officer at Peking University Health Science Center in Beijing. “Our nurses were incredible—the sacrifices… Read MoreNov 28, 2012