Bartels wins $10,000 research award at Faculty Assembly
Vanderbilt’s most prestigious faculty award for accomplishments in research, scholarship or creative expression was given to Larry Bartels during the 2017 Fall Faculty Assembly on Aug. 24. Read MoreAug 25, 2017
New research on Fragile X syndrome reinforces importance of early detection
New insights into the long-lasting effects of Fragile X syndrome on connections in the brain during early development highlight the importance of early detection and treatment. Read MoreAug 25, 2017
Racing the eclipse, School of Engineering weather balloon sends striking video
A high-altitude weather balloon rose yesterday from a Vanderbilt garage rooftop to the edge of space to live-stream the eclipse from above Nashville and record the temporary atmospheric changes it caused. Read MoreAug 24, 2017
Drug discovery efforts may lead to new Rett syndrome treatments
Vanderbilt University research-ers have relieved symptoms of Rett syndrome in a mouse model with a small molecule that works like the dimmer switch in an electrical circuit. Read MoreAug 24, 2017
Academic Strategic Plan continues to blaze path for university’s future course
Entering its fourth year, Vanderbilt University’s Academic Strategic Plan still charts the course for the university’s efforts as it moves forward to address the complex problems facing society. Read MoreAug 23, 2017
Oxidative stress on the brain
Vanderbilt investigators have discovered that oxidative damage may play an important role in the development of a rare cholesterol synthesis disease and in the behavioral changes of autism spectrum disorders. Read MoreAug 23, 2017
Fatty acids and adenoma risk
Vanderbilt researchers have found that red blood cell membrane fatty acid content is associated with risk of having colorectal adenomas, with omega-6 fatty acids increasing and omega-3 fatty acids decreasing risk. Read MoreAug 21, 2017
Sugars in human mother’s milk are non-toxic antibacterial agents
A new study has found that sugars in mother's' milk do not just provide nutrition for babies but also help protect them from bacterial infections. Read MoreAug 20, 2017
Predicting brain surgery outcomes
Assessing brain functional and structural connectivity in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy may be a useful way to identify the best candidates for surgical treatment. Read MoreAug 18, 2017
Research-practice partnerships strengthen ties with Vanderbilt faculty
Education researchers shared knowledge with representatives of research-practice partnerships from across the nation. Read MoreAug 17, 2017
New working group launches for big data and data science initiatives
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Susan R. Wente has named 20 faculty members to a new working group that will analyze the directions for new big data and data science initiatives. Read MoreAug 17, 2017
Block estrogen to treat lung disease
Based on findings from Vanderbilt investigators and others, clinical trials of estrogen inhibition for pulmonary arterial hypertension have recently been approved and funded by the National Institutes of Health. Read MoreAug 17, 2017
Polyn elected fellow of Association for Psychological Science
Associate Professor of Psychology Sean Polyn has been elected as a 2017 fellow of the Association for Psychological Science. Read MoreAug 15, 2017
Cancer-fighting T cells are smarter, stronger than experts thought
It takes a minuscule amount of force to make T cells behave in the lab as they behave in the body. That finding is a leap in cancer therapy research. Read MoreAug 14, 2017
VUSN and VUMC researchers receive FAANP funding for Choosing Wisely collaborative study
A collaborative project between Vanderbilt University School of Nursing and Vanderbilt University Medical Center has received funding to pilot a project aimed at demonstrating the influence of nurse practitioners in reducing unnecessary testing. Read MoreAug 14, 2017
Stress may switch on bone “mets”
New findings could explain the link between chronic stress and reduced survival in women diagnosed with breast cancer, and could lead to new strategies to improve treatment outcomes. Read MoreAug 9, 2017
Early drivers of gastric cancer
Using bioinformatics approaches, Vanderbilt investigators have identified gene expression networks that are deregulated in mouse and human stomach cancers. Read MoreAug 8, 2017
New search committee for VBI director is appointed
A new committee has been named to lead a national search for the Barlow Family Director of the Vanderbilt Brain Institute. Read MoreAug 7, 2017
Vanderbilt begins Phase 1 trials of new Alzheimer’s drug
Developed at Vanderbilt, VU319 is designed to precisely target a specific neuron receptor associated with cognitive function while avoiding potentially dangerous side effects. Read MoreAug 7, 2017
More than 120 undergrads gain graduate-level research experience through VSSA
Students hosted by the elite Vanderbilt Summer Science Academy presented their research—from stem cells to Zika—at the 15th annual Student Research Symposium held Aug. 3 at the Engineering and Science Building. Read MoreAug 4, 2017