Renamed Arts and Science department deepens cross-disciplinary focus
Faculty and students will explore cultural history, literature, film, political culture and other interdisciplinary areas in the newly named Department of German, Russian and East European Studies. Read MoreDec 6, 2016
Blood-brain barrier on a chip sheds new light on “silent killer”
A new microfluidic device containing human cells that faithfully mimics the behavior of the blood-brain barrier is providing new insights into brain inflammation, the silent killer. Read MoreDec 6, 2016
The myth that healthy foods cost more may have a negative impact on consumer choices
The idea that healthy foods are universally more expensive drives consumer choices to a degree that it shouldn’t, according to a new Vanderbilt study. Read MoreDec 1, 2016
Basic Science Research Advisory Committee formed
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (VUSM) has formed a new Basic Science Research Advisory Committee. Read MoreDec 1, 2016
Study tests shorter antibiotic course in children
Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) are leading a multicenter clinical trial to evaluate whether a shorter course of antibiotics — five days instead of 10 — is effective at treating community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children who show improvement after the first few days of taking antibiotics. Read MoreDec 1, 2016
Unique premed program provides tools to understand social contexts for health
Seniors who completed the program were as likely as traditional pre-med students to be accepted into medical school. Read MoreNov 30, 2016
Tennessine approved as name of newly discovered element
Tennessee joins California to become only the second American state memorialized in the periodic table of elements. Read MoreNov 30, 2016
How copying is done should matter in copyright infringement complaints
The method of reproduction should figure into copyright law questions, says Vanderbilt law professor Joseph Fishman. Read MoreNov 30, 2016
Each animal species hosts a unique microbial community and benefits from it
A laboratory study of four animal species and their microbiota finds that each species hosts a unique community of microbes that can significantly improve its health and fitness. Read MoreNov 28, 2016
Rockefeller University’s Elaine Fuchs, Ph.D., named 2016 recipient of the Vanderbilt Prize in Biomedical Science
Elaine Fuchs, Ph.D., whose innovative use of reverse genetics has helped redefine the study of skin diseases and cancer stem cells, is the recipient of the 2016 Vanderbilt Prize in Biomedical Science, officials at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) announced today. Read MoreNov 28, 2016
Nine Vanderbilt faculty members elected AAAS fellows
Nine Vanderbilt University faculty members have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science this year. Read MoreNov 25, 2016
Reducing antidepressants’ side effects
Vanderbilt investigators have discovered how antidepressant medicines that block serotonin uptake can increase bleeding risk. Read MoreNov 23, 2016
Right resources at the right time goal of public-private partnership for Nashville youths
A nearly $5 million grant from the National Institute of Justice will fund a five-year partnership between the Office of Nashville Mayor Megan Barry, Metro Schools, Oasis Center and Vanderbilt. Read MoreNov 21, 2016
Mood ring materials – a new way to detect damage in failing infrastructure
"Mood ring materials" constitute a new type of smart sensing technology that could play an important role in minimizing and mitigating damage to the nation's failing infrastructure. Read MoreNov 21, 2016
Vanderbilt expert predicted rise of white nationalism in 2002
The rise of white nationalism was predicted in a book written by Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain in 2002 Read MoreNov 21, 2016
Building the basement membrane
Vanderbilt researchers have discovered steps in the regulation of a key enzyme that builds the basement membrane, a structure that undergirds nearly all animal tissues. Read MoreNov 21, 2016
Targeting the “un-targetable”
A novel drug that targets the protein RSK blocked aggressive breast cancers from metastasizing in an animal model. Read MoreNov 18, 2016
Graduate student’s cancer studies land NCI support
Kamakoti “Kami” Bhat, a fifth-year graduate student in the lab of David Cortez, Ph.D., professor of Biochemistry in the School of Medicine, has achieved a “first” for Vanderbilt University. Read MoreNov 17, 2016
Stem cells promote tolerance
Blood-forming stem cells play a role in immune tolerance and acceptance of organ transplants, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered. Read MoreNov 17, 2016
Finally, a type of face that men recognize better than women
A study finds men are better at recognizing Transformer faces while women are better at recognizing Barbie faces, supporting the theory that we're more likely to recognize what we're used to seeing. Read MoreNov 16, 2016